Releases: lybell-art/xnb-js
- Add custom scheme reader. You can make custom scheme using reflective xnb reader like this,
export default {
DisplayName: "String",
$Description: "String",
IsDebuff: "Boolean",
$GlowColor: "String",
Duration: "Int32",
MaxDuration: "Int32",
IconTexture: "String",
IconSpriteIndex: "Int32",
$Effects: "StardewValley.GameData.Buffs.BuffAttributesData",
$ActionsOnApply: ["String"],
$CustomFields: {"String": "String"}
and import using setSchemes()
- Add enum support. You can add your c# enum string using
. - Fix a bug that double reader read wrong value from xnb file.
- Fix nullable reader pack error with primitive value.
- Add stardew valley 1.5 ios texture2D support.
- Added feature to pack png files with missing header json files into xnb files. xnb.js generates its own header data.
- Fixed a bug where non-32-bit rgba png files were incorrectly packed.
- The feature to unpack or pack bgra5551 Texture2D data(=format 2) is added.
- Fixed a bug where RGB values were lost when repeating packing after unpacking texture files with alpha values.
The core part and the reader part are separated.
The logic to check the reader type has been changed to be dependent on the reader rather than the core.
ReflectiveReader is implemented.
Changed the logic of NullableReader.
Fixed a series of bugs when unpacking xnb data with NullableReader into YAML.
Added ability to add and configure reader plugins.
plugins-stardew valley
add stardew valley custom data reader plugin.
web demo
Now you can read the custom data types added from Stardew Valley 1.4 to 1.5.5.
When you change the config checkbox, the contents of the resulting file change.
Added the feature to set the compression algorithm when packing.
Fixed a bug that caused the UI to twist slightly in the mobile environment.
Fixed an bug where xnb files decompressed with lz4 were not read properly when unpacked after packing.
Fixed the problem that LZ4 compressed xnb files could not be opened
Initial Public Release
v.1.0.1(private) : Improve performance in decompressing lzx
v.1.0.0(private) : Initial Private Release