Permission Nanny is an application that can access resources which are protected by permissions on your behalf, so that your application does not need to declare permission usage in your AndroidManifest.xml. With Permission Nanny, it is possible for your application to not require any permissions at all, yet still be able to access permission-protected resources.
Android M introduces a new permission model - Runtime Permissions - where 3rd party applications are no longer granted permissions at install time. Instead, a dialog is displayed to the user, requesting authorization to access permission-protected resources when 3rd party applications would like to use them during runtime. However, the new Runtime Permissions model is built into the operating system and is only available in Android M and onwards. Pre-M users will have to wait for system updates, which unfortunately could take quite a while.
Permission Nanny is an attempt to backport Runtime Permissions to pre-M devices, all the way to Gingerbread 2.3
From a high-level perspective, Permission Nanny acts as a proxy server between client applications and the Android operating system. When a client needs to access a resource that is protected by Android permissions, the client will send a request to Permission Nanny. Permission Nanny will then show a dialog to the user, asking the user for authorization to grant the client access to the resource. If the user allows the request, Permission Nanny will access the resource and return results to the client; if the user denies the request, Permission Nanny will simply return an error response.
Unfortunately, code changes are required to integrate your app with Permission Nanny. Fortunately, the Permission Nanny SDK is designed to mimic the Android SDK, hence the amount of work required should be minimal. Since you are going to make code changes to make your app work with M's Runtime Permissions anyways; why not try something that is supported all the way back to Gingerbread 2.3?
Clients communicate with Permission Nanny using broadcast Intents following the Permission Police Protocol (PPP). PPP is heavily inspired by HTTP with a few minor tweaks, borrowing attributes such as status codes, headers and entity. See for the full PPP specification.
A Permission Nanny SDK is provided to facilitate issuing requests to and handling responses from Permission Nanny.
dependencies {
compile 'com.permission-nanny:permission-nanny-sdk:a.b.c'
Use one of the static factory methods to create a request; attach a listener to receive results; finally send the
request to Permission Nanny with .startRequest()
. See for more
documentation. For example, to issue a WifiManager.getConnectionInfo()
WifiRequest request = WifiRequest.getConnectionInfo().listener(new SimpleListener() {
public void onResponse(Bundle response) {
Bundle entity = response.getBundle(Nanny.ENTITY_BODY);
if (Nanny.SC_OK != response.getInt(Nanny.STATUS_CODE)) {
NannyException error = (NannyException) entity.getSerializable(Nanny.ENTITY_ERROR);
WifiInfo info = entity.getParcelable(WifiRequest.GET_CONNECTION_INFO);
}).startRequest(context, "Trust me");
Permission Nanny will return a response in the form of a Bundle. The response will contain a status code which will tell you the user's decision. If the user authorizes the request, the response will contain the requested resources; otherwise, it will contain an error message.
Currently, AccountManager, LocationManager, SmsManager, TelephonyManager, WifiManager and all Content Providers are supported. See request factories for a detailed list of all available requests.
Check out the /appDemo directory or the demo app Permission Nanny Demo on Google Play.
Documentation is available but still a work-in-progress. & [] permission-request-java are the most extensive documentation and should cover most areas of Permission Nanny.
Please direct your questions to the Permission Nanny mailing list; I will try my best to answer them.
See LICENSE for details.