- Support equirectangular panorama rendering
- Add render configurations for fixed physical pixel size
- Fix bug in HSL color interpolation
- Fix depth rendering for large resolutions and orthographic cameras
- Make materials front-sided by default instead of double-sided
- Fix floor height bug in navigation grids
- Improved support for shortest path computation with room goals
- Fix bug with multi-level grid cell traversibility computation
EGL-based headless-gl
Adapted version of the headless-gl library which uses EGL to create an OpenGL context (allowing for easier offscreen rendering on machines with Nvidia GPUs). Many thanks to Erik Wijmans for adapting the headless-gl code.
Download from release binaries and follow instructions at https://github.com/smartscenes/sstk/wiki/Headless-Rendering#using-forked-headless-gl-with-egl-support