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Better docs and organization for incremental Verso elab
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david-christiansen committed Apr 19, 2024
1 parent 66885d4 commit 7c3b474
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Showing 2 changed files with 217 additions and 196 deletions.
204 changes: 8 additions & 196 deletions src/verso/Verso/Doc/Concrete.lean
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Expand Up @@ -8,57 +8,13 @@ import Lean

import Verso.Doc
import Verso.Doc.Elab
import Verso.Doc.Elab.Incremental
import Verso.Doc.Elab.Monad
import Verso.Doc.Lsp
import Verso.Parser
import Verso.SyntaxUtils

-- Note (DTC, 2024-04-18):
-- These are temporarily taken from PR #3636/#3940 and will need to be removed as incrementality becomes
-- part of Lean
namespace Lean
Gets the end position information from a `SourceInfo`, if available.
If `originalOnly` is true, then `.synthetic` syntax will also return `none`.
def SourceInfo.getTailPos? (info : SourceInfo) (canonicalOnly := false) : Option String.Pos :=
match info, canonicalOnly with
| original (endPos := endPos) .., _
| synthetic (endPos := endPos) (canonical := true) .., _
| synthetic (endPos := endPos) .., false => some endPos
| _, _ => none

def SourceInfo.getRange? (canonicalOnly := false) (info : SourceInfo) : Option String.Range :=
return ⟨(← info.getPos? canonicalOnly), (← info.getTailPos? canonicalOnly)⟩

namespace Syntax
Compare syntax structures and position ranges, but not whitespace.
We generally assume that if syntax trees equal in this way generate the same elaboration output,
including positions contained in e.g. diagnostics and the info tree.
partial def structRangeEq : Syntax → Syntax → Bool
| .missing, .missing => true
| .node info k args, .node info' k' args' =>
info.getRange? == info'.getRange? && k == k' && args.isEqv args' structRangeEq
| .atom info val, .atom info' val' => info.getRange? == info'.getRange? && val == val'
| .ident info rawVal val preresolved, .ident info' rawVal' val' preresolved' =>
info.getRange? == info'.getRange? && rawVal == rawVal' && val == val' &&
preresolved == preresolved'
| _, _ => false

/-- Like `structRangeEq` but prints trace on failure if `trace.Elab.reuse` is activated. -/
def structRangeEqWithTraceReuse (opts : Options) (stx1 stx2 : Syntax) : Bool :=
if stx1.structRangeEq stx2 then
if opts.getBool `trace.Elab.reuse then
dbg_trace "reuse stopped: {stx1} != {stx2}"
end Syntax
end Lean

namespace Verso.Doc.Concrete

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -217,16 +173,16 @@ def currentDocName [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] : m Name := do

open Language

The complete state of `PartElabM`, suitable for saving and restoration during incremental
structure DocElabSnapshotState where
docState : DocElabM.State
partState : PartElabM.State
termState : Term.SavedState
deriving Nonempty

open Lean Elab Term
private def getSnapshotState : PartElabM DocElabSnapshotState := do
pure ⟨← getThe _, ← getThe _, ← saveState (m := TermElabM)⟩

structure DocElabSnapshotData extends Language.Snapshot where
stx : Syntax
finished : Task DocElabSnapshotState
Expand All @@ -240,156 +196,12 @@ partial instance : ToSnapshotTree DocElabSnapshot where
toSnapshotTree := go where
go := fun ⟨s, next⟩ => ⟨s.toSnapshot, (·.map (sync := true) go) |>.toArray⟩

abbrev : DocElabSnapshot → DocElabSnapshotData
| .mk data _ => data

abbrev : DocElabSnapshot → Option (SnapshotTask DocElabSnapshot)
| .mk _ next => next

private def exnMessage [Monad m] [MonadLog m] [AddMessageContext m] [MonadExcept Exception m] (exn : Exception) : m Message := do
match exn with
| .error ref msg =>
let ref := replaceRef ref (← MonadLog.getRef)
let pos := ref.getPos?.getD 0
let endPos := ref.getTailPos?.getD pos
let fileMap ← getFileMap
let msgData ← addMessageContext msg
pure { fileName := (← getFileName), pos := fileMap.toPosition pos, endPos := fileMap.toPosition endPos, data := msgData, severity := .error }
| oops@(.internal _ _) => throw oops

class IncrementalSnapshot (snapshot : outParam Type) (σ : outParam Type) where
A task that will provide the next state on demand, if relevant. Incremental elaboration traverses
the chain of next states until it finds one that can't be reused.
getNext : snapshot → Option (SnapshotTask snapshot)
The specific piece of syntax that gave rise to this incremental snapshot.
getStx : snapshot → Syntax
The incremental DSL elaboration state computed as a result of this snapshot.
getIncrState : snapshot → Task σ
The Lean elaboration framework's snapshot (needed to provide incremental diagnostics)
toLeanSnapshot : snapshot → Language.Snapshot
How should a snapshot be constructed? The parameters are:
* The syntax giving rise to this specific snapshot
* A Lean snapshot
* A task that will compute the updated state from the syntax during incremental elaboration
* The next snapshot in the chain, if one exists. The final DSL snapshot will have `none` here.
mkSnap : Syntax → Language.Snapshot → Task σ → Option (SnapshotTask snapshot) → snapshot

