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songoo edited this page Aug 17, 2014 · 3 revisions

The Card :
End game dialog for nickname, for history record.

Conversations :
I want some way of setting my nickname after i winning game. So my win count rises when i win. For now i do not
want any security checkings i just want playable game asap.

Confirmations :

  1. When i win/draw game dialog pop up with message : "Congratulations you won, you can add +0.5/+1 point to any desirable nickname even make one own!"
  2. Under message there is input for nickname, if not filled point goes for "NoName Hero" nick.
  3. Dialog contains two buttons, "Cancel" - closes dialog and refresh page for new game. "Ok" apply points and result for next dialog with message "{Nickname} has XXX points!", response dialog contains "Ok" button which refres page and starts new game.
  4. Closing dialogs with "x" or esc, refresh page and starts next game.
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