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BiomationScripter - Generic Tools

Feature Overview

The BiomationScripter package contains a set of generic tools which can be used to help write protocols for any supported automation platform. These tools take the form of classes and functions and aid in the creation of automation protocols by providing common formats and abstracting-out commonly required functions. These include classes which can store information about the format and content of plates or other labware, and functions which return valid well ranges.

Using BiomationScripter

Begin by importing the BiomatonScripter package:

import BiomationScripter as BMS


Labware_Content | LabwareLayout | Assembly | Liquids | Mastermix

Class Assembly

This class is used to store basic information about a DNA assembly


BMS.Assembly(Name: str, Backbone: str, Parts: list[str]) returns BiomatonScripter.Assembly object


  • name | str: The assembly name
  • backbone | str: The name of the plasmid backbone
  • parts | list[str]: A list of parts to be assembled into the plasmid backbone


  • __init__(self, Name: str, Backbone: str, Parts: list[str]) returns BiomatonScripter.Assembly object
    • Creates the BiomatonScripter.Assembly object

This class is used by Labware_Layout to store content information.


BMS.Labware_Content(Name: str, Volume: float|int, Liquid_Class: str = None) returns BiomationScripter.Labware_Content object


  • name | str: The name of the liquid/reagent
  • volume | float|int: The amount of the liquid/reagent (in microlitres)
  • liquid_class | str: The liquid class or calibration for the reagent/liquid
    • Defaults to None


  • __init__(self, Name: str, Volume: float|int, Liquid_Class: str = None) returns BiomationScripter.Labware_Content
    • Creates the BiomationScripter.Labware_Content object
  • get_info(self) returns List[, self.volume, self.liquid_class]
    • Returns as a list, self.volume, and self.liquid_class

This class is used to store information, such as number of wells and content, about plates or other labware which can later be retrieved. The BMS.Labware_Layout class is also intended to be universal within BiomationScripter, and not specific to any particular automation equipment.

Labware_Layout objects are separate from, but sometimes related to, any object which is meant to represent a physical instance of a piece of labware. The Labware_Layout class captures information about a piece of labware, such as its content. Within BiomationScripter you may come across other classes which are used to represent labware, such as 'opentrons.protocol_api.labware.Labware' from the Opentrons Python API. The 'opentrons.protocol_api.labware.Labware' class is distinct from the BMS.Labware_Layout class as the Opentrons class represents the physical instance of the labware and is specific to the Opentrons liquid handling system, whereas BMS.Labware_Layout can capture additional metadata and can be utilised by multiple automation equipment within the BiomationScripter context.


BMS.Labware_Layout(name: str, type: str) returns BiomationScripter.Labware_Layout object

!!! example

[See examples of this class in use here.](example_code/BMS/BMS-Labware_Layout-Class.ipynb)


  • name | str: A readable name for the plate/labware.
  • type | str: The type for the plate/labware.
  • rows | int: Number of rows.
  • columns | int: Number of columns.
  • content | dict{str: list[BiomationScripter.Labware_Content]}: Dictionary storing content of the plate.
    • Dictionary key is the well ID (e.g. "A1")
    • Value is a list of Labware_Content objects
  • available_wells | list[str] = None: List of wells in the plate which are available for use * If None, this means that no available wells have been specified, and is distinct from [], which means there are no available wells
  • empty_wells | list[str] = None: List of wells in the plate which are available and empty
    • If None, this means that no empty wells have been specified, and is distinct from [], which means there are no empty wells
    • This is generated automatically when available_wells are specified, and it automatically updated when content is added and removed
  • well_labels | dict{str: str} = {}: A dictionary of well labels
    • The well position is used as the key
    • The label is used as the value


