- Install Docker Engine and Docker Compose
- If you are running this on a Raspberry Pi, you need to add swap for building
Initial value is 100MB, but we need to build libraries so initial value isn't enough for that. In this case, need to switch from 100 to 2048 (2GB).
$ sudo vim /etc/dphys-swapfile
$ sudo /etc/init.d/dphys-swapfile restart swapon -s
Fix broken docker-compose As docker-compose makes things more reproducable but is broken in the actual hypriot image, we will fix this by typing this in to the raspberry terminal:
sudo easy_install --upgrade pip
sudo pip uninstall docker docker-compose -y
sudo pip install requests==2.20.1
sudo pip install docker==3.7.2
sudo pip install docker-compose==1.23.0
- We use
to streamline build and development, to installFabric
pip install Fabric3
sudo apt install fabric
The directory should look like this
+-- docker-compose.yml
+-- dockers
| +-- docker-ros-{name1}
| | +-- Dockerfile
| | +-- ...
| +-- docker-ros-{name2}
| | +-- Dockerfile
| | +-- ...
+-- packages
| +-- package1
| +-- package2
All dockers should reside in the dockers
folder, and the packages should be cloned into the packages
folder as submodules and mounted to the containers.
We provide a build.sh
script for building and pushing images, usage:
usage: ./build.sh image1 image2 ... imageN
Give the images to build. If no image is given, all folders in /dockers will be built.
-h|--help: Usage
-d|--dir: dockers directory. Default: dockers
-r|--ros0distro: ros distibution. Default: kinetic
./build.sh ros-gui ros-master #build specific images
./build.sh #build all
We provide a run.sh
script for launching images, usage:
Give the images to build. If no image is given, all folders in /dockers will be built.
-h|--help: Usage
-s|--start: Run dockers
-b|--build: Start with build
-a|--attached: Run in attached mode to see output
-e|--end: Stop dockers
./run.sh -s #start dockers
./run.sh -s -b #build and start dockers
./run.sh -s -a #start dockers in attached mode
./run.sh -e #end dockers
Docker for d415/d435 using ROS Dockerized ROS environment with Realsense support.
This project is inspired by docker-ros-d415, gobbit project and ROS Docker Tutorials.
xhost +local:root
docker run -it --rm \
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
-v $HOME/.Xauthority:$HOME/.Xauthority \
--net=host \
yuxiang-gao/ros-gui \
- Bring up the containers:
docker-compose up -d
- Check status
docker ps
- To enter interactive mode
$ docker exec -it master bash
$ source /ros_entrypoint.sh
- Bring down the containers:
Docker-compose down