Do not apply skip-unless-changed for cron triggers. #604
FirefoxCI (pull_request)
The task that creates all of the other tasks in the task graph
View task in Taskcluster | View logs in Taskcluster | View task group in Taskcluster
Task Status
Started: 2024-11-05T20:50:28.617Z
Resolved: 2024-11-05T20:50:38.227Z
Task Execution Time: 9 seconds, 610 milliseconds
Task Status: completed
Reason Resolved: completed
RunId: 0
- public/actions.json
- public/chain-of-trust.json
- public/chain-of-trust.json.sig
- public/docker-contexts/decision.tar.gz
- public/docker-contexts/fetch.tar.gz
- public/docker-contexts/index-task.tar.gz
- public/docker-contexts/python.tar.gz
- public/docker-contexts/run-task.tar.gz
- public/docker-contexts/skopeo.tar.gz
- public/fetch-content
- public/full-task-graph.json
- public/label-to-taskid.json
- public/logs/certified.log
- public/logs/live_backing.log
- public/logs/live.log
- public/optimizations.log
- public/parameters.yml
- public/runnable-jobs.json
- public/run-task
- public/target-tasks.json
- public/task-graph.json
[taskcluster 2024-11-05 20:50:28.726Z] Task ID: fJc79fZgRnujOF1pFb9dKA
[taskcluster 2024-11-05 20:50:28.726Z] Worker ID: 6492764272782162503
[taskcluster 2024-11-05 20:50:28.726Z] Worker Group: us-central1-f
[taskcluster 2024-11-05 20:50:28.726Z] Worker Node Type: projects/887720501152/machineTypes/n2-standard-2
[taskcluster 2024-11-05 20:50:28.726Z] Worker Pool: taskgraph-1/decision-gcp
[taskcluster 2024-11-05 20:50:28.726Z] Worker Version: 38.0.5
[taskcluster 2024-11-05 20:50:28.726Z] Public IP:
[taskcluster 2024-11-05 20:50:28.726Z] Hostname: taskgraph-1-decision-gcp-yy9q7ackstaxzadmw9qltq
[taskcluster 2024-11-05 20:50:28.726Z] using cache "taskgraph-level-1-checkouts-sparse-v2" -> /builds/worker/checkouts
[taskcluster 2024-11-05 20:50:29.276Z] === Task Starting ===
[setup 2024-11-05T20:50:29.713Z] run-task started in /
[setup 2024-11-05T20:50:29.713Z] Invoked by command: --taskgraph-checkout=/builds/worker/checkouts/src -- bash -cx cd /builds/worker/checkouts/src && ln -s /builds/worker/artifacts artifacts && pip3 install --user --break-system-packages . && taskgraph decision --verbose --pushlog-id='0' --pushdate='0' --project='taskgraph' --owner='[email protected]' --level='1' --repository-type=git --tasks-for='github-pull-request-untrusted' --base-repository='' --base-ref='main' --base-rev='a37236a86e65467cd16470259912fb0b98b253c8' --head-repository='' --head-ref='skip-unless-changed-no-cron' --head-rev='0c472068404dbbd528b5892bff32f19f614ee076'
[setup 2024-11-05T20:50:29.713Z] Python version: 3.11.2
[vcs 2024-11-05T20:50:29.715Z] WARNING: vcs checkout path (/builds/worker/checkouts/src) not in cache or volume; performance will likely suffer
[setup 2024-11-05T20:50:29.715Z] running as worker:worker
[vcs 2024-11-05T20:50:29.715Z] executing ['git', 'config', '--global', '--add', '', '/builds/worker/checkouts/src']
[vcs 2024-11-05T20:50:29.717Z] executing ['git', 'fetch', 'origin', 'main']
[vcs 2024-11-05T20:50:29.902Z] From
...(41 lines hidden)...