  • __init__(self, Name: str, Type: str) returns BiomationScripter.Labware_Layout
    • Creates a BiomationScripter.Labware_Layout object with a name and labware type.
    • Name is stored as and is required with no default value.
    • Type is stored as self.type and is required with no default value.
    • self.rows is instantiated as None
    • self.columns is instantiated as None
    • self.content is instantiated as an empty dict{}
    • self.available_wells is instantiated as None
    • self.empty_wells is instantiated as None
    • self.well_labels is instantiated as an empty dict{}
  • define_format(self, Rows: int, Columns: int) returns None
    • Defines the number of rows, columns, and wells for the labware.
    • Rows is stored as self.rows and is required with no default value.
    • Columns is stored as self.columns and is required with no default value.
  • get_format(self) returns list[str]
    • Returns the number of rows and columns for the labware
      • Returns [self.rows, self.columns]
  • set_available_wells(self, Well_Range: str = None, Use_Outer_Wells: bool = True, Direction: str = "Horizontal", Box: bool = False) returns None
    • Adds the specified wells to self.available_wells and self.empty_wells
    • When no arguments are specified, all wells are specified as available for use
    • Well_Range can be a range of wells specified as First_Well:Last_Well (e.g. "A1:B4"), or a single well (e.g. "C6")
    • When Use_Outer_Wells = False, wells from the first and last rows, and the first and last columns, are not included, even if the well range specifies them
    • The Direction argument determines the order in which wells are counted. If Direction = "Horizontal", wells are added to the list starting with those on the same row, before moving to the next row. For example, the well range A2:B4 would begin by adding wells in row 'A' (A2, A3, A4,...), and then move on to row 'B'. If Direction = "Vertical", wells will instead be added to the list starting with those in the same column (A1, B1, C1,...), and then move on to subsequent columns (A2, B2, C2,...)
    • The Box argument determines whether the well range has a box-like shape. For example, if Box = True, the well range A2:C4 would returns the wells A2, A3, A4, B2, B3, B4, C2, C3, C4. If Box = False, then the well range A2:C4 would instead include all wells between A2 and C4 up to the boundary of the plate.
  • get_available_wells(self) returns list[str]
    • Returns a list of available wells
    • If None is returned, then no available well range has been specified
  • get_well_range(self, Well_Range: str = None, Use_Outer_Wells: bool = True, Direction: str = "Horizontal", Box: bool = False) returns List[str]
    • Returns a list of wells (e.g. ["A1", "A2", "A3"])
    • Well_Range can be a range of wells specified as First_Well:Last_Well (e.g. "A1:B4"), or a single well (e.g. "C6")
    • When Use_Outer_Wells = False, wells from the first and last rows, and the first and last columns, are not included, even if the well range specifies them
    • The Direction argument determines the order in which wells are counted. If Direction = "Horizontal", wells are added to the list starting with those on the same row, before moving to the next row. For example, the well range A2:B4 would begin by adding wells in row 'A' (A2, A3, A4,...), and then move on to row 'B'. If Direction = "Vertical", wells will instead be added to the list starting with those in the same column (A1, B1, C1,...), and then move on to subsequent columns (A2, B2, C2,...)
    • The Box argument determines whether the well range has a box-like shape. For example, if Box = True, the well range A2:C4 would returns the wells A2, A3, A4, B2, B3, B4, C2, C3, C4. If Box = False, then the well range A2:C4 would instead include all wells between A2 and C4 up to the boundary of the plate.
  • check_well(self, Well: str) returns bool
    • Checks whether Well (e.g. "A1") is a valid well in the current plate
    • Returns True if the well is present, and False if it is not
    • Can be used to check if a well is out of range
  • clone_format(self, Name: str) returns BiomationScripter.Labware_Layout
    • Creates a new BiomationScripter.Labware_Layout object with the same format
    • Name is used as the new name
    • Content in the current plate is not copied, only the format (self.type, self.rows, and self.columns)
