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!!! warning "Warning"

**Information on this page may be outdated**

BiomationScripter - OTProto Templates


BiomationScripter Templates can be used to help quickly and easily generate automation protocols for common experiments or procedures. Protocols generated using the same Template will all follow the same basic instructions, but will differ depending on user inputs. For example, the heat shock transformation Template accepts user inputs for aspects such as the length of the heat shock, the final volume of the transformations, and the DNA to use in each transformation.

If you can't find a Template for a specific protocol, you can try raising an issue on the GitHub to see if anyone can help, or create your own Template following the walkthrough found here.

Below you can find documentation for Opentrons Templates included with BiomationScripter.

OTProto Templates

Any Template can be imported using the statement below:

from BiomationScripter.OTProto.Templates import <TEMPLATE_NAME>

Replace <TEMPLATE_NAME> in the code above with one of the template names below:

Heat_Shock_Transformation | DNA_fmol_Dilution | Primer_Mixing | Protocol_From_Layouts | Spot_Plating | Standard_iGEM_Calibration


This template can be used to set up heat shock based transformations on the OT2.

Generic Protocol Steps

The basic protocol is described below.

  1. Distribute competent cells from aliquots to the transformation labware
    • The amounts of cells per transformation (in uL) is defined by the user
  2. Add DNA from DNA source labware to the transformation labware
    • The amount of DNA per transformation (in uL) is defined by the user
  3. Wait for an amount of time (determined by the user in seconds)
  4. Perform the heat shock
    • The heat shock temperature (in celcius) is determined by the user
    • The heat shock time (in seconds) is determined by the user
  5. The protocol pauses and prompts the user to supply the media
  6. The media is distributed to each transformation
    • The volume of media added is determined by the total volume of the transformation, as defined by the user

The transformations can then be removed from the Opentrons for the incubation step and subsequent plating.


!!! example

See an example protocol using this template [here](protocol_examples/OTProto/Templates/Heat-Shock-Transformation.ipynb).

The Template object is created using the following code:

from BiomationScripter.OTProto.Templates import Heat_Shock_Transformation

Protocol_Template = Heat_Shock_Transformation.Template(
  DNA_Source_Layouts: List[_BMS.Labware_Layout],
  Competent_Cells_Source_Type: str,
  Transformation_Destination_Type: str,
  Media_Source_Type: str,
  DNA_Volume_Per_Transformation: float,
  Competent_Cell_Volume_Per_Transformation: float,
  Transformation_Final_Volume: float,
  Heat_Shock_Time: int,
  Heat_Shock_Temp: int,
  Media_Aliquot_Volume: float,
  Competent_Cells_Aliquot_Volume: float,
  Wait_Before_Shock: int,
  Replicates: int,
  Heat_Shock_Modules: List[str] = ["temperature module gen2"],
  Cooled_Cells_Modules: List[str] = [],
  Shuffle: Union[Tuple[str, str] , None] = None,
  Patience: int = 1200,
  Cells_Mix_Before = (5,"transfer_volume"),
  Cells_Mix_After = None,
  DNA_Mix_Before = None,
  DNA_Mix_After = (10,"transfer_volume"),
  Protocol: opentrons.protocol_api,
  Name: str,
  Starting_20uL_Tip: str = "A1",
  Starting_300uL_Tip: str = "A1",
  Starting_1000uL_Tip: str = "A1"

