LinearityIQA code for the following paper:
- Dingquan Li, Tingting Jiang, and Ming Jiang. Norm-in-Norm Loss with Faster Convergence and Better Performance for Image Quality Assessment. In Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM ’20), October 12-16, 2020, Seattle, WA, USA. [arxiv version]
conda create -n reproducibleresearch pip python=3.6
source activate reproducibleresearch
pip install -r requirements.txt -i
source deactive
Download the KonIQ-10k and CLIVE datasets. Then, run the following ln
commands in the root of the repo.
ln -s KonIQ-10k_path KonIQ-10k # KonIQ-10k_path is your path to the KonIQ-10k dataset
ln -s CLIVE_path CLIVE # CLIVE_path is your path to the CLIVE dataset
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --dataset KonIQ-10k --resize --exp_id 0 --lr 1e-4 -bs 8 -e 30 --ft_lr_ratio 0.1 --arch resnext101_32x8d --loss_type Lp --p 1 --q 2 > exp_id=0-resnext101_32x8d-p=1-q=2-664x498.log 2>&1 & # The saved checkpoint is copied and renamed as "p1q2.pth".
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 python --dataset KonIQ-10k --resize --exp_id 0 --lr 1e-4 -bs 8 -e 30 --ft_lr_ratio 0.1 --arch resnext101_32x8d --loss_type Lp --p 1 --q 2 --alpha 1 0.1 > exp_id=0-resnext101_32x8d-p=1-q=2-alpha=1,0.1-664x498.log 2>&1 & # The saved checkpoint is copied and renamed as "p1q2plus0.1variant.pth"
More options can be seen by running the help command python --help
tensorboard --logdir=runs --port=6006 # --host your_host_ip; in the server (host:port)
ssh -p port -L 6006:localhost:6006 user@host # in your PC. See the visualization in your PC
You can download our checkpoints with a password 4z7z
. Then paste it to checkpoints/
Note: We do not set drop_last=True
where we obtained our results in the paper. However, if the the size of training data % batch size == 1
, the last batch only contains 1 sample, one needs to set drop_last=True
when prepare the train_loader in line 86-90 of
. For example, if 80% images of CLIVE are considered as the training data, and the batch size is 8, then based on 929 % 8 == 1
, you will have to set drop_last=True
. Otherwise, you will get an error in 1D batch norm layer.
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --dataset KonIQ-10k --resize --arch resnext101_32x8d --trained_model_file checkpoints/p1q2.pth
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 python --dataset KonIQ-10k --resize --arch resnext101_32x8d --trained_model_file checkpoints/p1q2plus0.1variant.pth
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --dataset CLIVE --resize --arch resnext101_32x8d --trained_model_file checkpoints/p1q2.pth
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 python --dataset CLIVE --resize --arch resnext101_32x8d --trained_model_file checkpoints/p1q2plus0.1variant.pth
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --img data/1000.JPG --resize --arch resnext101_32x8d --trained_model_file checkpoints/p1q2.pth
# > The image quality score is 10.430044178601875
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 python --img data/1000.JPG --resize --arch resnext101_32x8d --trained_model_file checkpoints/p1q2plus0.1variant.pth
# > The image quality score is 16.726127839961094
If one wants to use the "Norm-in=Norm" loss in his project, he can refer to the norm_loss_with_normalization
If one wants to use the model in his project, he can refer to the
Dingquan Li, dingquanli AT pku DOT edu DOT cn.