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kkdd-ddkk edited this page Aug 18, 2022 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the smali_tooling wiki!

This tool is created to patch constructors of smali classes. A new class is added to the code tree, and every constructor of every class (depending on the file list that you provide) is patched to call a method that prints backtrace to logcat. This tool patches static/public/protected/private constructors.

Take an APK, decompile it with APKtool into BASE_DIR:

apktool d some.apk -o BASE_DIR

Create a git repo in the BASE_DIR, and make a local commit, so that the script can revert to it after unsuccesful patching. You can skip resetting wyth --skip-reset argument.

Make git.exe accesible in your %PATH%.

Connect your phone with USB debugging enabled

Run -d BASE_DIR -c smali_classes4/o [-v] [-f list_of_smalis.txt]

It will patch whatever it can find, and will run build.bat

build.bat will try to assemble the apk back, to sign it and install on the phone.

Don't forget to run adb logcat | grep "KEKW" before you start the app.

Have fun.

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