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Improve incremental elaboration refactor
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david-christiansen committed Apr 19, 2024
1 parent 0a27a8d commit 66885d4
Showing 1 changed file with 110 additions and 35 deletions.
145 changes: 110 additions & 35 deletions src/verso/Verso/Doc/Concrete.lean
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Expand Up @@ -233,18 +233,18 @@ structure DocElabSnapshotData extends Language.Snapshot where
deriving Nonempty

inductive DocElabSnapshot where
| mk (data : DocElabSnapshotData) (next : Array (SnapshotTask DocElabSnapshot))
| mk (data : DocElabSnapshotData) (next : Option (SnapshotTask DocElabSnapshot))
deriving TypeName, Nonempty

partial instance : ToSnapshotTree DocElabSnapshot where
toSnapshotTree := go where
go := fun ⟨s, next⟩ => ⟨s.toSnapshot, (·.map (sync := true) go)⟩
go := fun ⟨s, next⟩ => ⟨s.toSnapshot, (·.map (sync := true) go) |>.toArray

abbrev : DocElabSnapshot → DocElabSnapshotData
| .mk data _ => data

abbrev : DocElabSnapshot → Array (SnapshotTask DocElabSnapshot)
abbrev : DocElabSnapshot → Option (SnapshotTask DocElabSnapshot)
| .mk _ next => next

private def exnMessage [Monad m] [MonadLog m] [AddMessageContext m] [MonadExcept Exception m] (exn : Exception) : m Message := do
Expand All @@ -258,26 +258,85 @@ private def exnMessage [Monad m] [MonadLog m] [AddMessageContext m] [MonadExcept
pure { fileName := (← getFileName), pos := fileMap.toPosition pos, endPos := fileMap.toPosition endPos, data := msgData, severity := .error }
| oops@(.internal _ _) => throw oops

class IncrementalSnapshot (snapshot : outParam Type) (σ : outParam Type) where
A task that will provide the next state on demand, if relevant. Incremental elaboration traverses
the chain of next states until it finds one that can't be reused.
getNext : snapshot → Option (SnapshotTask snapshot)
The specific piece of syntax that gave rise to this incremental snapshot.
getStx : snapshot → Syntax
The incremental DSL elaboration state computed as a result of this snapshot.
getIncrState : snapshot → Task σ
The Lean elaboration framework's snapshot (needed to provide incremental diagnostics)
toLeanSnapshot : snapshot → Language.Snapshot
How should a snapshot be constructed? The parameters are:
* The syntax giving rise to this specific snapshot
* A Lean snapshot
* A task that will compute the updated state from the syntax during incremental elaboration
* The next snapshot in the chain, if one exists. The final DSL snapshot will have `none` here.
mkSnap : Syntax → Language.Snapshot → Task σ → Option (SnapshotTask snapshot) → snapshot

open Lean Elab Command in
open IncrementalSnapshot in
Elaborates a custom command incrementally. The command is expected to be an elaborator for a DSL
that requires its own state handling, but is elaborated (like Lean) from top to bottom.
The parameters are:
* `snapshot` is the type used for the DSL's intermediate elaboration snapshots. The
`IncrementalSnapshot` instance describes the relationship between this type, the DSL elaborator's
own monadic state `σ`, and the elaboration process.
* `σ` is the DSL elaborator's own monadic state.
* `m` is the DSL's elaboration monad. It must support many of Lean's own elaboration effects, so it
will frequently be a transformed `TermElabM`.
* `cmd` is the complete syntax of the command being elaborated. This is used only for displaying
interactive feedback to the user, and it should be a piece of syntax whose range encompasses all
the individual steps to be elaborated.
* `steps` is the individual steps to incrementally elaborate. These should all be contained within
`cmd`. They are saved in incremental snapshots and compared (with `Syntax.structRangeEq`) to
determine whether the snapshot should be re-used or invalidated.
* `initAct` contains any monadic actions to run to establish an initial elaboration state prior to
elaborating the command steps.
* `endAct` contains any monadic actions to run after incremental elaboration is completed.
* `handleStep` describes the DSL's elaboration procedure for a single step from `steps`.
* `lift` is a means of running the DSL's monad inside `CommandElabM`.
The caller is responsible for resolving the returned promise to indicate to Lean that the command is
fully elaborated.
Ordinary exceptions thrown by `handleStep` are caught and logged incrementally, unless they
represent unrecoverable internal Lean errors, in which case incremental elaboration is terminated.
def incrementallyElabCommand
[IncrementalSnapshot snapshot σ]
[TypeName snapshot] [ToSnapshotTree snapshot] [Nonempty snapshot]
[Nonempty σ]
[Monad m] [MonadLiftT BaseIO m] [MonadExcept Exception m] [MonadLog m] [AddMessageContext m] [MonadFinally m]
[MonadStateOf σ m]
(cmd : Syntax)
(steps : Array Syntax)
(initAct : m Unit)
(endAct : m Unit)
(handleStep : Syntax → m Unit)
(getState : m σ)
(setState : σ → m Unit)
(getNext : snapshot → Option (SnapshotTask snapshot))
(getData : snapshot → snapshotData)
(getStx : snapshotData → Syntax)
(getIncrState : snapshotData → Task σ)
(lift : {α : _} → m α → CommandElabM α)
(mkData : Syntax → Language.Snapshot → Task σ → snapshotData)
(dataSnap : snapshotData → Language.Snapshot)
(mkSnap : snapshotData → Array (SnapshotTask snapshot) → snapshot)
: CommandElabM (IO.Promise snapshot × σ) := do
if let some snap := (← read).snap? then
withReader (fun ρ => {ρ with snap? := none}) do
Expand All @@ -286,50 +345,75 @@ def incrementallyElabCommand
let mut nextPromise ←
let initData := {diagnostics := .empty} <| DynamicSnapshot.ofTyped <|
mkSnap (mkData cmd initData <| .pure (← getState))
#[{range? := cmd.getRange?, task := nextPromise.result}]
mkSnap cmd initData (.pure (← get)) (some {range? := cmd.getRange?, task := nextPromise.result})
let mut errors : MessageLog := .empty
for b in steps do
let mut reuseState := false
if let some oldSnap := oldSnap? then
if let some next := getNext oldSnap then
-- if (← getOptions) b then
if next.get |> getData |> getStx |>.structRangeEq b then
if next.get |> getStx |>.structRangeEq b then
-- If they match, do nothing and advance the snapshot
let σ := next.get |> getData |> getIncrState |>.get
setState σ
errors := next.get |> getData |> dataSnap |>.diagnostics.msgLog
let σ := next.get |> getIncrState |>.get
set σ
errors := next.get |> toLeanSnapshot |>.diagnostics.msgLog
oldSnap? := next.get
reuseState := true
let nextNextPromise ←
let updatedState ←
nextPromise.resolve <| mkSnap (mkData b {diagnostics := ⟨errors, none⟩} updatedState.result)
#[{range? := b.getRange?, task := nextNextPromise.result}]
nextPromise.resolve <|
mkSnap b {diagnostics := ⟨errors, none⟩} updatedState.result
(some {range? := b.getRange?, task := nextNextPromise.result})

