Releases: intsig171/SmartCodable
V4.3.0: 日志系统大升级
- 优化日志性能,减少遍历。
- 优化属性日志的信息表达。
- 支持日志的导出,如有需求可以上传服务器。
- 优化日志格式:unkeyedContainer的解析格式化;格式的优化。
================================ [Smart Sentinel] ================================
Array<SomeModel> 👈🏻 👀
╆━ Index 0
┆┄ a: Expected to decode 'Int' but found ‘String’ instead.
┆┄ b: Expected to decode 'Int' but found ’Array‘ instead.
┆┄ c: No value associated with key.
╆━ sub: SubModel
┆┄ sub_a: No value associated with key.
┆┄ sub_b: No value associated with key.
┆┄ sub_c: No value associated with key.
╆━ sub2s: [SubTwoModel]
╆━ Index 0
┆┄ sub2_a: No value associated with key.
┆┄ sub2_b: No value associated with key.
┆┄ sub2_c: No value associated with key.
╆━ Index 1
┆┄ sub2_a: Expected to decode 'Int' but found ’Array‘ instead.
╆━ Index 1
┆┄ a: No value associated with key.
┆┄ b: Expected to decode 'Int' but found ‘String’ instead.
┆┄ c: Expected to decode 'Int' but found ’Array‘ instead.
╆━ sub: SubModel
┆┄ sub_a: Expected to decode 'Int' but found ‘String’ instead.
╆━ sub2s: [SubTwoModel]
╆━ Index 0
┆┄ sub2_a: Expected to decode 'Int' but found ‘String’ instead.
╆━ Index 1
┆┄ sub2_a: Expected to decode 'Int' but found 'null' instead.
4.2.5 优化key的自定义映射规则
V4.2.3-BugFix 发布公告
【新功能】提供FastTransformer快捷ValueTransformer <--- FastTransformer<String, String>(fromJSON: { json in
},toJSON: { object in
V4.1.12 发布公告
- 【新功能】支持Combine,允许 @ Published修饰的属性解析。
- 【新功能】支持@igonreKey修饰的属性在encode时,不出现在json中(屏蔽这个属性key)
- 【新功能】支持encode时候的options,同decode的options使用。
- 【优化】Data类型在decode和encode时,只能使用base64解析.
4.1.7 - BugFix
"Fixed the crash issue when entering compatibility logic due to parsing failure, and added handling for cases where the data is NaN or exceeds the Int type range."
4.1.3 - SmartUpdater
Optimize implementation of SmartUpdater.
Optimize the precision of floating-point numbers
When the json data is not 4.99 and the attribute is String, it is internally compatible and returns "4.99" instead of "4.899999999 ".
new decoder, new encoder, new feature.
V4.0.0 Release Notes
New Feature: Support for watchOS usage
New Feature: Support for visionOS usage
New Feature: Support for tvOS usage
New Feature: Custom encoder support, allowing for custom encoding, i.e., mappingForValue.
New Feature: Support for custom strategies for any type of Value, including Int, Bool, etc.
Optimization: Optimized decoder, synchronized with the master branch of Codable.
Optimization: Improved enum parsing, no longer requiring defaultCase.
Optimization: Enhanced README with detailed Chinese instructions.
Bugfix: Fixed a memory issue in concurrent logging.