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Technical details (not up to date)

Miguel Porto edited this page Jul 3, 2022 · 1 revision

The data model

This page, as well as the data model itself, are under construction!

All data in Flora-On is stored in a graph: taxonomy, distribution and native status, occurrences, morphology, images, etc.

This page describes the existing types of nodes (vertexes) and the types of relationships used to model all types of data.

Facet Nodes Relationships
Occurrence SpeciesList OBSERVED_IN

Entities (nodes)


Represents a "taxonomic" entity. These entities are not names: they represent the biological entity, i.e., groups of populations that are deemed to belong to the same biological entity. See a detailed explanation here.

Field Type Description
name String
author String
rank TaxonRanks
annotation String
sensu String
current Boolean
name String
WorldNative... Whether or not the world native distribution is complete, regardless of incompleteness in the exotic distribution.
Array of String The IDs of the largest territories for which the distribution of the taxon is complete (both native and exotic)


Represents an arbitrary geographical area.


Represents an inventory of taxa at a given location. If the data pertains to occasional observations, the fields relating to the inventory are left blank.

The SpeciesList does not have data about the observed taxa. The observed taxa are represented as graph links instead. See OBSERVED_IN.

Field Type Description DWC direct
latitude Float Decimal latitude of the inventory. May be exact or approximate (see precision). decimal
longitude Float Decimal longitude of the inventory. May be exact or approximate (see precision). decimal
SRS String EPSG code of the Spatial Reference System. Defaults to EPSG:4326 (geographic coordinates in WGS 84) geodeticDatum*
elevation Float Mean elevation, in meters. verbatim
geometry String The geometry representing this inventory, in Well-Known Text format. May contain geometries of types POINT, LINESTRING, POLYGON footprintWKT
precision Integer Precision of the coordinates in meters, i.e. approximate radius of a circle where the point is located. coordinate
gridPrecision Integer If this field is provided, the coordinate is generalized to the (UTM) square that contains it, in which case this field is the size of the grid considered. This field is ignored if the CRS is not projected.
year Integer Year of the inventory. year
month Integer Month of the inventory. month
day Integer Day of the inventory. day
complete boolean Did the observer record all taxa he was able to detect in the sampled area? true implies that the area of the inventory or a polygon geometry must be given.
habitat String Textual description of the habitat. It may be free text, or text from previously standardized categories.
pubNotes String Public comments to be associated with this inventory.
privNotes String Private comments to be associated with this inventory.
tags Array of String List of custom tags to associate with the inventory, for filtering and organization purposes.
observers Array of String List of observers/authors of this inventory. The first author will be marked as the main author. recordedBy
colectors Array of String List of collectors, in case this is a record form herbarium specimen.
dets Array of String List of determiners, in case this is a record form herbarium specimen.
verbLocality String The original textual description of the location of this inventory. verbatim
locality String The nearest toponym to the location of this inventory. locality*
municipality String Administrative division. municipality
province String Administrative division. stateProvince
county String Administrative division. county
code String User-supplied ID of this inventory. Does not need to be unique. Unique IDs are internal to the database.
threats String Textual description of threats observed in this location.
maintainer String The name of the person who was/is responsible for inserting/processing/georreferencing this inventory/record.
area Float Area that was sampled, in square meters, in case this was a complete inventory.
totalCover Float
aspect String Orientation, either in degrees or as textual acronym.
slope Integer Estimated slope, in percentage.
meanHeight Float
geology String Geology/lithology.









Represents the observation of a taxon (possibly not identified) in a SpeciesList (inventory).

The taxon ID is not part of the observation - the taxon entity is connected as the starting vertex of this graph link.

Field Type Description
phenoState String Phenological state of the observed individuals. One of UNKNOWN, VEGETATIVE, FLOWER, DISPERSION, FLOWER_DISPERSION. See PhenologicalStates.
naturalization String Whether the presence of this taxon in this location is wild or cultivated. One of WILD, CULTIVATED.
confidence String Confidence of the identification as provided by its author. One of CERTAIN, ALMOST_SURE, DOUBTFUL.
verbTaxon String In cases where identification was not possible, a memo to aid the user recall how the observed plant was like.
comment String Comment to be associated with this taxon in the inventory.
labelData String For herbarium vouchers only. Text written in the herbarium sheet label.
accession String For herbarium vouchers only. The herbarium accession code.
abundance String The number of individuals observed, as an exact number or a range.
typeOfEstimate String How the number of individuals observed was estimated. One of EXACT_COUNT, APPROXIMATE_COUNT, ROUGH_ESTIMATE. See TypeOfPopulationEstimate.
cover String The cover of this taxon in the sampled area.
coverScale String The type of index used to estimate cover. One of PERCENT_AREA, BRAUN_BLANQUET, TEXTUAL, AREA, OTHER_SCALE
hasPhoto boolean Was this taxon, at this location, photographed?
hasSpecimen boolean Was this taxon, at this location, collected?
institutionCode String The herbarium code where the specimen is preserved.
validationStatus String The validation status of this observation. One of SPECIMEN_VERIFIED, ASSUMED_CORRECT, DOUBTFUL, PROBABLY_WRONG, WRONG, NOT_VALIDATED
dateInserted String The date when this observation was inserted in the database.
uuid String A unique identifier of this observation.
code String User-supplied ID of this inventory. Does not need to be unique.


Describes the relationship between a TaxEnt and a Territory.

Field Type Description
nativeStatus NativeStatus
occurrenceStatus OccurrenceStatus
introducedStatus IntroducedStatus
naturalizationDegree NaturalizationDegree
abundanceLevel AbundanceLevel
uncertainOccurrenceStatus Boolean If true, the identity of the taxon in this territory is uncertain, but, shall the identification be correct, then it occurs with the reported Status.




The Flora-On API

This is experimental!

Resource URL Response Description Parameters
/query HTML table or a SimpleTaxonResult JSON Execute a free query to be interpreted. This currently covers taxonomy, morphology and geography facets. q, fmt
/lists/checklist HTML table or a ChecklistEntry JSON Returns the list of all accepted names, i.e. all leaf taxon nodes that are current. fmt


Path Parameters
/delete id
/deleteleaf id
/setsynonym from to
/detachsynonym from to
/add/link from to type
/add/inferiortaxent parent name author rank sensu annot current
/add/territory name shortName rank annot
/add/taxent name author rank
/update/taxent id name author rank sensu annotation current worldDistributionCompleteness oldId replace
/update/territory id name shortName type theme checklist