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Joomla FCKEditor setup

Adam Maschek edited this page Jan 24, 2016 · 2 revisions


You can get FCKeditor working with Joomla by downloading Joomla FCKEditor plugin. Steps below tested with Joomla 1.5.12 and JoomlaFCK


  1. Install imgmap plugin into {joomla}\plugins\editors\fckeditor\editor\plugins\imgmap\
  2. In {joomla}\plugins\editors\fckeditor\fckconfig.js somewhere at the end of the file add:
FCKConfig.Plugins.Add( 'imgmap', 'en') ;
  1. In {joomla}\plugins\editors\fckeditor\editor\jtoolbarsetconfig.xml you will find the toolbar sets (Advanced/Creative/Blog/Default). Locate
<plugin name="Image" acl="*"/>

in the toolbarset you want to use, and add:

<plugin name="imgmapPopup" acl="*"/>

Finally Clear your browser cache and launch article editor. You should see the imgmap icon next to the image icon. (Note: in case of the default Office2007 skin you only see a missing icon, this will be fixed in the next release)

User contributed notes:

Comment by vcayenne, Feb 7, 2012

Note that the location of jtoolbarsetconfig.xml is within the editor folder that's in turn within fckeditor within editors within plugins
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