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start dev

Paweł Psztyć edited this page Jan 21, 2016 · 3 revisions

Begin with development

Getting things ready

Everything you need to start is in the package. First you need to fork the repository. When you do this, clone your fork:

git clone[YourAccount]/ChromeRestClient.git

Then you just need:

npm install & bower install

If you don't have a node you should install it following the instructions on their website. You'll install bower with command:

npm install -g bower

(remove -g option if you don't have administrator rights).


This is a regular JavaScript application. It doesn't need any special treatment or preparation for development. Just edit the files and reload the app.

There is however a special way how I work with the repo. There are two main branches: master and develop. While master is a mirror of the working app on Chrome Web Store, the develop branch is a place where I keep new developed features. This branch do not contain working copy of new features. I use "feature" branches for that and after I finish developing new feature I just merge feature branch with develop. So in the end, when you'd like to merge your code with main repository the requests will be accepted only to develop and feature branches. Learn more on git strategy in this great blog post.


Testing your code may actually help you save some of your development time. Even if creating tests itself takes time. The app come configured with support for Web Component Tester. It's a test suite used in Google to test Polymer team web components. I won't be explaining a lot here since it is well documented on their repo.

Merging with the repo

Before you begin

Before sending the code fill up file inside the elements folder. It is the best way of keeping track of change reasons. Try be very specific and put there only essential information about the changes.

Then good idea is to test your code. See paragraph above. It will save all of us a lot of trouble.

After you sure everything is ready push changes to your fork. If you want your code to be merged with main repository do a pull request. Remember to select develop branch for pull requests. Pull requests made to master branch will be rejected automatically. See "developing" paragraph for the reason why.

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