open Lean Elab Command in
open IncrementalSnapshot in
Elaborates a custom command incrementally. The command is expected to be an elaborator for a DSL
that requires its own state handling, but is elaborated (like Lean) from top to bottom.
The parameters are:
* `snapshot` is the type used for the DSL's intermediate elaboration snapshots. The
`IncrementalSnapshot` instance describes the relationship between this type, the DSL elaborator's
own monadic state `σ`, and the elaboration process.
* `σ` is the DSL elaborator's own monadic state.
* `m` is the DSL's elaboration monad. It must support many of Lean's own elaboration effects, so it
will frequently be a transformed `TermElabM`.
* `cmd` is the complete syntax of the command being elaborated. This is used only for displaying
interactive feedback to the user, and it should be a piece of syntax whose range encompasses all
the individual steps to be elaborated.
* `steps` is the individual steps to incrementally elaborate. These should all be contained within
`cmd`. They are saved in incremental snapshots and compared (with `Syntax.structRangeEq`) to
determine whether the snapshot should be re-used or invalidated.
* `initAct` contains any monadic actions to run to establish an initial elaboration state prior to
elaborating the command steps.
* `endAct` contains any monadic actions to run after incremental elaboration is completed.
* `handleStep` describes the DSL's elaboration procedure for a single step from `steps`.
* `lift` is a means of running the DSL's monad inside `CommandElabM`.
The caller is responsible for resolving the returned promise to indicate to Lean that the command is
fully elaborated.
Ordinary exceptions thrown by `handleStep` are caught and logged incrementally, unless they
represent unrecoverable internal Lean errors, in which case incremental elaboration is terminated.
def incrementallyElabCommand
[IncrementalSnapshot snapshot σ]
[TypeName snapshot] [ToSnapshotTree snapshot] [Nonempty snapshot]
[Nonempty σ]
[Monad m] [MonadLiftT BaseIO m] [MonadExcept Exception m] [MonadLog m] [AddMessageContext m] [MonadFinally m]
[MonadStateOf σ m]
(cmd : Syntax)
(steps : Array Syntax)
(initAct : m Unit)
(endAct : m Unit)
(handleStep : Syntax → m Unit)
(lift : {α : _} → m α → CommandElabM α)
: CommandElabM (IO.Promise snapshot × σ) := do
if let some snap := (← read).snap? then
withReader (fun ρ => {ρ with snap? := none}) do
lift <| do
let mut oldSnap? := snap.old?.bind (·.val.get.toTyped? (α := snapshot))
let mut nextPromise ←
let initData := {diagnostics := .empty} <| DynamicSnapshot.ofTyped <|
mkSnap cmd initData (.pure (← get)) (some {range? := cmd.getRange?, task := nextPromise.result})
let mut errors : MessageLog := .empty
for b in steps do
let mut reuseState := false
if let some oldSnap := oldSnap? then
if let some next := getNext oldSnap then
-- if (← getOptions) b then
if next.get |> getStx |>.structRangeEq b then
-- If they match, do nothing and advance the snapshot
let σ := next.get |> getIncrState |>.get
set σ
errors := next.get |> toLeanSnapshot |>.diagnostics.msgLog
oldSnap? := next.get
reuseState := true
let nextNextPromise ←
let updatedState ←
nextPromise.resolve <|
mkSnap b {diagnostics := ⟨errors, none⟩} updatedState.result
(some {range? := b.getRange?, task := nextNextPromise.result})

if not reuseState then
oldSnap? := none
try handleStep b
catch e => errors := errors.add <| ← exnMessage e

updatedState.resolve <| ← get
nextPromise := nextNextPromise
-- In case of a fatal exception in partCommand, we need to make sure that the promise actually
-- gets resolved to avoid hanging forever. And the first resolve wins, so the second one is a
-- no-op the rest of the time.
nextPromise.resolve <| mkSnap b {diagnostics := ⟨errors, none⟩} (.pure (← get)) none
updatedState.resolve <| ← get -- some old state goes here
pure (nextPromise, ← get)
else -- incrementality not available - just do the action the easy way
lift <| do
for b in steps do
handleStep b
pure (←, ← get)

instance : IncrementalSnapshot DocElabSnapshot DocElabSnapshotState where
getNext snap :=
getStx snap :=
Expand All @@ -398,23 +210,23 @@ instance : IncrementalSnapshot DocElabSnapshot DocElabSnapshotState where
mkSnap stx snap res := ( snap stx res)

instance : MonadStateOf DocElabSnapshotState PartElabM where
get := getSnapshotState
get := getter
set := setter
-- Not great for linearity, but incrementality breaks that anyway and that's the only use case for
-- this instance.
modifyGet f := do
let s ← getSnapshotState
let s ← getter
let (val, s') := f s
setter s'
pure val
getter := do pure ⟨← getThe _, ← getThe _, ← saveState (m := TermElabM)⟩
| ⟨docState, partState, termState⟩ => do
set docState
set partState

elab "#doc" "(" genre:term ")" title:inlineStr "=>" text:completeDocument eof:eoi : command => open Lean Elab Term Command PartElabM DocElabM in do
findGenreCmd genre
if eof.raw.isMissing then
Expand Down

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