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\mainpage Race into Space

Race  into  Space is  the  free  software  version of  Interplay's  Buzz
Aldrin's Race into Space.  This is the  reworked version  following  the
source release  for the computer version  of the Liftoff! board  game by
Fritz Bronner.  This was developed by Strategic Visions and published by
Interplay as a disk-based game in 1992 and a CD-ROM in 1994.

\page readme README

\section license 0. License

    Race  Into Space  is distributed  under GNU  General Public  License
    (GPL)  version 2.  You can find  the  terms and  conditions in  file

\section running 1. Running the game

    If you  have downloaded the  source distribution then  see DEVELOPER
    file.  Follow on once you have the game executables ready.

    Try  to  run the  game;  it  will  probably complain  about  missing
    data  files.  This  should not  happen  if you  have downloaded  and
    properly installed one of binary distributions (i.e., RPM or Windows
    installer). If you have built the game from source then get the data
    files from

    Once   you  have   your  data   files  extracted,   edit  the   file
    ~/.raceintospace/config - it will be created when you start the game
    for the  first time.  Hopefully the file format is self-explanatory.
    By the  way, your saved games  will be stored in  the same directory

    Alternatively you  can specify  location of  configuration directory
    and game  data directory  with environment variables  BARIS_SAVE and
    BARIS_DATA, respectively.  These are also supported when  present on
    the command line, e.g.:

    $ raceintospace BARIS_DATA=$HOME/baris BARIS_SAVE=$HOME/baris/saves

    Good luck on your way to the Moon!

    Note: instructions for installing on Ubuntu are available at: 

\subsection runningwin 1a. Running on Microsoft Windows platforms

    On Windows, error messages  will go to  the stderr.txt  file created
    in  the working  directory  (usually the  directory  where the  main
    executable resides).  Whenever the game  crashes or misbehaves, look
    for clues in that file.

    The installer  creates shortcuts  with location  of game  data files
    provided on  the command line.  Location of  save game  directory is
    obtained using environment variables  HOME, HOMEPATH and USERPROFILE
    (in that order).  Users reported that on Windows 98 neither of those
    is set  by default.  To solve  this problem either set  one of above
    variables  or edit  the  game shortcut's  command  line and  provide
    the desired location for save games, e.g.:

    "c:\program files\raceintospace\raceintospace.exe"
    "BARIS_DATA=c:\program files\raceintospace"
    "BARIS_SAVE=c:\program files\raceintospace\saves"
\section troubleshooting 2. Troubleshooting

    Probably you will run into some bugs,  at least if you play the game
    long enough.  To help us improve raceintospace, please try to find a
    way to  reproduce the issue and submit a bug report via  the Tracker 
    at,  possibly accompanied by a 
    save game  file  and your system information (OS version, libraries,
    environment variables, command line arguments, etc.).

\section development 3. Development

    see file DEVELOPER.

\section advancedconf 4. Advanced Options

    Inside .raceintospace folder (where savegames are stored) there is a
    config file.  It can be opened with any text editor, and the options
    have a short description.  To enable any  option,  you should remove
    the # symbol and add the number you want after a space. Some options
    wont  change  immediately,  but  will  take  a  while  (e.g.  'nauts
    compatibility  wont  cause  any  change  until your next group)