Full Documentation

__init__ Arguments:

  • DNA_Source_Layouts | List[_BMS.Labware_Layout]: Labware_Layout objects which define the locations for the DNA to be transformed
  • Competent_Cells_Source_Type | str: The type of labware in which the competent cells will be stored - must be an opentrons API name
  • Transformation_Destination_Type | str: The type of labware to prepare the transformations in - must be an opentrons API name
  • Media_Source_Type | str: The type of labware in which the media will be stored - must be an opentrons API name
  • DNA_Volume_Per_Transformation | float: The volume of DNA (in uL) to add per transformation
  • Competent_Cell_Volume_Per_Transformation | float: The volume of competent cells (in uL) to add per transformation
  • Transformation_Final_Volume | float: The final volume (in uL) of each transformation
  • Heat_Shock_Time | int: The time (in seconds) to heat shock
  • Heat_Shock_Temp | int: The temperature (in celcius) to heat shock
  • Media_Aliquot_Volume | float: The volume (in uL) for each media aliquot
  • Competent_Cells_Aliquot_Volume | float: The volume (in uL) for each competent cells aliquot
  • Wait_Before_Shock | int: The time to wait (in seconds) before heat shocking
  • Replicates | int: The number of replicates for each transformation
  • Heat_Shock_Modules | List[str] = ["temperature module gen2"]: The Opentrons module to use for heat shocking - supports use of either the Temperature Modules or the Opentrons Thermocycler
  • Cooled_Cells_Modules | List[str] = []: The Opentrons module to use for cooling competent cells
  • Shuffle | Union[Tuple[str, str] , None] = None: Determines whether the locations of each transformation in the destination will be randomly shuffled
  • Patience | int = 1200: The time to wait (in seconds) for a temperature module to cool to 4C - the protocol will continue after this point even if it hasn't fully cooled
  • Cells_Mix_Before | Union[Tuple[int, Union[float , Literal["transfer_volume"]]] , None] = (5,"transfer_volume"): Mixing parameters for competent cells before aspiration - (Mixing_Repeats, Mixing_Volume)
  • Cells_Mix_After | Union[Tuple[int, Union[float , Literal["transfer_volume"]]] , None] = None: Mixing parameters after competent cells are dispensed - (Mixing_Repeats, Mixing_Volume)
  • DNA_Mix_Before | Union[Tuple[int, Union[float , Literal["transfer_volume"]]] , None] = None: Mixing parameters for DNA before aspiration - (Mixing_Repeats, Mixing_Volume)
  • DNA_Mix_After | Union[Tuple[int, Union[float , Literal["transfer_volume"]]] , None] = (10,"transfer_volume"): Mixing parameters after DNA has been dispensed - (Mixing_Repeats, Mixing_Volume)
  • **kwargs from OTProto_Template


  • dna_per_transformation | float
  • cells_per_transformation | float
  • final_volume | float
  • heat_shock_time | int
  • heat_shock_temp | int
  • wait_before_shock | int
  • replicates | int
  • shuffle | Tuple[str, str] OR None
  • patience | int
  • cells_mix_before | Tuple[int, float OR "transfer_volume"] OR None
  • cells_mix_after | Tuple[int, float OR "transfer_volume"] OR None
  • dna_mix_before | Tuple[int, float OR "transfer_volume"] OR None
  • dna_mix_after | Tuple[int, float OR "transfer_volume"] OR None
  • heat_shock_modules | List[str]
  • cooled_cells_modules | List[str]
  • dna_source_layouts | List[Labware_Layout]
  • comp_cells_source_type | str
  • comp_cells_aliquot_volume | float
  • media_source_type | str
  • media_aliquot_volume | float
  • destination_type | str
  • All attributes from OTProto_Template


  • run(self) returns None
    • Generates Opentrons liquid handling commands


This protocol can be used to dilute DNA stocks to a specified fmol/uL. Can either dilute stocks in their source labware, or prepare diluted stocks in a new labware.

Generic Protocol Steps

The basic protocol is described below.

If keeping DNA in source labware:

  1. Add the required amount of water to DNA samples and mix

If moving DNA to new labware:

  1. Add the required amount of water to the destination wells
  2. Add the required amount of DNA to the destination wells and mix


!!! example

See an example protocol using this template [here]().

