3.2.0 (2022-11-13)
Prep for 3.2 release, update readme and changelog docs. [Stephen L Arnold]
Use gitchangelog, replace old tool cfg, update tox file. [Stephen L Arnold]
- fix typo in new workflow
Update debian man page for xml out. [Stephen L Arnold]
Use correct readme filename in rules.mk. [Stephen L Arnold]
Update crufty version header, add release.sh and update readme. [Stephen L Arnold]
Merge pull request #37 from sarnold/fix-rollup. [Steve Arnold]
pull in fix for implicit integer cast
Fix from Erwan Legrand on the implicit integer cast. [Sebastian Stiernborg]
Bump last workflow (conda) to windows-2019 (2016 is now deprecated) [Stephen L Arnold]
Merge pull request #36 from sarnold/fix-ci. [Steve Arnold]
update workflows
Update workflows, fix missing cmd, check windows env. [Stephen L Arnold]
Update readme_install doc, tweak apt pkg installs (ci workaround) [Stephen L Arnold]
Merge pull request #25 from sarnold/readme. [Steve Arnold]
test upstream codeclimate badge
Cleanup both markdown docs. [Stephen L Arnold]
Fix some markdow format (need a local linter) [Stephen L Arnold]
Test upstream codeclimate badge. [Stephen L Arnold]
Merge pull request #24 from sarnold/test-ci. [Steve Arnold]
remove static cfg file for backend cfg
Remove static cfg file for backen cfg. [Stephen L Arnold]
Fix .codeclimate.yml config. [Stephen L Arnold]
Update quick install readme with conda-forge info. [Stephen L Arnold]
Add conda build, more CI, fix exit code for help, set c.ansi default for .h files (#20) [Steve Arnold]
- set .h header files to type c.ansi as default
- add conda recipe/build scripts
- update readme and user guide, add quick install doc
- update msvc build script (batch file)
- add platform/compiler matrix workflow
- set exit to zero when using the --help option
Merge pull request #19 from sarnold/ci-version. [Steve Arnold]
ci updates
Fix yet-another-markdown-fail... [Stephen L Arnold]
Really fix badges (silly markdown...) [Stephen L Arnold]
Fix status/version badges in readme. [Stephen L Arnold]
Merge pull request #18 from sarnold/new-ci. [Steve Arnold]
Create ci.yml
README.md: update CI build status. [Stephen L Arnold]
Try adding windows build with mingw (with path update) [Stephen L Arnold]
Test building on macos. [Stephen L Arnold]
.github/workflows/ci.yml: remove configure step, disable rename travis cfg. [Stephen L Arnold]
Create ci.yml. [Steve Arnold]