基于tensorflow 1.0实现im2txt。也可见博客地址:CSDN博客
由于本人实验环境相对较差,没有GPU,所以没有测试训练过程。因此下载了个预训练模型。 下载地址如下所示:https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bw6m_66JSYLlRFVKQ2tGcUJaWjA/view
- Python 3.6
- Tensorflow >= 1.0.1
- model/im2txt
(1) word_counts.txt文件的处理,需要将文件中的 b' str' ==> str,即把字符串的引号等全部去掉。
def RenameCkpt(): vars_to_rename = { "lstm/BasicLSTMCell/Linear/Matrix": "lstm/basic_lstm_cell/weights", "lstm/BasicLSTMCell/Linear/Bias": "lstm/basic_lstm_cell/biases", } new_checkpoint_vars = {} reader = tf.train.NewCheckpointReader(FLAGS.checkpoint_path) for old_name in reader.get_variable_to_shape_map(): if old_name in vars_to_rename: new_name = vars_to_rename[old_name] else: new_name = old_name new_checkpoint_vars[new_name] = tf.Variable(reader.get_tensor(old_name))
init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
saver = tf.train.Saver(new_checkpoint_vars)
with tf.Session() as sess:
saver.save(sess, "/home/ndscbigdata/work/change/tf/gan/im2txt/ckpt/newmodel.ckpt-2000000")
print("checkpoint file rename successful... ")
图像 COCO_val2014_000000224477.jpg 标题是: 0) a man riding a wave on top of a surfboard . (概率=0.035672)
- a person riding a surf board on a wave (概率=0.016238)
- a man on a surfboard riding a wave . (概率=0.010146)
图像 ep271.jpg 标题是: 0) a woman is standing next to a horse . (概率=0.000759)
- a woman is standing next to a horse (概率=0.000647)
- a woman is standing next to a brown horse . (概率=0.000384)
图像 dog.jpg 标题是: 0) a dog is eating a slice of pizza . (概率=0.000138)
- a dog is eating a slice of pizza on a plate . (概率=0.000047)
- a dog is sitting at a table with a pizza on it . (概率=0.000039)