================================ [Smart Sentinel] ================================
Array<SomeModel> 👈🏻 👀
╆━ Index 0
┆┄ a: Expected to decode 'Int' but found ‘String’ instead.
┆┄ b: Expected to decode 'Int' but found ’Array‘ instead.
┆┄ c: No value associated with key.
╆━ sub: SubModel
┆┄ sub_a: No value associated with key.
┆┄ sub_b: No value associated with key.
┆┄ sub_c: No value associated with key.
╆━ sub2s: [SubTwoModel]
╆━ Index 0
┆┄ sub2_a: No value associated with key.
┆┄ sub2_b: No value associated with key.
┆┄ sub2_c: No value associated with key.
╆━ Index 1
┆┄ sub2_a: Expected to decode 'Int' but found ’Array‘ instead.
╆━ Index 1
┆┄ a: No value associated with key.
┆┄ b: Expected to decode 'Int' but found ‘String’ instead.
┆┄ c: Expected to decode 'Int' but found ’Array‘ instead.
╆━ sub: SubModel
┆┄ sub_a: Expected to decode 'Int' but found ‘String’ instead.
╆━ sub2s: [SubTwoModel]
╆━ Index 0
┆┄ sub2_a: Expected to decode 'Int' but found ‘String’ instead.
╆━ Index 1
┆┄ sub2_a: Expected to decode 'Int' but found 'null' instead.