  • add_content(self, Well: str, Reagent: str, Volume: float, Liquid_Class: str/boolean = False) returns None
    • Creates a Labware_Content object and adds to self.content in the form {Well: [ [BiomationScripter.Labware_Content] ]}
    • Will not overwrite any currently stored content in the well, and will instead append the new content to any current content
    • Well is a required value with no default which can have two forms: either a single well (e.g. "A1"), or a well range, where the first well is separated from the last well by a colon (e.g. "A1:A5")
      • If Well specifies a well range, the specified content will be added to all wells.
    • Reagent is a required value with no default.
    • Volume is a required value which should be specified in microlitres, and has no default.
    • Liquid_Class is an optional value, with a default of False.
  • bulk_add_content(self, Wells: List[str], Reagents: List[str], Volumes: List[float] OR float, Liquid_Classes: List[str] = None) returns None
    • Bulk adds a list of reagents to the Labware_Layout content
    • For each position in the Reagents list, the reagent specified will be added to the well specified by Wells with a volume specified by Volumes and a liquid class specified by Liquid_Classes
    • For example, if Liquids = ["Reag 1", "Reag 2", "Reag 3"], Wells = ["A1", "B5", "D12"], Volumes = [10, 12, 15], and Liquid_Classes = None, then Reag 1 would be added to well A1 with a volume of 10 uL, Reag 2 would be added to well B5 with a volume of 12 uL, and Reag 3 would be added to well D12 with a volume of 15 uL
    • If Volumes was a single float instead of a list, then all reagents would be added at that volume instead
  • get_content(self) returns self.content: dict{str: [BiomationScripter.Labware_Content]}
    • Returns all stored content in the BiomationScripter.Labware_Layout object as a dictionary
  • get_occupied_wells(self) returns list[str]
    • Returns a list of all wells which appear in self.content (i.e. wells which have content specified for them)
    • If self.content is empty, and empty list is returned
  • get_liquids_in_well(self, Well: str) returns list[str]
    • Returns a list of liquid names which are present in the well specified by Well
    • If Well is not present in self.content, an error will be raised
  • get_wells_containing_liquid(self, Liquid_Name: str) returns list[str]
    • Returns a list of wells which contain Liquid_Name
    • If no wells are present which containing Liquid_Name, an empty list is returned
  • clear_content(self) returns None
    • Clears the entire dictionary stored as self.content
  • clear_content_from_well(self, Well: str) returns None
    • Clears all content in one well by deleting the entry in self.content with a key of Well
  • get_volume_of_liquid_in_well(self, Liquid: str, Well: str) returns float
    • Returns the volume of Liquid in Well
    • If Well is not present in self.content an error is raised
    • If Liquid is not present in Well, 0.0 is returned
  • update_volume_in_well(self, Volume: float/int, Reagent: str, Well: str) returns None
    • Changes the current volume of Reagent in well Well to Volume
    • If Well does not exist in self.content, an error will be raised
  • get_total_volume_of_liquid(self, Liquid: str) returns float
    • Returns the total volume of the specified liquid across all wells of the labware
  • print(self) returns str
    • Pretty prints all content stored in self.content
    • Returns a str with the same content which is printed
  • import_labware(self, filename: str, path: str = "~", ext: str = ".xlsx") returns None
  • add_well_label(self, Well: str, Label: str) returns None
    • Assigns the label specified by Label to the well specified by Well
    • Well labels must be unique or an error will be raised
    • Adds the label to self.well_labels
  • get_well_content_by_label(self, Label: str) returns Labware_Content object
  • get_well_location_by_label(self, Label: str) returns str
    • Retuns the well position as a str which has label of Label
  • get_next_empty_well(self) returns str
    • Returns the next well positon as str which is specified as being empty
    • Returns in the order specified by self.available_wells, and checks self.empty_wells to see if the next available well is empty

