The final data saving solution you need
Store - A store is a class that holds inner savable objects, Keep(s), from a datastore (DataStoreService:GetDataStore()) Keep - Inner data holding class that gets saved in the saving cycle. Holds data, variables and methods for functionality.
ProfileService the number one datastore module by loleris is a great module. However, not flawless in my opinion which is why DataKeep was born
Flaws in ProfileService:
- Profile does not automatically clean up internal connections, making the developer have to perform inconvenient clean ups
- ProfileService async calls make it difficult to wait for Profiles to be loaded. Causing weird patterns when waiting for Profiles, DataKeep is promise based
- Shorter, cleaner, scripts for faster future development, and contributors
- Type checking, caveat due to Luau limitations, cannot type check what Promises return