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File metadata and controls

277 lines (212 loc) · 9.58 KB

Pattern Matching (important in functional languages)

= is not just to assign/bind variables. It's also the match operator, matching both values and data structures.

  1. Use = to assign variables:
programmers = Map.put(programmers, :jose, "Elixir")
  1. Use = to match variables:
> %{joe: "Erlang", jose: "Elixir", matz: "Ruby", rich: "Clojure"}
 = programmers

This is not an assignment. Instead, a successful pattern match has occurred, since the contents of both the left side and programmers are identical.

Bad pattern match:

iex> %{tolkien: "Elvish"} = programmers
** (MatchError) no match of right hand side value: %{joe: "Erlang", jose: "Elixir", matz: "Ruby", rich: "Clojure"}


Destructuring allows you to bind a set of variables to a corresponding set of values anywhere that you can normally bind a value to a single variable. We can pattern match without need to specify the entire pattern.

> %{joe: a, jose: b, matz: c, rich: d} = %{joe: "Erlang", jose: "Elixir", matz: "Ruby", rich: "Clojure"}

> a
> b
> c
> d

> %{jose: most_awesome_language} = programmers
%{joe: "Erlang", jose: "Elixir", matz: "Ruby", rich: "Clojure"}
> most_awesome_language

> Map.fetch(programmers, :rich)
{:ok, "Clojure"} <--- Map.fetch returns tuple
> Map.fetch(programmers, :rasmus)

May use 2 different possible outputs in case statement:

case Map.fetch(programmers, :rich) do
  {:ok, language} ->
    IO.puts "#{language} is a legit language."
  :error ->
    IO.puts "No idea what language this is."

Clojure is a legit language.

Destructuring is useful to declare preconditions.

Ex: Check if a file is readable BEFORE reading it:



@spec read(Path.t()) :: {:ok, binary()} | {:error, posix()}

Returns {:ok, binary}, where binary is a binary data object that contains the contents of path, or {:error, reason} if error occurs.

Typical error reasons:

:enoent - the file does not exist
:eacces - missing permission for reading the file, or for searching one of the parent directories
:eisdir - the named file is a directory
:enotdir - a component of the file name is not a directory; on some platforms, :enoent is returned instead
:enomem - there is not enough memory for the contents of the file

You can use :file.format_error/1 to get a descriptive string of the error.

For successful read, returns a {:ok, binary} tuple. binary() is the entire contents of the read file.

Otherwise, a {:error, posix} tuple is returned. The variable posix() contains the error reason, an atom like :enoent or :eaccess.

Code to read a file:

case"KISS - Beth.mp3") do
  {:ok, binary} ->
    IO.puts "KIϟϟ rocks!"
  {:error, reason} ->
    IO.puts "No Rock N Roll for anyone today because of #{reason}."

Ex: Tic-Tac-Toe Board

Use tuples to represent board configurations

def check_board(board) do
  case board do
    { :x, :x, :x,
      _ , _ , _ ,
      _ , _ , _ } -> :x_win
    { _ , _ , _ ,
      :x, :x, :x,
      _ , _ , _ } -> :x_win

    { _ , _ , _ ,
      _ , _ , _ ,
      :x, :x, :x} -> :x_win

    { :x, _ , _ ,
      :x, _ , _ ,
      :x, _ , _ } -> :x_win

    { _ , :x, _ ,
      _ , :x, _ ,
      _ , :x, _ } -> :x_win

    { _ , _ , :x,
      _ , _ , :x,
      _ , _ , :x} -> :x_win

    { :x, _ , _ ,
      _ , :x, _ ,
      _ , _ , :x} -> :x_win

    { _ , _ , :x,
      _ , :x, _ ,
      :x, _ , _ } -> :x_win

    # Player O board patterns omitted ...

    { a, b, c,
      d, e, f,
      g, h, i } when a and b and c and d and e and f and g and h and i -> :draw

    _ -> :in_progress


Underscore (_) is the “don’t care” or “match everything” operator.

Ex: Parsing an MP3 file's ID3 tag

Elixir can parse binary data. Let's get metadata from an MP3 audio file. This is in an ID3 tag, the last 128 bytes of the MP3: ID3 tag, in last 128 bytes of MP3

Ignore audio data portion and concentrate only on the ID3 tag. Figure 2.6 shows ID3 tag layout. The first 3 bytes are called the header and contain 3 characters: “T”, “A”, and “G”. The next 30 bytes contain the title. The next 30 bytes are the artist, followed by 30 bytes containing the album. The next 4 bytes are year (such as “2”, “0”, “1”, “4”). Layout of ID3 tag

Bitstrings: Basic Elixir data type: a contiguous sequence of bits in memory. By default, 8 bits (1 byte) is used to store each number in a bitstring, but you can manually specify the number of bits via a ::n modifier to denote size in n bits, or you can use the more verbose declaration ::size(n).

