Tensorflow implementation of CycleGAN, mostly modified from https://github.com/XHUJOY/CycleGAN-tensorflow to a simpler version
Paper: Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation using Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networkssee Author: Jun-Yan Zhu et al.
- gif: horse -> zebra
- row 1: horse -> zebra -> reconstructed horse, row 2: zebra -> horse -> reconstructed zebra
- row 1: apple -> orange -> reconstructed apple, row 2: orange -> apple -> reconstructed orange
- tensorflow r1.0
- python 2.7
cd CycleGAN-Tensorflow-Simple-master
- Download the horse2zebra dataset:
sh ./download_dataset.sh horse2zebra
- Download the apple2orange dataset:
sh ./download_dataset.sh apple2orange
- See download_dataset.sh for more datasets
python train.py --dataset=horse2zebra --gpu_id=0
python test.py --dataset=horse2zebra
python gif2gif.py --gif=./pics/horse.gif --save_path=./pics/horse2zebra.gif --dataset=horse2zebra --direction=a2b