The Template object is created using the following code:

from BiomationScripter.OTProto.Templates import DNA_fmol_Dilution

Protocol_Template = DNA_fmol_Dilution.Template(
  Final_fmol: float,
  DNA: List[str],
  DNA_Concentration: List[float],
  DNA_Length: List[int],
  DNA_Source_Type: str,
  Keep_In_Current_Wells: bool,
  Water_Source_Labware_Type: str,
  Water_Aliquot_Volume: float,
  DNA_Source_Wells: list[str] = None,
  Final_Volume: float = None,
  Current_Volume: List[float] = None,
  Destination_Labware_Type: str = None,
  Destination_Labware_Wells: List[str] = None,
  Protocol: opentrons.protocol_api,
  Name: str,
  Starting_20uL_Tip: str = "A1",
  Starting_300uL_Tip: str = "A1",
  Starting_1000uL_Tip: str = "A1"

Full Documentation

__init__ Arguments:

  • Final_fmol | float: The final fmol/uL concentration to dilute DNA samples to
  • DNA | List[str]: The names of the DNA to dilute
  • DNA_Concentration | List[float]: The current stock concentrations (in ng/uL)
  • DNA_Length | List[int]: The lengths (in bp) for each DNA sample
  • DNA_Source_Type | str: The type of labware in which the DNA samples are stored - must be an opentrons API name
  • Keep_In_Current_Wells | bool: Whether to dilute the samples in their current labware, or to move them to a new labware
  • Water_Source_Labware_Type | str: The labware in which the water aliquots are kept - must be an opentrons API name
  • Water_Aliquot_Volume | float: The volume (in uL) for the water aliquots
  • DNA_Source_Wells | list[str] = None: The source wells for each DNA sample - if None, the source wells are automatically assigned
  • Final_Volume | float = None: The final volume (in uL) for the diluted samples - ignored if Keep_In_Current_Wells is True
  • Current_Volume | List[float] = None: The current volumes of each DNA sample - ignored if Keep_In_Current_Wells is False
  • Destination_Labware_Type | str = None: The type of labware to transfer DNA samples to - ignored if Keep_In_Current_Wells is True - must be an opentrons API name
  • Destination_Labware_Wells | List[str] = None: The destination wells into which the DNA samples should be diluted - if None then wells are automatically assigned - ignored if Keep_In_Current_Wells is True
  • **kwargs from OTProto_Template


  • final_fmol | float
  • _keep_in_current_wells | bool
  • final_volume | float OR None
  • dna | List[str]
  • dna_source_wells | List[str] OR None
  • dna_source_type | str
  • dna_starting_volume | List[float] OR None
  • dna_starting_concentration | List[float]
  • dna_length | list[float]
  • water_source_labware_type | str
  • water_aliquot_volume | float
  • _destination_labware_type | str OR None
  • _destination_labware_wells | List[str] OR None


  • run(self) returns None
    • Generates Opentrons liquid handling commands


This template can be used to generate an automation protocol to prepare a 96 well plate for calibrating plate reader fluorescence and absorbance measurements.

For more information about the iGEM calibration protocol, read the following resources:

Briefly, this templates allows for automated transfer of specificed calibrated from stock labware (tubes or plates) into a 96-well measurement plate. A 12-step serial dilution is performed for each calibrant within the measurement plate. The measurement plate can then be used to calibrate a plate reader as described in the resources above.

Generic Protocol Steps

The basic protocol is described below for a single calibrant with no repeats

  1. Transfer solvent into the appropriate wells A1-A12 of a 96 well measurement plate as required
  • Note that if the calibrant is supplied at the concentration required for the most concentrated point of the serial dilution, no solvent is added to A1
  1. Add calibrant to well A1 of the measurement plate

  2. Perform a 2-fold serial dilution of the calibrant from well A1 to well A11 (Such that well A12 contains only solvent)

  3. Remove excess volume from well A11 so that all wells in the measurement plate have the same volume


!!! example

See an example protocol using this template [here](protocol_examples/OTProto/Templates/iGEM-Calibration-Plate_Setup.ipynb).

