Notes on The Little Elixir & OTP Guidebook (by Benjamin Tan Wei Hao) and Elixir School.
Code for book's Metex weather app.
I urge you buy the liveBook version, where you can hear and see book read aloud.
- Chp 1: Elixir vs. Erlang. What's Elixir good/bad for? Preview of OTP behaviors.
Whirlwind Tour of Elixir:
- Chp 2.2: First Steps
- Chp 2.3-2.4: Data Types, Guards
- Chp 2.5: Pattern Matching: Destructuring. Parse audio MP3 file's ID3 tag.
- Chp 2.6: Lists: Lists vs. Arrays. Flatten a list. Ordering of function clauses.
- Chp 2.7-2.8: Pipe Operator. Call Erlang from Elixir. Erlang Observer.
- Chp 2.9: Exercises. Parser for IPv4 packet headers.
- Chp 3.1-3.2: Processes. Actor concurrency model. Building weather app. Running software tests.
- Chp 3.3: Weather app worker: given a location, returns its temperature.
- Chp 3.4: Creating processes for concurrency. Receiving/sending messages.
- Chp 3.5: Collecting/Manipulating temperature results with another actor (a Coordinator).
- Chp 3.6: Exercises. Program that spawns 2 processes that send each other
- Computer Memory: Stack vs. Heap
- MIT course: Concurrency: Process vs. Thread. Shared memory vs. message passing. Race Conditions.
- YouTube: Concurrency Primitives, Processes, and Message Passing - Part 8
- Concurrency: Processes, Agents, Tasks
- OTP Concurrency: Genserver
- OTP Supervisors