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:33.350Z] Requirement already satisfied: python-slugify>=4.0.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages (from cookiecutter~=2.1->taskcluster-taskgraph==12.0.0) (8.0.4)
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:33.352Z] Requirement already satisfied: arrow in /usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages (from cookiecutter~=2.1->taskcluster-taskgraph==12.0.0) (1.3.0)
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:33.353Z] Requirement already satisfied: rich in /usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages (from cookiecutter~=2.1->taskcluster-taskgraph==12.0.0) (13.8.0)
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:33.371Z] Requirement already satisfied: charset-normalizer<4,>=2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages (from requests>=2.25->taskcluster-taskgraph==12.0.0) (3.3.2)
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:33.373Z] Requirement already satisfied: idna<4,>=2.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages (from requests>=2.25->taskcluster-taskgraph==12.0.0) (3.8)
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:33.375Z] Requirement already satisfied: urllib3<3,>=1.21.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages (from requests>=2.25->taskcluster-taskgraph==12.0.0) (2.2.2)
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:33.377Z] Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in /usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages (from requests>=2.25->taskcluster-taskgraph==12.0.0) (2024.8.30)
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:33.393Z] Requirement already satisfied: giturlparse in /usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages (from mozilla-repo-urls->taskcluster-taskgraph==12.0.0) (0.12.0)
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:33.400Z] Requirement already satisfied: chardet>=3.0.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages (from binaryornot>=0.4.4->cookiecutter~=2.1->taskcluster-taskgraph==12.0.0) (5.2.0)
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:33.433Z] Requirement already satisfied: MarkupSafe>=2.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages (from Jinja2<4.0.0,>=2.7->cookiecutter~=2.1->taskcluster-taskgraph==12.0.0) (2.1.5)
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:33.443Z] Requirement already satisfied: text-unidecode>=1.3 in /usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages (from python-slugify>=4.0.0->cookiecutter~=2.1->taskcluster-taskgraph==12.0.0) (1.3)
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:33.477Z] Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.7.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages (from arrow->cookiecutter~=2.1->taskcluster-taskgraph==12.0.0) (2.9.0.post0)
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:33.479Z] Requirement already satisfied: types-python-dateutil>=2.8.10 in /usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages (from arrow->cookiecutter~=2.1->taskcluster-taskgraph==12.0.0) (
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:33.500Z] Requirement already satisfied: markdown-it-py>=2.2.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages (from rich->cookiecutter~=2.1->taskcluster-taskgraph==12.0.0) (3.0.0)
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:33.503Z] Requirement already satisfied: pygments<3.0.0,>=2.13.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages (from rich->cookiecutter~=2.1->taskcluster-taskgraph==12.0.0) (2.18.0)
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:33.541Z] Requirement already satisfied: mdurl~=0.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages (from markdown-it-py>=2.2.0->rich->cookiecutter~=2.1->taskcluster-taskgraph==12.0.0) (0.1.2)
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:33.572Z] Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages (from python-dateutil>=2.7.0->arrow->cookiecutter~=2.1->taskcluster-taskgraph==12.0.0) (1.16.0)
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:33.623Z] Building wheels for collected packages: taskcluster-taskgraph
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:33.624Z] Building wheel for taskcluster-taskgraph (pyproject.toml): started
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:33.662Z] Building wheel for taskcluster-taskgraph (pyproject.toml): finished with status 'done'
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:33.664Z] Created wheel for taskcluster-taskgraph: filename=taskcluster_taskgraph-12.0.0-py3-none-any.whl size=193926 sha256=ab3fda0583b86b2b7953624048c5525e1969aab7ec00b37d40090692b2f5db4d
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:33.665Z] Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-rps_qmrk/wheels/54/fa/b4/d3017bf051c083cc076bfd93af1693baf4c91b8f6fee74b0bc
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:33.670Z] Successfully built taskcluster-taskgraph
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:33.780Z] Installing collected packages: taskcluster-taskgraph
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:33.880Z] WARNING: The script taskgraph is installed in '/builds/worker/.local/bin' which is not on PATH.