The Template object is created using the following code:

from BiomationScripter.OTProto.Templates import Standard_iGEM_Calibration

Protocol_Template = Standard_iGEM_Calibration.Template(
  Calibrants: List[Calibrant],
  Calibrants_Stock_Concs: List[float],
  Calibrants_Initial_Concs: List[float],
  Calibrants_Solvents: List[str],
  Calibrant_Aliquot_Volumes: List[float],
  Solvent_Aliquot_Volumes: List[float],
  Volume_Per_Well: float,
  Repeats: int,
  Calibrant_Labware_Type: str,
  Solvent_Labware_Type: str,
  Destination_Labware_Type: str,
  Trash_Labware_Type: str,
  Solvent_Mix_Before = None,
  Solvent_Mix_After = None,
  Solvent_Source_Touch_Tip: bool = True,
  Solvent_Destination_Touch_Tip: bool = True,
  Solvent_Move_After_Dispense = "well_bottom",
  Solvent_Blowout = "destination well",
  First_Dilution_Mix_Before = (10, "transfer_volume"),
  First_Dilution_Mix_After = (10, "transfer_volume"),
  First_Dilution_Source_Touch_Tip: bool = True,
  First_Dilution_Destination_Touch_Tip: bool = True,
  First_Dilution_Move_After_Dispense = None,
  First_Dilution_Blowout = "destination well",
  Dilution_Mix_Before = (10, "transfer_volume"),
  Dilution_Mix_After = (10, "transfer_volume"),
  Dilution_Source_Touch_Tip: bool = True,
  Dilution_Destination_Touch_Tip: bool = True,
  Dilution_Move_After_Dispense = None,
  Dilution_Blowout = "destination well",
  Mix_Speed_Multipler: float = 2,
  Aspirate_Speed_Multipler: float = 1,
  Dispense_Speed_Multipler: float = 1,
  Blowout_Speed_Multiplier: float = 1,
  Dead_Volume_Proportion: float = 0.95,
  Protocol: opentrons.protocol_api,
  Name: str,
  Starting_20uL_Tip: str = "A1",
  Starting_300uL_Tip: str = "A1",
  Starting_1000uL_Tip: str = "A1"

Full Documentation



  • run(self) returns None
    • Generates Opentrons liquid handling commands

Superclass: OTProto_Template

This class is used as a superclass for all OTProto templates. It contains attributes and methods which are common to a wide range of Opentrons protocols, and therefore allows for a certain amount of standardisation across the templates.


The OTProto_Template class shouldn't be used alone. Instead, it should be used to extend OTProto templates, e.g.:

from BiomationScripter import OTProto

class My_New_Template(OTProto.OTProto_Template):
    def __init__(self, My_Arg1, My_Arg2, **kwargs):

        self.my_arg1 = My_Arg1
        self.my_arg2 = May_Arg2


    def run(self):

In the above code, the run method should contain code to execute the protocol. A full walkthrough for creating an OTProto template can be found here.

__init__ Arguments

The OTProto_Template superclass' __init__ function accepts the following arguments:

  • Protocol | opentrons.protocol_api.contexts.ProtocolContext: The protocol object which is used by the Opentrons API to encapsulate all information relating to the current protocol
  • Name | str: A readable name for the protocol to be created by the template
  • Metadata | dict{str: str}: This is metadata about the protocol - it should follow the best practices described here
  • Custom_Labware_Dir | str: Directory location pointing to where any custom labware definitions are stored
  • Starting_20uL_Tip | str = "A1": The position of the starting tip in the first p20 tip box
  • Starting_300uL_Tip | str = "A1": The position of the starting tip in the first p300 tip box
  • Starting_1000uL_Tip | str = "A1": The position of the starting tip in the first p1000 tip box


  • _protocol | opentrons.protocol_api.contexts.ProtocolContext: The protocol object which is used by the Opentrons API to encapsulate all information relating to the current protocol
  • name | str: A readable name for the protocol created by the template
  • metadata | dict{str: str}: This is metadata about the protocol - it should follow the best practices described here
  • custom_labware_dir | str: Directory location pointing to where any custom labware definitions are stored
  • tip_types | dict{str: str}: A dictionary recording the pipette tip labware to be used by each of the supported pipette types. The dictionary keys are "P20", "p300", "P1000", which refer to the three gen2 single channel pipette types available. The default values for each of these keys are "opentrons_96_tiprack_20ul", "opentrons_96_tiprack_300ul", "opentrons_96_tiprack_1000ul" respectively
  • starting_tips | dict{str: str}: A dictionary recording the starting well location for each supported pipette type. The starting tip is assumed to be located in the first tip box loaded onto the deck which is associated with that pipette. The dictionary keys are "P20", "p300", "P1000", which refer to the three gen2 single channel pipette types available.
  • tips_needed | dict{str: int}: A dictionary which records how many of each tip type is required to complete the protocol generated by the template. The dictionary keys are "P20", "p300", "P1000", which refer to the three gen2 single channel pipette types available.
  • _pipettes | dict{str: str}: A dictionary which records the type of pipette mounted in each position of the Opentrons' pipette mount. The keys are "left", "right". The default values for each of these keys are "p20_single_gen2", "p300_single_gen2" respectively.
  • __pipettes_loaded | bool = False: Records whether the pipettes have been loaded to the protocol.


