Welcome to the smali_tooling wiki!
This tool is created to patch constructors of smali classes. A new class called customlogger.BacktraceLogger
is added to the code tree, and every constructor of every class (depending on the file list that you provide) is patched to call a method that prints backtrace to logcat. This tool patches static
If you want to see which classes in which order are created, or want to use Frida Gadget and don't know where to patch (again, aim for the most early loaded classes.
Take an APK, decompile it with APKtool into BASE_DIR:
apktool d -r some.apk -o BASE_DIR
-r is preferred, not to have a headache with compiling the resources back.
Create a git repo in the BASE_DIR, and make a local commit, so that the script can revert to it after unsuccesful patching. You can skip resetting with --skip-reset
Make the following tools accesible in your %PATH%
- git
- apktool
- zipalign
- apksigner
Connect your phone with USB debugging enabled
Make a list of files you would like to patch. You hardly need all smali files. Make a choice. You can use something like
dir /s /b *.smali BASE_DIR | findstr only\specific\namespace > smali_list.txt
Also you might want to pass -s some_namespace.SomeClass
to the script, so that it does not move it from its original smali_classesN folder. Some classes should not be touched, otherwise Android cannot find them. This you have to figure out by trials and errors, and by grepping logcat.
Run patch_methods.py -d BASE_DIR -f smali_list.txt -s some_namespace.SomeClass [-v]
(-f can be omitted if you want to patch all smalis, -s can be omitted as well).
It will patch whatever you asked it to, and will run build.bat
will try to assemble the apk back, to sign it and install on the phone.
Don't forget to run adb logcat | grep "RLOGGER"
before you start the app.
Example output would be:
08-19 19:34:32.299 26546 26546 D RLOGGER : STACKTRACE:customlogger.BacktraceLogger.printBacktrace(Unknown Source:73)
08-19 19:34:32.299 26546 26546 D RLOGGER : o.fromStatus.<clinit>(Unknown Source:0)
08-19 19:34:32.299 26546 26546 D RLOGGER : o.fromStatus.INotificationSideChannel$Default(Unknown Source:0)
08-19 19:34:32.299 26546 26546 D RLOGGER : o.checkNull.<init>(:67)
08-19 19:34:32.299 26546 26546 D RLOGGER : o.getViewForPopups.<clinit>(:3074)
08-19 19:34:32.299 26546 26546 D RLOGGER : o.getViewForPopups.cancel(Unknown Source:0)
08-19 19:34:32.299 26546 26546 D RLOGGER : o.KeepForSdkWithFieldsAndMethods.attachBaseContext(Unknown Source:27)
08-19 19:34:32.299 26546 26546 D RLOGGER : android.app.Application.attach(Application.java:338)
08-19 19:34:32.299 26546 26546 D RLOGGER : android.app.Instrumentation.newApplication(Instrumentation.java:1190)
08-19 19:34:32.299 26546 26546 D RLOGGER : android.app.LoadedApk.makeApplication(LoadedApk.java:1356)
08-19 19:34:32.299 26546 26546 D RLOGGER : android.app.ActivityThread.handleBindApplication(ActivityThread.java:6723)
08-19 19:34:32.299 26546 26546 D RLOGGER : android.app.ActivityThread.access$1500(ActivityThread.java:256)
08-19 19:34:32.299 26546 26546 D RLOGGER : android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:2091)
08-19 19:34:32.299 26546 26546 D RLOGGER : android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:106)
08-19 19:34:32.299 26546 26546 D RLOGGER : android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:201)
08-19 19:34:32.299 26546 26546 D RLOGGER : android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:288)
08-19 19:34:32.299 26546 26546 D RLOGGER : android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:7870)
08-19 19:34:32.299 26546 26546 D RLOGGER : java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
08-19 19:34:32.299 26546 26546 D RLOGGER : com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:548)
08-19 19:34:32.299 26546 26546 D RLOGGER : com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1003)
08-19 19:34:32.299 26546 26546 D RLOGGER :
You can use build.bat
separately to rebuild, zipalign, sign and install the APK.
Have fun.