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:33.880Z] Consider adding this directory to PATH or, if you prefer to suppress this warning, use --no-warn-script-location.
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:33.886Z] Successfully installed taskcluster-taskgraph-12.0.0
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.026Z] + taskgraph decision --verbose --pushlog-id=0 --pushdate=0 --project=taskgraph [email protected] --level=1 --repository-type=git --tasks-for=github-pull-request-untrusted --base-repository= --base-ref=main --base-rev=a37236a86e65467cd16470259912fb0b98b253c8 --head-repository= --head-ref=skip-unless-changed-no-cron --head-rev=0c472068404dbbd528b5892bff32f19f614ee076
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.587Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,587 - INFO - Loading graph configuration.
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.587Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,587 - DEBUG - loading config from `taskcluster/config.yml`
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.598Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,597 - WARNING - using default project parameters; add taskgraph to PER_PROJECT_PARAMETERS in /builds/worker/.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/taskgraph/ to customize behavior for this project
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.599Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,598 - INFO - Using Parameters(id=4636dc4828fd) (from defaults)
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.600Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,599 - DEBUG - Dumping parameters:
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.600Z] { 'base_ref': 'main',
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.600Z] 'base_repository': '',
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.602Z] 'base_rev': 'a37236a86e65467cd16470259912fb0b98b253c8',
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.602Z] 'build_date': 1730839834,
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.602Z] 'build_number': 1,
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.603Z] 'do_not_optimize': [],
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.603Z] 'enable_always_target': True,
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.604Z] 'existing_tasks': {},
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.604Z] 'files_changed': [ 'src/taskgraph/optimize/',
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.604Z] 'test/',
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.604Z] 'docs/reference/optimization-strategies.rst',
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.604Z] 'src/taskgraph/optimize/',
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.605Z] 'test/'],
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.605Z] 'filters': ['target_tasks_method'],
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.605Z] 'head_ref': 'skip-unless-changed-no-cron',
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.606Z] 'head_repository': '',
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.606Z] 'head_rev': '0c472068404dbbd528b5892bff32f19f614ee076',
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.606Z] 'head_tag': '',
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.607Z] 'level': '1',
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.607Z] 'moz_build_date': '20241105205034',
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.607Z] 'next_version': None,
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.607Z] 'optimize_strategies': None,
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.607Z] 'optimize_target_tasks': True,
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.607Z] 'owner': '[email protected]',
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.607Z] 'project': 'taskgraph',
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.607Z] 'pushdate': 0,
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.607Z] 'pushlog_id': '0',
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.607Z] 'repository_type': 'git',
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.607Z] 'target_tasks_method': 'default',
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.607Z] 'tasks_for': 'github-pull-request-untrusted',
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.607Z] 'version': None}
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.607Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,599 - INFO - writing artifact file `parameters.yml`
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.610Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,610 - INFO - writing artifact file `actions.json`
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.611Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,611 - INFO - Loading kinds
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.612Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,611 - DEBUG - loading kind `docker-image` from `taskcluster/kinds/docker-image`
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.612Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,612 - DEBUG - loading kind `test` from `taskcluster/kinds/test`
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.613Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,613 - DEBUG - loading kind `check` from `taskcluster/kinds/check`
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.614Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,613 - DEBUG - loading kind `doc` from `taskcluster/kinds/doc`
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.614Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,614 - DEBUG - loading kind `fetch` from `taskcluster/kinds/fetch`
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.616Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,614 - DEBUG - loading kind `push-image` from `taskcluster/kinds/push-image`
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.616Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,615 - DEBUG - loading kind `codecov` from `taskcluster/kinds/codecov`
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.616Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,616 - INFO - Generating full task set
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.616Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,616 - DEBUG - Loading tasks for kind check
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.631Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,631 - DEBUG - Generating tasks for check type
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.633Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,633 - INFO - Generated 1 tasks for kind check
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.633Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,633 - DEBUG - Loading tasks for kind doc
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.635Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,634 - DEBUG - Generating tasks for doc generate
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.636Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,636 - INFO - Generated 1 tasks for kind doc
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.636Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,636 - DEBUG - Loading tasks for kind docker-image