Class: Liquids

!!! warning

**This class may be removed without warning. Use [`Labware_Layout`](#Labware_Layout) instead where possible.**

This class is used to store information about liquids and where they are stored.


BMS.Liquids() returns BiomationScripter.Liquids object


  • liquids | dict{str: list[str/obj, str]}: dictionary storing information about the liquids
    • Dictionary key is the name of the liquid
    • Dictionary values take the form of a list, formatted as [labware, source_well]
    • labware may be either a string, which defines the name of the labware, or an object which represents the labware
    • 'source_well' is a string (e.g. "A1")


  • __init__(self) returns BiomationScripter.Liquids
    • Creates a 'BiomationScripter.Liquids' object
    • self.liquids is initiated as an empty dictionary
  • add_liquid(self, liquid: str, labware: str/obj, source_well: str) returns None
    • Adds a liquid to self.liquids
    • liquid acts as the dictionary key
    • labware and source_well are added as dictionary values, in the format list[labware, source_well]
  • get_liquid_labware(self, liquid: str) returns str/obj
    • Returns the labware stored for the specified liquid
  • get_liquid_well(self, liquid: str) returns str
    • Returns the source well for the specified liquid
  • add_liquids_to_labware(self, liquids: list[str], labware: str/obj, blocked_wells = None: list[str], well_range = None: list[str]) returns None
    • Adds a list of liquids to a specified labware in order using any available wells
    • blocked_wells is, by default, None
    • blocked_wells can be a list of well names (e.g. ["A1", "B1", "C1"]) which should not be used when assigning liquids to wells
    • well_range is, by default, None
    • well_range can be a list of well names (e.g. ["A1", "B1", "C1"]) which should be used when assigning liquids to wells
    • If both blocked_wells and well_range are defined, any wells present in both lists will be removed from well_range
  • get_all_liquids(self) returns list[str]
    • Returns a list of all keys in self.liquids

Class Mastermix

This class is used by BMS.mastermixes_by_min_volume to store information about a mastermix. It is not intended for use outside of this function. Even though the BMS.mastermixes_by_min_volume returns this class, it shouldn't ever need to be used or understood.


BMS.Mastermix(Name: str, Reagents: list[str], Wells: list[str]) returns BiomatonScripter.Mastermix object


  • name | str: The name of the mastermix
  • reagents | str: A list of reagents in the mastermix and their volumes - the reagent and its volume is stored as a list in the format "Reagent_vol_Volume", where "_vol_" is always in the string to separate the reagent name and the volume - the volume must be written in numerical form (i.e. "5" rather than "five")
  • wells | list[str]: A list of destination wells serviced by the mastermix, given in the format "index_well", where the index is the index of the destination labware


  • __init__(self, Name: str, Reagents: list[str], Wells: list[str]) returns BiomatonScripter.Mastermix object
  • Creates the BiomatonScripter.Mastermix object


Aliquot_Calculator | Create_Labware_Needed | fmol_calculator | Get_Transfers_Required | Import_Labware_Layout | mastermixes_by_min_volume | Reagent_Finder | well_range

This function can be used to determine how many aliquots of a specific source material are required to fill a set of destination labware.


BMS.Aliquot_Calculator(Liquid: str, Destination_Layouts: List[BiomationScripter.Labware_Layout], Aliquot_Volume: float, Dead_Volume: float) returns int


  • Liquid | str: The name of the source material
  • Destination_Layouts | List[BiomationScripter.Labware_Layout]: A list of BiomationScripter.Labware_Layout objects - these labware must be the destination labware into which the source material will be transferred, where the labware is already populated with the source material as content
  • Aliquot_Volume | float: The volume of each aliquot
  • Dead_Volume | float: The dead volume for each aliquot - this can be set to 0 if there is no dead volume Not Recommended


The function searches the provided destination BiomationScripter.Labware_Layout objects for the specified liquid and calculates the total volume of liquid required. This total volume is divided by the aliquot volume (minus any dead volume) and rounded up to the next integer.

This function calculates how many plates of a certain type are required for a protocol and returns a list of BiomationScripter.Labware_Layout objects.


