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Adam Maschek edited this page Mar 30, 2015 · 1 revision

TinyMCE 2.x and 3.x

  1. for TinyMCE 2.x copy files from plugin_tinymce{x}.zip to {yourtinyinstance}/plugins/imgmap/
  2. for TinyMCE 3.x copy files from plugin_tinymce3.{x}.zip to {yourtinyinstance}/plugins/imgmap/
  3. set up your instance in the tinyMCE.init() method to use the plugin, like:

plugins : "table,save,advhr,advimage,imgmap,...",

  1. set up your instance to use the imgmap button, for example:

theme_advanced_buttons3_add : "emotions,iespell,...,imgmap",

  1. you will most likely need to add:

extended_valid_elements: "img[usemap|class|src|border=0|alt|title|hspace|vspace|width|height|align|onmouseover|onmouseout|name],map[id|name],area[shape|alt|coords|href|target]",


  • You may only add extra buttons to your tiny instance if you are using the advanced theme
  • In some cases TinyMCE includes editor_plugin_src.js instead of editor_plugin.js. Since this file was not part of some earlier versions, you can simply copy editor_plugin.js as editor_plugin_src.js in your plugin directory.
  • Please do NOT use the files copied from the examples/ directory, use the plugin_tinymce{x}.zip files for deployment, where {x} marks the imgmap build number.

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