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Maurice HT Ling edited this page May 31, 2020 · 1 revision

Synopsis: Run / execute the ODE model and write out the simulation results.

Usage: python runODE [option]

where [option] can be

  • odefile: Python ODE script file (in odescript folder) to run / execute.
  • sampling: Sampling frequency. If 100, means only every 100th simulation result will be written out. The first (start) and last (end) result will always be written out. Default = 100.
  • resultfile: Relative or absolute file path to write out simulation results. Default = 'oderesult.csv'

For example:

python runODE \ \
    --sampling=500 \

Working example:

D:\Dropbox\MyProjects\astoolkit>python runODE --sampling=500 --resultfile=oderesult.csv
Executing ODE model - glycolysis in odescript folder
Sampling: 500
Output simulation result file: D:\Dropbox\MyProjects\astoolkit\oderesult.csv
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