if not reuseState then
oldSnap? := none
try handleStep b
catch e => errors := errors.add <| ← exnMessage e

updatedState.resolve <| ← getState
updatedState.resolve <| ← get
nextPromise := nextNextPromise
-- In case of a fatal exception in partCommand, we need to make sure that the promise actually
-- gets resolved to avoid hanging forever. And the first resolve wins, so the second one is a
-- no-op the rest of the time.
nextPromise.resolve <| mkSnap (mkData b {diagnostics := ⟨errors, none⟩} (.pure (← getState))) #[]
updatedState.resolve <| ← getState -- some old state goes here
nextPromise.resolve <| mkSnap b {diagnostics := ⟨errors, none⟩} (.pure (← get)) none
updatedState.resolve <| ← get -- some old state goes here
pure (nextPromise, ← getState)
pure (nextPromise, ← get)
else -- incrementality not available - just do the action the easy way
lift <| do
for b in steps do
handleStep b
pure (←, ← getState)
pure (←, ← get)

instance : IncrementalSnapshot DocElabSnapshot DocElabSnapshotState where
getNext snap :=
getStx snap :=
getIncrState snap :=
toLeanSnapshot snap :=
mkSnap stx snap res := ( snap stx res)

instance : MonadStateOf DocElabSnapshotState PartElabM where
get := getSnapshotState
set := setter
-- Not great for linearity, but incrementality breaks that anyway and that's the only use case for
-- this instance.
modifyGet f := do
let s ← getSnapshotState
let (val, s') := f s
setter s'
pure val
| ⟨docState, partState, termState⟩ => do
set docState
set partState

elab "#doc" "(" genre:term ")" title:inlineStr "=>" text:completeDocument eof:eoi : command => open Lean Elab Term Command PartElabM DocElabM in do
findGenreCmd genre
Expand All @@ -348,16 +432,7 @@ elab "#doc" "(" genre:term ")" title:inlineStr "=>" text:completeDocument eof:eo
(initAct := do setTitle titleString (← liftDocElabM <| titleParts.mapM elabInline))
(endAct := closePartsUntil 0 endPos)
(handleStep := partCommand)
(getState := getSnapshotState)
(setState := fun ⟨docState, partState, termState⟩ => do set docState; set partState; termState.restoreFull)
(getNext := (·.next[0]?))
(getData := (·.data))
(getStx := (·.stx))
(getIncrState := (·.finished))
(lift := fun act => liftTermElabM <| Prod.fst <$> {} initState act)
(mkData := fun stx snap => snap stx)
(dataSnap := DocElabSnapshotData.toSnapshot)
(mkSnap :=

let finished := st'.partContext.toPartFrame.close endPos
pushInfoLeaf <| .ofCustomInfo {stx := (← getRef) , value := finished.toTOC}
Expand All @@ -368,4 +443,4 @@ elab "#doc" "(" genre:term ")" title:inlineStr "=>" text:completeDocument eof:eo
stx := text,
finished := .pure snapshotState
diagnostics := .empty
} #[]
} none

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