- Add custom scheme reader. You can make custom scheme using reflective xnb reader like this,
export default {
DisplayName: "String",
$Description: "String",
IsDebuff: "Boolean",
$GlowColor: "String",
Duration: "Int32",
MaxDuration: "Int32",
IconTexture: "String",
IconSpriteIndex: "Int32",
$Effects: "StardewValley.GameData.Buffs.BuffAttributesData",
$ActionsOnApply: ["String"],
$CustomFields: {"String": "String"}
and import using setSchemes()
- Add enum support. You can add your c# enum string using
. - Fix a bug that double reader read wrong value from xnb file.
- Fix nullable reader pack error with primitive value.
- Add stardew valley 1.5 ios texture2D support.