This project demonstrates a minimal end-to-end neural network policy for visual point goal navigation. The network takes a grayscale image and an relative position of a goal coordinate from the agents current position, and output an action that gets the the agent closer to the goal coordinate position. Actions can be either MOVE_FORWARD, TURN_LEFT, TURN_RIGHT or STOP. The network is trained with reinforcement learning using the AI Habitat simulator from Facebook.
This project also provides a remote control script for executing the neural network on a PC and sending commands to a Crazyflie equipped with an AI Deck camera and either a Flow Deck or Lighthouse Deck for positioning.
The full master thesis report is available here
Return to home. The crazyflie is manualy flown some distance from the starting position, and then autonmously flies back.
Obstace avoidance. The crazyflie avoids obstacles in a lab setting.