Simple REST API in GO to manage information. This repository is part of a delivery stack, aiming to simulate an application in production, exploring its automation/improvement points.
You will need these tools installed on your PC: docker | docker-compose | helm | terraform | gcloud-auth | gcloud
Port | URI | Description | Method |
:8080 | / | Returns Home | GET |
:8080 | /health | Returns Health | GET |
:8080 | /version | Returns Version | GET |
:8080 | /accounts | Returns List Accounts | GET |
:8080 | /accounts/{person_id} | Returns Person Account | GET |
:8080 | /accounts | Insert account | POST |
:8080 | /accounts/{person_id} | Update/Replace account | PUT |
:8080 | /accounts/{person_id} | Update/Modify account | PATCH |
:8080 | /accounts/{person_id} | Delete account | DELETE |
Port | URI | Description | Method |
:8080 | /swagger/doc.json | Open Swagger Docs | GET |
:8080 | /swagger/index.html | Open Swagger Page | GET |
make stop && make run
make tests
make stop && make dev
make tests
make stop && make prod
Examples in structure/calls.tpl
make stop
Deploy PaaS/Run Test | Fly APP - PaaS |
Page Actions of project | |
First, you should create bucket and export variables you are going to use.
After accessing the gcp console, create a bucket named poc-from-gke-tf-state. The reference of this bucket is described in the file.
Then export the necessary environment variables to start the configuration process
Authenticate into Google Cloud console, to so run the following command:
make terraform-login project_name=<YOUR-PROJECT-NAME>
Check your project to make sure everything goes well
make terraform-validation
Now, we will continue with the creation of the cluster/pools
make terraform-apply-cluster cluster_name=<YOUR-CLUSTER-NAME>
After a few minutes, your infra is ready to be used. It will show you everything that will be created by terraform, take a moment to check this output. Once you are ready, you just need to run:
make terraform-apply-pkgs cluster_name=<YOUR-CLUSTER-NAME> project_name=<YOUR-PROJECT-NAME>
echo "DASH - $(kubectl get svc -n lab-dashboard | awk '{print $4}')"
echo "APP - $(kubectl get svc -n lab-app | awk '{print $4}' | grep -v none)"
Once you port-foward
your services, you can easily access it on your browser via localhost.
kubectl port-forward \
$(kubectl get pods -l=app="kibana" -o name -n lab-logging) 5601 -n lab-logging
kubectl port-forward \
$(kubectl get pods"monitor" -o name -n lab-monitoring) 3000 -n lab-monitoring
kubectl port-forward \
$(kubectl get pods -l=app="prometheus" -o name -n lab-monitoring | tail -n1) 9090 -n lab-monitoring
kubectl port-forward \
$(kubectl get pods -l=app="elasticsearch-master" -o name -n lab-logging) 9200 -n lab-logging
kubectl get secret --namespace lab-monitoring grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-user}" | base64 --decode | xargs echo
kubectl get secret --namespace lab-monitoring grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode | xargs echo
To facilitate the understanding of the logs, the following tags were used to view the logs
- kubernetes.container_name
- kubernetes.pod_name
- kubernetes.namespace_name
- log
Now, to clean up everything you just need to run
make terraform-destroy cluster_name=<YOUR-CLUSTER-NAME>