© Kasper Peulen 2014
Feel free to contribute to this project by fixing issues or by creating new levels.
I think I should admit that I'm not a professional game developer. A year ago I posted the idea for this game at stackexchange: http://math.stackexchange.com/questions/373672/about-euclids-elements-and-modern-video-games
I hoped that I could inspire game developers to make such a game. Well, I failed ! But I did inspire myself to learn a little bit about html/javascript and geogebra, and in this way, I was able to make this game.
But I still have a lot to learn to make this game feel and look a little bit more professional. Any advice or any contribution would be absolutely appreciated to head this project in the right direction.
At this moment, the website runs at neocities.org, I can't use server sides languages here, I can't even create directories. So it would probably a good first step, to move this project to some other server.
If you have worked with geogebra, it may be not so hard to contribute to new levels. I've written a couple of function that make it easy to test if objects/lines/circles are drawn:
function ggbOnInit() {
function newObjectListener(obj) {
// this functions can check all general objects
function checkobject(target, step) {
if (obj != "finished") {
var cmd = "finished = (" + obj + "== " + target + ")";
finished = ggbApplet.getValueString("finished");
if (finished.indexOf("true") > -1) {
ggbApplet.setVisible(step, true);
// this functions check line segments
function checksegment(target, step) {
if (ggbApplet.getObjectType(obj) == "segment") {
//gives beginpoint and enpoint of object
var objectcmd = ggbApplet.getCommandString(obj);
var openbracket = objectcmd.indexOf('[') + 1;
var comma = objectcmd.indexOf(',');
var closebracket = objectcmd.indexOf(']');
var beginpointobject = objectcmd.substring(openbracket, comma);
var endpointobject = objectcmd.substring(comma + 1, closebracket);
//gives beginpoint and endpoint of target
var targetcmd = ggbApplet.getCommandString(target);
var openbracket = targetcmd.indexOf('[') + 1;
var comma = targetcmd.indexOf(',');
var closebracket = targetcmd.indexOf(']');
var beginpointtarget = targetcmd.substring(openbracket, comma);
var endpointtarget = targetcmd.substring(comma + 1, closebracket);
//here it checks if endpoints of line segment are equal
if (obj != "finished") {
var cmd = "finished =((("+beginpointobject+"=="+beginpointtarget+")||("+beginpointobject+"=="+endpointtarget+"))&&(("+endpointobject+"=="+beginpointtarget+")||("+endpointobject+"=="+endpointtarget+")))";
finished = ggbApplet.getValueString("finished");
if (finished.indexOf("true") > -1) {
ggbApplet.setVisible(step, true);
// this functions can check if line segment has right direction
function checksegmentdirection(target, step) {
if (ggbApplet.getObjectType(obj) == "segment" || ggbApplet.getObjectType(obj) == "line") {
if (obj != "finished") {
var cmd = "finished = (("+obj+"(1)=="+target+"(1))&&("+obj+"(-1)=="+target+"(-1)))";
finished = ggbApplet.getValueString("finished");
if (finished.indexOf("true") > -1) {
ggbApplet.setVisible(step, true);
// this functions check if the new point is on the targetline
function checkpointontarget(target, step) {
if (ggbApplet.getObjectType(obj) == "point") {
if (obj != "finished") {
var cmd = "finished = ("+target+"(x("+obj+"))==y("+obj+"))";
finished = ggbApplet.getValueString("finished");
if (finished.indexOf("true") > -1) {
ggbApplet.setVisible(step, true);
//here you can check all objects
//which step are neccesary to complete level
if (ggbApplet.getVisible("step1") ) {
ggbApplet.setVisible("complete", true);