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GitHub Deploy to app Run test suite codecov

Hands On 👋🏼

Simple REST API in GO to manage information. This repository is part of a delivery stack, aiming to simulate an application in production, exploring its automation/improvement points.


You will need these tools installed on your PC: docker | docker-compose | helm | terraform | gcloud-auth | gcloud

Local APP

Port URI Description Method
:8080 / Returns Home GET
:8080 /health Returns Health GET
:8080 /version Returns Version GET
:8080 /accounts Returns List Accounts GET
:8080 /accounts/{person_id} Returns Person Account GET
:8080 /accounts Insert account POST
:8080 /accounts/{person_id} Update/Replace account PUT
:8080 /accounts/{person_id} Update/Modify account PATCH
:8080 /accounts/{person_id} Delete account DELETE

Local Docs

Port URI Description Method
:8080 /swagger/doc.json Open Swagger Docs GET
:8080 /swagger/index.html Open Swagger Page GET

To provision the local stack using docker run

make stop && make run

To run built-in tests using the local stack provisioned with make run

make tests

To provision the local stack using docker compose (only tests)

make stop && make dev

To run built-in tests using the local stack provisioned with make dev

make tests

To provision the local stack using docker compose (production ready)

make stop && make prod

To run tests, make calls consuming the API

Examples in structure/calls.tpl

Remove stack local

make stop

Deploy PaaS/Run Test Fly APP - PaaS
Page Actions of project


First, you should create bucket and export variables you are going to use.

  • After accessing the gcp console, create a bucket named poc-from-gke-tf-state. The reference of this bucket is described in the file.

  • Then export the necessary environment variables to start the configuration process


Authenticate into Google Cloud console, to so run the following command:

make terraform-login project_name=<YOUR-PROJECT-NAME>

Check your project to make sure everything goes well

make terraform-validation

Now, we will continue with the creation of the cluster/pools

make terraform-apply-cluster cluster_name=<YOUR-CLUSTER-NAME>

After a few minutes, your infra is ready to be used. It will show you everything that will be created by terraform, take a moment to check this output. Once you are ready, you just need to run:

make terraform-apply-pkgs cluster_name=<YOUR-CLUSTER-NAME> project_name=<YOUR-PROJECT-NAME>

Cluster/APP info

echo "DASH - $(kubectl get svc -n lab-dashboard | awk '{print $4}')"
echo "APP - $(kubectl get svc -n lab-app | awk '{print $4}' | grep -v none)"

Once you port-foward your services, you can easily access it on your browser via localhost.

kubectl port-forward \
    $(kubectl get pods -l=app="kibana" -o name -n lab-logging) 5601 -n lab-logging
kubectl port-forward \
    $(kubectl get pods"monitor" -o name -n lab-monitoring) 3000 -n lab-monitoring
kubectl port-forward \
    $(kubectl get pods -l=app="prometheus" -o name -n lab-monitoring | tail -n1) 9090 -n lab-monitoring
kubectl port-forward \
    $(kubectl get pods -l=app="elasticsearch-master" -o name -n lab-logging) 9200 -n lab-logging

Grafana info

kubectl get secret --namespace lab-monitoring grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-user}" | base64 --decode | xargs echo
kubectl get secret --namespace lab-monitoring grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode | xargs echo

Kibana filter

To facilitate the understanding of the logs, the following tags were used to view the logs

  • kubernetes.container_name
  • kubernetes.pod_name
  • kubernetes.namespace_name
  • log

Wrapping up

Now, to clean up everything you just need to run

make terraform-destroy cluster_name=<YOUR-CLUSTER-NAME>
