Mesh geometry tools. Several commands can be chained together, with the same operation appearing many times in the same command line. They are processed sequentially.
Compiling: bash
In Linux, you may need to install the freeglut3 and libmesa libraries first: apt-get update apt install freeglut3-dev apt install mesa-common-dev
I/O commands | Description |
-iformat format_name | Force input format (needs to precede imesh) |
-oformat format_name | Force output format (needs to precede omesh) |
-i filename | Input file (also accepts -imesh) |
-o filename | Output file (also accepts -omesh) |
-odata filename | Output data |
Geometry measurement | Description |
-absgi | Compute absolute gyrification index |
-area | Surface area |
-checkOrientation | Check that normals point outside |
-centre | Move the mesh's barycentre to the origin |
-euler | Print Euler characteristic |
-foldLength | Compute total fold length |
-size | Display mesh dimensions |
-tris | Display number of triangles |
-verts | Display number of vertices |
-volume | Compute mesh volume |
-curv | Compute curvature |
-depth | Compute sulcal depth |
-areaMap | Compute surface area per vertex |
-icurv number_of_iterations | Integrated curvature (warning: icurv changes the geometry of the mesh) |
-isolatedVerts | Count the number of isolated vertices in the mesh |
Geometry modification | Description |
-add filename | Add mesh at filename to the current mesh |
-average n_meshes path1 path2 ... pathn | Compute an average of n_meshes all of the same topology |
-barycentricProjection reference_mesh | Print barycentric coordinates for each vertex in reference_mesh |
-fixFlip | Detect flipped triangles and fix them |
-fixSmall | Detect triangles with an angle >160 |
-flip | Flip normals degrees and fix them |
-laplaceSmooth lambda number_of_iterations | Laplace smoothing |
-level level_value | Adds new vertices (and triangles) to the edges that cross level_value in the vertex data (f.ex., mean curvature) |
-normalise | Place all vertices at distance 1 from the origin |
-randverts number_of_vertices | Generate homogeneously distributedrandom vertices over the mesh |
-relax filename | Relax current mesh to mesh at filename (both meshes have the same topology) |
-resample smooth_mesh reference_mesh | Resample the mesh to match the vertices and the topology of the argument mesh |
-removeIsolatedVerts | Removes isolated vertices in the mesh (if present) |
-rotate x y z | Rotate with angles x, y and z (in degrees) |
-scale scale_value | Multiply each vertex by 'scale' |
-sortTriangles | Sort the triangles in the mesh file along the x axis |
-stereographic | Stereographic projection |
-subdivide | Subdivide the mesh with one iteration of Kobbelt's sqrt(3) algorithm |
-taubinSmooth lambda mu number_of_iterations | Taubin Smoothing |
-translate x y z | Translate mesh by x, y, and z. |
-lissencephalic | Smooth valleys and hills, not the coast |
-normal | Mesh normal vectors |
Data measurement | Description |
-countClusters value | Count clusters in texture data |
-max | Maximum data value |
-mean | Mean data value |
-min | Minimum data value |
Data modification | Description |
-addVal | Add value data |
-subVal | Subtract value from data |
-multVal | Multiply data time value |
-divVal | Divide data by value |
-clip min max | Clip data values to the interval [min,max]\n\ |
-smoothData lambda number_of_iterations | Laplace smoothing of data, lambda=0 -> no smoothing, lambda=1 -> each vertex value to neighbour's average |
-threshold value 0:down/1:up | Threshold texture data |
Other | Description |
-drawSurface colourmap path | draw surface in tiff format, colormap is 'grey' or 'rainbow' |
-v | Verbose mode |
-h | Help |
Meshgeometry can read and write several formats, based on the file extension:
Extension | Description |
.orig, .pial, .white, .inflated, .sphere, .reg | Freesurfer meshes |
.curv, .sulc, .sratio | Freesurfer data |
.mesh | BrainVisa mesh |
.txt | RT's mesh plain text format |
.float | Raw float data |
.txt1 | RT's data format |
.bin | n-e-r-v-o-u-s system web binary mesh |
.wrl, .obj, .ply, .stl, .smesh, .off, .vtk, .gii | Other mesh formats |