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.637Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,637 - DEBUG - Generating tasks for docker-image decision
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.637Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,637 - INFO - Writing docker-contexts/decision.tar.gz for docker image decision
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.731Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,731 - DEBUG - Generating tasks for docker-image fetch
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.731Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,731 - INFO - Writing docker-contexts/fetch.tar.gz for docker image fetch
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.744Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,744 - DEBUG - Generating tasks for docker-image index-task
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.744Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,744 - INFO - Writing docker-contexts/index-task.tar.gz for docker image index-task
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.746Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,746 - DEBUG - Generating tasks for docker-image python
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.746Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,746 - INFO - Writing docker-contexts/python.tar.gz for docker image python
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.764Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,764 - DEBUG - Generating tasks for docker-image run-task
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.764Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,764 - INFO - Writing docker-contexts/run-task.tar.gz for docker image run-task
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.782Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,782 - DEBUG - Generating tasks for docker-image skopeo
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.782Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,782 - INFO - Writing docker-contexts/skopeo.tar.gz for docker image skopeo
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.803Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,803 - INFO - Generated 6 tasks for kind docker-image
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.803Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,803 - DEBUG - Loading tasks for kind fetch
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.807Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,807 - DEBUG - Generating tasks for fetch codecov-uploader
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.809Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,809 - INFO - Generated 1 tasks for kind fetch
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.809Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,809 - DEBUG - Loading tasks for kind push-image
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.813Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,813 - DEBUG - Generating tasks for push-image decision
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.813Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,813 - DEBUG - Generating tasks for push-image run-task
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.815Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,815 - INFO - Generated 2 tasks for kind push-image
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.815Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,815 - DEBUG - Loading tasks for kind test
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.817Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,817 - DEBUG - Generating tasks for test unit
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.821Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,821 - INFO - Generated 6 tasks for kind test
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.821Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,821 - DEBUG - Loading tasks for kind codecov
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.823Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,823 - DEBUG - Generating tasks for codecov upload
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.825Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,825 - INFO - Generated 1 tasks for kind codecov
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.825Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,825 - INFO - Generating full task graph
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.825Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,825 - INFO - Full task graph contains 18 tasks and 22 dependencies
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.826Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,825 - INFO - writing artifact file `full-task-graph.json`
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.829Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,829 - INFO - writing artifact file `runnable-jobs.json`
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.830Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,830 - INFO - Generating target task set
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.830Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,830 - INFO - Filter filter_target_tasks pruned 10 tasks (8 remain)
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.830Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,830 - INFO - writing artifact file `target-tasks.json`
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.831Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,831 - INFO - Generating target task graph
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.831Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,831 - INFO - Adding 6 tasks with `always_target` attribute
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.831Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,831 - INFO - Generating optimized task graph
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.831Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,831 - DEBUG - optimize: check-type kept because of never
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.832Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,831 - DEBUG - optimize: doc-generate kept because of never
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.832Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,832 - DEBUG - optimize: docker-image-decision kept because of index-search (index-search)
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.832Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,832 - DEBUG - optimize: docker-image-fetch kept because of index-search (index-search)
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.832Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,832 - DEBUG - optimize: docker-image-index-task kept because of index-search (index-search)
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.832Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,832 - DEBUG - optimize: docker-image-run-task kept because of dependent tasks
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.832Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,832 - DEBUG - optimize: docker-image-skopeo kept because of index-search (index-search)
