Releases: sarnold/cccc
Release v3.2.0
3.2.0 (2022-11-13)
Prep for 3.2 release, update readme and changelog docs. [Stephen L Arnold]
Use gitchangelog, replace old tool cfg, update tox file. [Stephen L Arnold]
- fix typo in new workflow
Update debian man page for xml out. [Stephen L Arnold]
Use correct readme filename in [Stephen L Arnold]
Update crufty version header, add and update readme. [Stephen L Arnold]
Merge pull request #37 from sarnold/fix-rollup. [Steve Arnold]
pull in fix for implicit integer cast
Fix from Erwan Legrand on the implicit integer cast. [Sebastian Stiernborg]
Bump last workflow (conda) to windows-2019 (2016 is now deprecated) [Stephen L Arnold]
Merge pull request #36 from sarnold/fix-ci. [Steve Arnold]
update workflows
Update workflows, fix missing cmd, check windows env. [Stephen L Arnold]
Update readme_install doc, tweak apt pkg installs (ci workaround) [Stephen L Arnold]
Merge pull request #25 from sarnold/readme. [Steve Arnold]
test upstream codeclimate badge
Cleanup both markdown docs. [Stephen L Arnold]
Fix some markdow format (need a local linter) [Stephen L Arnold]
Test upstream codeclimate badge. [Stephen L Arnold]
Merge pull request #24 from sarnold/test-ci. [Steve Arnold]
remove static cfg file for backend cfg
Remove static cfg file for backen cfg. [Stephen L Arnold]
Fix .codeclimate.yml config. [Stephen L Arnold]
Update quick install readme with conda-forge info. [Stephen L Arnold]
Add conda build, more CI, fix exit code for help, set c.ansi default for .h files (#20) [Steve Arnold]
- set .h header files to type c.ansi as default
- add conda recipe/build scripts
- update readme and user guide, add quick install doc
- update msvc build script (batch file)
- add platform/compiler matrix workflow
- set exit to zero when using the --help option
Merge pull request #19 from sarnold/ci-version. [Steve Arnold]
ci updates
Fix yet-another-markdown-fail... [Stephen L Arnold]
Really fix badges (silly markdown...) [Stephen L Arnold]
Fix status/version badges in readme. [Stephen L Arnold]
Merge pull request #18 from sarnold/new-ci. [Steve Arnold]
Create ci.yml
- update CI build status. [Stephen L Arnold]
Try adding windows build with mingw (with path update) [Stephen L Arnold]
Test building on macos. [Stephen L Arnold]
.github/workflows/ci.yml: remove configure step, disable rename travis cfg. [Stephen L Arnold]
Create ci.yml. [Steve Arnold]
misc. metrics fixes
Full 3.1.5 release
This release should have all non-feature additions addressed. Stay tuned...
Second incremental 3.1.5 RC release
Mostly CI tool integration and status updates, some minor fixes. Open issues will be fixed by the full 3.1.5 release.
Code cleanup for gcc 4.9.3, build fixes/enhancements, and documentation on gh-pages branch for first release candidate.