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Automated bioformatics pipeline for near-real-time public-health responses to new HIV diagnoses


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Automated bioformatics pipeline for near-real-time public-health responses to new HIV diagnoses

This software is described in further detail in the manuscript:

Mark Howison, Fizza S Gillani, Vlad Novitsky, Jon A Steingrimsson, John Fulton, Thomas Bertrand, Katharine Howe, Anna Civitarese, Lila Bhattarai, Meghan MacAskill, Guillermo Ronquillo, Joel Hague, Casey Dunn, Utpala Bandy, Joseph W Hogan, Rami Kantor. (2022). Informing near-real-time public-health responses to new HIV diagnoses in a statewide HIV epidemic.

Through a unique academic-public-health partnership, we developed an automated, open-source pipeline and applied it to prospective, routine analysis of statewide molecular HIV data in near-real-time in the State of Rhode Island. This collaboration informed public-health actions to optimize disruption of HIV transmission. This repository provides the source code for the automated bioinformatics pipeline, for other public health teams to use and learn from.


This pipeline is designed to run in a Linux-based compute cluster environment. It has been tested on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.9 and with the SLURM batch system. (It may be possible to adapt the pipeline to run with a different batch system by modifying the call to the SLURM srun command in template-qc/scons/setup and template-phylo/scons/setup but we have not tested any other batch systems at this time.)

The pipline uses the scons build system to orchestrate analyses and provide checkpointing and restarting capabilities.

Dependencies are managed with Anaconda Python, which you must install first (you can use the minimal miniconda installer if you prefer). After installing conda, create a new environment called rtp from the included package list with:

conda create --name rtp --channel kantorlab --file conda.yaml

Once this conda environment is ready, additional R package dependencies must be installed with:

conda activate rtp
Rscript -e 'install.packages(read.table("R-packages.txt")$V1, repos = c(""))'

Before you run the pipeline, you must first define the following environment variables for directories where the analysis results (RTP_ANALYSES), cached/intermediate results (RTP_CACHE), and input datasets (RTP_DATASETS) reside. For example, you could use subdirectories in your current directory with:

export RTP_ANALYSES=$PWD/analyses
export RTP_CACHE=$PWD/cache
export RTP_DATASETS=$PWD/datasets

Input data

The pipeline is designed to operate on a dataset that you place in the RTP_DATASETS directory. Typically, the dataset would be updated or generated on a near-real-time schedule, such as every month or week. The dataset must be named using the schema D{n}_{YYYYMMDD}_V{v} where n is an accession number starting at 1, YYYYMMDD is the most recent sequencing date for sequences in the dataset, and v is a versioning number starting at 1. For a typical run of the pipeline, the V1 version will contain all available sequences for all indivdiuals and is used for quality control. The V2 will contain one sequence (the oldest available sequence) per individual and is used for phylogenetic analysis. For example, say this is your first run of the pipeline, the latest sequencing date of your data is 2022-10-11, and you plan to run the quality control and phylogenetic modules. You would create the following directories:

mkdir $RTP_DATASETS/D1_20221011_V1
mkdir $RTP_DATASETS/D1_20221011_V2

Then you would place the following required CSV files in those directories. Each file is either keyed on StudyID (the identifier for a distinct individual) or SequenceID (the identifier for a distinct sequence). The SequenceID must have the format {StudyID}_{n} where StudyID is the individual to whom the sequence belongs and n is a sequence acession number starting at 1.

patients.csv - a table with one row per StudyID and fields:

  • StudyID
  • Gender (coded with 1=Male, 2=Female, 3=Transgender)
  • Ethnicity (coded with 1=Hispanic, 2=Non-Hispanic)
  • Race (coded with 1=White, 2=Black, 3=Asian, 4=Other)
  • HIVDxDate (date of HIV diagnosis; MM/DD/YYYY format)
  • HIVDxYear (year of HIV diagnosis; YYYY format)
  • PrimaryRiskFactor (a comma-separated list of risk factor labels for the individual)
  • MSM (0/1 indicator if MSM is a risk factor for the individual)
  • EverAtACI (0/1 indicator if the individual has been previously incarcerated)
  • EverSubstanceUse (0/1 indicator if the individual has a known history of controlled substance use)
  • EverPsychotic (0/1 indicator if the individual has a previous diagnosis of a mental health condition)
  • EverIDU (0/1 indicator if the individual has a known history of intraveneous drug use)
  • YearOfLastNegativeTest (year of last known HIV negative test result; YYYY format)
  • CountryOfBirth (country name or abbreviation)
  • AgeAtDx (age at the date of HIV diagnosis)
  • HIVDx6mo (0/1 indicator if the HIV diagnosis date was in the previous 6 months)
  • HIVDx12mo (0/1 indicator if the HIV diagnosis date was in the previous 12 months)
  • HIVDx18mo (0/1 indicator if the HIV diagnosis date was in the previous 18 months)

sequences.csv - a table with one row per SequenceID (including all sequences for quality control analyses but only the earliest available sequence per StudyID for phylogenetic analyses) and fields:

  • SequenceID
  • StudyID
  • AgeAtSeq
  • Year (year of sequencing; YYYY format)
  • Date (date of sequencing; YYYY-MM-DD format)
  • TreatmentStatus
  • Length (nucleotide length of the sequence)

new_seq_ids.csv - the SequenceID values from the sequences.csv file that are newly acquired since the previuos analysis, with fields:

  • StudyID
  • SequenceID
  • Date (date of sequencing; YYYY-MM-DD format)

sequences.fa - a FASTA file containing the nucleotide sequences listed in sequences.csv. The FASTA header text for each sequence must be equal to the SequenceID.

sierra.json - the result of processing sequences.fa with the sierrapy client for the Stanford HIVdb Sierra algorithm.

cd4.csv - a long table (multiple observations per StudyID) of clinical CD4 results with fields:

  • StudyID
  • Date (date of clinical result; MM/DD/YYYY format)
  • CD4 (clinical value)

pvl.csv - a long table (multiple observations per StudyID) of clinical viral load results with fields:

  • StudyID
  • Date (date of clinical result; MM/DD/YYYY format)
  • PVL (clinical value)

Running analyses

To run an analysis, you make a copy of the appropriate template directory for the module you would like to run (quality control or phylogenetic analysis). An analysis directory must be named with the format analysis-{n} where n is an analysis accession number starting at 1. For example, if your first analysis is to run quality control on the V1 dataset described above, you would copy the template-qc like this:

cp -R template-qc analysis-1

After running the quality control analysis, you could setup a phylogenetic analysis on the V2 dataset described above like this:

cp -R template-phylo analysis-2

Running the quality control (QC) module

The quality control module analyzes the output of the Sierra algorithm and performs a pairwise distance analysis of sequences.

After making a copy of the QC template above, change to that new analysis directory with:

cd analysis-1

The SConstruct file in this directory describes the datasets and components used in the analysis. Edit the SConstruct file and fill in the name of your dataset, D1_20221011_V1, on line 7 where the template has INSERT_DATASET_NAME_HERE. Fill in the integer value for the starting SequenceID (explained above in the Input data section) where the template has INSERT_START_SEQUENCE_ID_HERE. Save and close the SConstruct file.

The entire analysis can be run by executing the ./build wrapper from this directory. Each command in the analysis will be automatically run as a SLURM batch job by the scons build system. You can test the commands that would be run by scons without actually running them using:

./build -n

You can parallelize the build to use concurrent SLURM batch jobs with the -j argument. For example, to use up to 4 concurrent batch jobs, run the analysis with:

./build -j4

When scons finishes running all of the tasks in the SConstruct file, it will print the message:

scons: done building targets.

You can now find the quality control results in the directory $RTP_ANALYSES/1/reports/qc. There are four reports you can review:

D1_20221110_V1.Apobec.html - the number of Apobec mutations identified by the Sierra algorithm in each sequence.

D1_20221110_V1.StopCodon.html - the number of stop codons identified by the Sierra algorithm in each sequence.

D1_20221110_V1.Unusual.html - the number of unusual mutations identified by the Sierra algorithm in each sequence. These are defined by the Stanford HIVdb as "amino acids with an overall group M prevalence <0.01% that do not have a mutation penalty score in the HIVdb genotypic resistance interpretation program and that are not signature APOBEC mutations" (

mafft.D1_20221110_V1.SameSubtypeLow.html - sequence pairs that have the same subtype ordered by the smallest pairwise genetic distance. Sequence pairs with genetic distance less than 0.5% are very similar and may require further evaluation to confirm that they are from distinct individuals (e.g. that a StudyID has not been misassigned to one of the sequences).

Running the clustering/phylogenetic (phylo) module

The clustering/phylogenetic module performs phylogenetic analysis using the following five commonly-used phylogenetic methods: RAxML, IQ-TREE, FastTree, FastTree (with the alternative likelihood ratio test), and MEGA. Phylogenetic results are clustered using ClusterPicker. The pipeline also performs distance-only cluster analysis using HIV-TRACE.

After making a copy of the phylo template above, change to that new analysis directory with:

cd analysis-2

The SConstruct file in this directory describes the datasets and components used in the analysis. Edit the SConstruct file and fill in the name of your dataset, D1_20221011_V2, on line 7 where the template has INSERT_DATASET_NAME_HERE. Fill in the integer value for the starting SequenceID (explained above in the Input data section) where the template has INSERT_START_SEQUENCE_ID_HERE. Save and close the SConstruct file.

The entire analysis can be run by executing the ./build wrapper from this directory. Each command in the analysis will be automatically run as a SLURM batch job by the scons build system. You can test the commands that would be run by scons without actually running them using:

./build -n

You can parallelize the build to use concurrent SLURM batch jobs with the -j argument. For example, to use up to 4 concurrent batch jobs, run the analysis with:

./build -j4

When scons finishes running all of the tasks in the SConstruct file, it will print the message:

scons: done building targets.

You can now find the clustering/phylogenetic results in the directory $RTP_ANALYSES/2/reports/summary, which will contain a PDF report D1_20221011_V2_Report.pdf.


Copyright 2018, Brown University, Providence, RI. All Rights Reserved.

Copyright 2019-2020, Innovative Policy Lab d.b.a. Research Improving People's Lives ("RIPL"), Providence, RI. All Rights Reserved.

See LICENSE.txt for full terms of use.


Automated bioformatics pipeline for near-real-time public-health responses to new HIV diagnoses







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