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.832Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,832 - DEBUG - optimize: test-unit-py310 kept because of never
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.832Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,832 - DEBUG - optimize: test-unit-py311 kept because of never
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.832Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,832 - DEBUG - optimize: test-unit-py312 kept because of never
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.832Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,832 - DEBUG - optimize: test-unit-py313 kept because of never
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.832Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,832 - DEBUG - optimize: test-unit-py38 kept because of never
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.832Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,832 - DEBUG - optimize: test-unit-py39 kept because of never
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.832Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,832 - DEBUG - optimize: docker-image-python kept because of dependent tasks
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.832Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,832 - INFO - No tasks removed during optimization
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.833Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,833 - DEBUG - Running in Taskcluster instance with taskcluster-proxy
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.835Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,835 - DEBUG - Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.923Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,923 - DEBUG - "POST /api/index/v1/tasks/indexes HTTP/11" 200 None
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.992Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,992 - DEBUG - "POST /api/queue/v1/tasks/status HTTP/11" 200 None
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.993Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,993 - DEBUG - replace_tasks: docker-image-fetch
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.993Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,993 - DEBUG - replace_tasks: docker-image-fetch replaced with dXHKiBcORpCc5tPyjlxS2Q by optimization strategy
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.993Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,993 - DEBUG - replace_tasks: docker-image-index-task
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.993Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,993 - DEBUG - replace_tasks: docker-image-index-task replaced with FiBt4k8RRkCzvN1aRBkEvQ by optimization strategy
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.994Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,993 - DEBUG - replace_tasks: docker-image-python
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.996Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,996 - DEBUG - replace_tasks: docker-image-python replaced with cLm1Iv8JRBer90olC1DHjg by optimization strategy
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.996Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,996 - DEBUG - replace_tasks: docker-image-run-task
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.996Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,996 - DEBUG - replace_tasks: docker-image-run-task replaced with cnjxEApDQjyw921BuyQ7kg by optimization strategy
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.997Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,996 - DEBUG - replace_tasks: docker-image-skopeo
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.997Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,997 - DEBUG - replace_tasks: docker-image-skopeo replaced with NGU5U8EjSyuizhcr6Ob5ZA by optimization strategy
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.997Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,997 - DEBUG - replace_tasks: test-unit-py310
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.997Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,997 - DEBUG - replace_tasks: test-unit-py310 kept by optimization strategy
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.997Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,997 - DEBUG - replace_tasks: test-unit-py311
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.997Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,997 - DEBUG - replace_tasks: test-unit-py311 kept by optimization strategy
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.997Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,997 - DEBUG - replace_tasks: test-unit-py312
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.997Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,997 - DEBUG - replace_tasks: test-unit-py312 kept by optimization strategy
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.997Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,997 - DEBUG - replace_tasks: test-unit-py313
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.997Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,997 - DEBUG - replace_tasks: test-unit-py313 kept by optimization strategy
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.997Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,997 - DEBUG - replace_tasks: test-unit-py38
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.998Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,997 - DEBUG - replace_tasks: test-unit-py38 kept by optimization strategy
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.998Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,998 - DEBUG - replace_tasks: test-unit-py39
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.998Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,998 - DEBUG - replace_tasks: test-unit-py39 kept by optimization strategy
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.998Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,998 - DEBUG - replace_tasks: check-type
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.998Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,998 - DEBUG - replace_tasks: check-type kept by optimization strategy
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.998Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,998 - DEBUG - replace_tasks: doc-generate
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.998Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,998 - DEBUG - replace_tasks: doc-generate kept by optimization strategy
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.998Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,998 - DEBUG - replace_tasks: docker-image-decision
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.998Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,998 - DEBUG - replace_tasks: docker-image-decision kept by optimization strategy
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:34.998Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:34,998 - INFO - Replaced 5 tasks by index-search (index-search) during optimization.