Binaries: Bitstring where number of bits is a multiple of 8. Every binary is a bitstring, but not every bitstring is a binary.

We can pattern match on binaries/bitstrings. Unless we explicitly use :: modifiers, each entry in the binary pattern is expected to match a single byte (exactly 8 bits). If we want to match on a binary of unknown size, use the binary modifier at end of the pattern:

> <<0, 1, x::binary>> = <<0, 1, 2, 3>>
<<0, 1, 2, 3>>
> x
<<2, 3>>

The binary-size(n) modifier will match n bytes in a binary:

> <<head::binary-size(2), rest::binary>> = <<0, 1, 2, 3>>
<<0, 1, 2, 3>>
> head
<<0, 1>>
> rest
<<2, 3>>

bit_size/1: Returns integer which is size in bits of bitstring. Allowed in guard tests. Inlined by compiler.

@spec bit_size(bitstring()) :: non_neg_integer()


> bit_size(<<433::16, 3::3>>)

> bit_size(<<1, 2, 3>>)

byte_size/1: Returns number of bytes needed to contain bitstring. If number of bits in bitstring not divisible by 8, the resulting number of bytes will be rounded up (by excess). This operation happens in constant time. Allowed in guard tests. Inlined by the compiler.

@spec byte_size(bitstring()) :: non_neg_integer()


> byte_size(<<433::16, 3::3>>)

> byte_size(<<1, 2, 3>>)

How to extract metadata from audio MP3 file? Code:

defmodule ID3Parser do
  def parse(file_name) do
    case do
      {:ok, mp3} ->
        audio_data_byte_size = byte_size(mp3) - 128
        <<_::binary-size(audio_data_byte_size), id3_tag::binary>> = mp3

        <<"TAG", song::binary-size(30), artist::binary-size(30), album::binary-size(30),
          year::binary-size(4), _rest::binary>> = id3_tag

        # Extract printable part of each binary string. Exclude null bytes <<0>>
        [song2, _null_bytes] = String.chunk(song, :printable)
        [artist2, _null_bytes] = String.chunk(artist, :printable)
        [album2, _null_bytes] = String.chunk(album, :printable)

        IO.puts("Song: #{song2}, Artist: #{artist2}, Album: #{album2}, Year: #{year}")

      _ ->
        IO.puts("Couldn't open #{file_name}")

Run code:

> iex id3.ex
> ID3Parser.parse("The_Chase.mp3")
Song: The Chase, Artist: Frank Danna, Album:, Year: 2020

How does code work?

  • Program reads the MP3. If file is readable, it returns a tuple matching {:ok, mp3}, where mp3 contains binary contents of the file. Otherwise, the catch-all _ operator will match a failed file read.

{:ok, mp3} =

  • Since we only care about the ID3 tag, skip past the audio binary part. First compute byte size of the audio binary part (mp3_byte_size, which I renamed audio_data_byte_size):

audio_data_byte_size = byte_size(mp3) - 128

  • Use that info to destructure the binary. Pattern-match the MP3 by declaring a pattern on the left and the mp3 variable on the right. << >> represents an Elixir binary. Declare we don't care about the audio part by specifying the audio binary size:

<<_::binary-size(audio_data_byte_size), id3_tag::binary>> = mp3

  • What remains is the ID3 tag, captured in id3_tag variable. Now we can extract metadata from the ID3 tag!

How MP3 is destructured

  • To do that, do another pattern match with the declared pattern on the left and id3_tag on the right. By declaring the right number of bytes, we can capture the song, artist, and other information in their respective variables.

Destructuring the ID3 binary

I renamed title to song for clarity. Original book code says:

IO.puts("Song: #{song}, Artist: #{artist}, Album: #{album}, Year: #{year}")

But that returns:

Song: The Chase^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ , Artist: Frank Danna^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ , Album:^ ^ ^ ^ ^ , Year: 2020

That's because after pattern matching, the variables (like song) look like:

<<84, 104, 101, 32, 67, 104, 97, 115, 101, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>>

All strings in Elixir are binary. For song, its first 9 bytes <<84, 104, 101, 32, 67, 104, 97, 115, 101>> are "The Chase", but the remaining 21 of its 30 total bytes are null bytes: <<0, 0, 0, ...0>>. When printed, <<0>> looks like ^.

To extract the human-readable parts of these strings, I use String.chunk/2:

:printable - string is split into chunks of printable and non-printable character sequences

> [song2, _null_bytes] = String.chunk(song, :printable)
> song2
"The Chase"