  • pipettes_loaded(self) returns bool

    • Returns the load state of the pipettes (i.e. True if the pipettes have been loaded, False if they have not)
  • custom_labware_directory(self, Directory: str) returns None

    • Changes self.custom_labware_dir to Directory
  • pipette_config(self, Pipette_Type: str, Position: str) returns None:

    • Changes the pipette type to be loaded in position Position to Pipette_Type
    • Looks for Position as a key in the self._pipettes dictionary and changes its value to Pipette_Type
    • If Position is not either "left" or "right" (not case sensitive), an error is raised
    • If the pipettes have already been loaded, an error is raised
    • An error will not be raised at this stage if Pipette_Type is not a valid pipette type
  • load_pipettes(self) returns None

    • Loads the pipettes using information stored in self._pipettes to the opentrons.protocol_api.contexts.ProtocolContext object stored in self._protocol
    • If the pipette type stored in self._pipettes is not a valid pipette type, an error will be raised
    • If the pipettes have already been loaded, a warning is raised and the pipettes are not re-loaded
    • The self.__pipettes_loaded flag is changed to True if the pipettes are successfully loaded
  • tip_type(self, Pipette: str, Tip_Type: str) returns None

    • Changes the tip type labware associated with the pipette type Pipette in the self.tip_types dictionary
    • An error is raised if Pipette is not a key in self.tip_types
    • An error is not raised at this stage if Tip_Type is not a valid tip type labware
  • starting_tip_position(self, Pipette: str, Tip_Position: str) returns None

    • Changes the position in the first tip box labware loaded from which the pipette with a type of Pipette should take its first tip
    • An error is raised if Pipette is not a key in self.starting_tips
    • Tip_Position should be a well position which exists in tip box labware (e.g. B1, C5, D12), but an error will not be raised at this stage
  • add_tip_boxes_to_pipettes(self) returns None

    • Determines how of each type of tip box is required, loads these boxes to the deck, and associates them to the correct pipette
    • self.tips_needed is used to determine how many tip boxes are required
    • self.tip_types is used to get the labware type for the tip boxes, and to determine which pipette should be assigned which tip box
    • If a pipette type is required but has not been loaded, an error will be raised
  • calculate_and_add_tips(self, Transfer_Volumes: List[float], New_Tip: bool) returns None

    • Determines how many tips of each tip type is required based on the currently loaded pipette types and a list of transfer volumes
    • For each transfer volume, the most appropriate pipettea and tip type is selected
    • If New_Tip is True, then a new tip will be used for every transfer (including situations where a transfer needs to be split into multiple steps)
    • If New_Tip is False, then the same tip is used for all transfers which share that tip type
    • The number of tips needed are stored in self.tips_needed
    • This method can be called multiple times during a protocol, but these must occur after load_pipettes and before add_tip_boxes_to_pipettes
  • tip_racks_prompt(self) returns None

    • Pauses the protocol at run time and informs the user of how many tip boxes of each type is required
    • Should be called after add_tip_boxes_to_pipettes
  • run(self) returns None

    • This should be extended by an OTProto template
    • Calls self.load_pipettes()
  • run_as_module(self, Parent) returns None

    !!! warning "Warning"

      * `run_as_module` is experimental and should be used with caution
      * This method may disappear or be changed in a way which is not backward compatible without notice