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:35.000Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:35,000 - DEBUG - Morphing: adding index tasks
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:35.000Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:35,000 - DEBUG - Morphing: adding code review task
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:35.000Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:35,000 - INFO - writing artifact file `task-graph.json`
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:35.002Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:35,002 - INFO - writing artifact file `label-to-taskid.json`
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:35.004Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:35,004 - INFO - Creating task with taskId DBSmiqrZQ-yqZGMMqnrcCQ for test-unit-py312
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:35.006Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:35,006 - DEBUG - Starting new HTTP connection (1): taskcluster:80
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:35.007Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:35,006 - INFO - Creating task with taskId CwnXW_5LSXeH1URvOn5X3g for test-unit-py313
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:35.008Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:35,008 - DEBUG - Starting new HTTP connection (2): taskcluster:80
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:35.009Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:35,009 - INFO - Creating task with taskId QEFNiFZ2RgGtGUR6261LqQ for test-unit-py311
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:35.011Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:35,011 - DEBUG - Starting new HTTP connection (3): taskcluster:80
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:35.014Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:35,013 - INFO - Creating task with taskId VIgHLKdxRnG2GAbsKUYVLA for docker-image-decision
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:35.015Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:35,015 - DEBUG - Starting new HTTP connection (4): taskcluster:80
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:35.016Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:35,016 - INFO - Creating task with taskId du8PhpEQRla5voCkbtbKyw for test-unit-py39
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:35.031Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:35,018 - INFO - Creating task with taskId EXMJOZ5VTnSwt2PWkFyNng for doc-generate
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:35.031Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:35,030 - DEBUG - Starting new HTTP connection (6): taskcluster:80
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:35.031Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:35,019 - INFO - Creating task with taskId GZdqEeyGScKJ40c2vHQLhA for test-unit-py310
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:35.033Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:35,021 - INFO - Creating task with taskId RcpStnEBRamWnDgRCBOzZw for test-unit-py38
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:35.034Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:35,033 - DEBUG - Starting new HTTP connection (7): taskcluster:80
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:35.035Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:35,020 - INFO - Creating task with taskId Z_MWUONkSSCvZRv1JLCEtg for check-type
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:35.037Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:35,037 - DEBUG - Starting new HTTP connection (8): taskcluster:80
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:35.039Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:35,029 - DEBUG - Starting new HTTP connection (5): taskcluster:80
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:35.042Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:35,041 - DEBUG - Starting new HTTP connection (9): taskcluster:80
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:35.139Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:35,139 - DEBUG - http://taskcluster:80 "PUT /queue/v1/task/QEFNiFZ2RgGtGUR6261LqQ HTTP/11" 200 434
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:35.146Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:35,146 - DEBUG - http://taskcluster:80 "PUT /queue/v1/task/GZdqEeyGScKJ40c2vHQLhA HTTP/11" 200 434
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:35.154Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:35,153 - DEBUG - http://taskcluster:80 "PUT /queue/v1/task/DBSmiqrZQ-yqZGMMqnrcCQ HTTP/11" 200 434
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:35.162Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:35,162 - DEBUG - http://taskcluster:80 "PUT /queue/v1/task/VIgHLKdxRnG2GAbsKUYVLA HTTP/11" 200 436
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:35.166Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:35,166 - DEBUG - http://taskcluster:80 "PUT /queue/v1/task/Z_MWUONkSSCvZRv1JLCEtg HTTP/11" 200 434
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:35.167Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:35,167 - DEBUG - http://taskcluster:80 "PUT /queue/v1/task/du8PhpEQRla5voCkbtbKyw HTTP/11" 200 434
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:35.172Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:35,172 - DEBUG - http://taskcluster:80 "PUT /queue/v1/task/CwnXW_5LSXeH1URvOn5X3g HTTP/11" 200 434
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:35.181Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:35,180 - DEBUG - http://taskcluster:80 "PUT /queue/v1/task/EXMJOZ5VTnSwt2PWkFyNng HTTP/11" 200 434
[task 2024-11-05T20:50:35.182Z] 2024-11-05 20:50:35,182 - DEBUG - http://taskcluster:80 "PUT /queue/v1/task/RcpStnEBRamWnDgRCBOzZw HTTP/11" 200 434
[taskcluster 2024-11-05 20:50:35.424Z] === Task Finished ===
[taskcluster 2024-11-05 20:50:37.519Z] Successful task run with exit code: 0 completed in 8.794 seconds