BMS.Create_Labware_Needed(Labware_Format: BiomationScripter.Labware_Layout, N_Wells_Needed: int, N_Wells_Available: int/str = "All", Return_Original_Layout: bool = True) returns list[BiomationScripter.Labware_Layout]


  • Labware_Format | BiomationScripter.Labware_Layout: Labware_Layout object to be used as the template
  • N_Wells_Needed | int: Total number of wells or slots required by the protocol
  • N_Wells_Available | int/str = "All": Either the number of wells/slots available per plate/labware (int), or "All", which specifies that all wells/slots in the labware are available (str)
  • Return_Original_Layout | bool = True: Specifies whether the layout given in Labware_Format should be returned or not


!!! warning

* If the [`BiomationScripter.Labware_Layout`](#class-labware_layout) object specified by `Labware_Fomrat` has content specified, this content will not be added to the [`BiomationScripter.Labware_Layout`](#class-labware_layout) objects which are returned.

* The original [`BiomationScripter.Labware_Layout`](#class-labware_layout) object is returned as the first element in the returned list.

Create_Labware_Needed calculates how many plates or other type of labware are needed for a protocol based on the number of wells/slots required (N_Wells_Needed) and the number of wells/slots available per plate/labware (N_Wells_Available). That number of BiomationScripter.Labware_Layout objects will then be created using the BiomationScripter.Labware_Layout specified by the Labware_Format argument as a template. These objects are then returned as a list.

Function: fmol_calculator

Calculates the number of fmols of a dsDNA molecule based on the mass (ng) and length (bp).


BMS.fmol_calculator(mass_ng: float, length_bp: int) returns float


  • mass_ng | float: The mass of the dsDNA sample in nanograms
  • length_bp | int: The length of the dsDNA molecule in base pairs


Calculates fmols of dsDNA molecules in a sample. Uses the following equation:

((mass_ng * 1e^-9)/((length_bp * 617.96) + 36.04)) * 1e^15

This function determines the transfer events required to populate a set of destination BiomationScripter.Labware_Layout objects with a specific liquid.


BMS.Get_Transfers_Required(Liquid: str, Destination_Layouts: List[BiomationScripter.Labware_Layout]) returns transfer_volumes: List[float], destination_wells: List[str], destination_layouts: List[BiomationScripter.Labware_Layout]


  • Liquid | str: The liquid for which transfer events should be determined
  • Destination_Layouts | List[BiomationScripter.Labware_Layout]: A list of BiomationScripter.Labware_Layout objects - these labware must be the destination labware into which the source material will be transferred, where the labware is already populated with the source material as content


!!! note

This function does **NOT** determine the source positions for the transfer events, it simply determines *required* transfer events. Automation equipment specific functions, such as the [`OTProto.dispense_from_aliquots` function](../OTProto#function-dispense_from_aliquots), can use the information from `Get_Transfers` to determine suitable source locations and perform the actual liquid handling.

The destination BiomationScripter.Labware_Layout objects supplied are searched for the specified liquid. For each well found which contains the liquid, the required volume, well ID, and Labware_Layout object are stored in separate lists. These lists are then returned.

Each position in the three lists describe a required transfer event. For example, if the below is true, then event_1 would required event_1_volume uL of liquid transferred to well event_1_destination_well in the destination labware described by event_1_destination_layout.

event_1_volume = transfer_volumes[0]
event_1_destination_well = destination_wells[0]
event_1_destination_layout = destination_layouts[0]

This function imports an Excel file with a standard layout and converts it to a BiomationScripter.Labware_Layout object.


BMS.Import_Labware_Layout(Filename: str, path: str = "~", ext: str = ".xlsx") returns BiomationScripter.Labware_Layout


  • Filename | str: Location of an Excel file (relative to home directory) specifying the desired labware layout
  • path | str = "~": The path to prepend to the file location passed to Filename, default is the home directoy ("~")
  • ext | str = ".xlsx": The file extension for the file passed to Filename, default is an excel file (".xlsx")


This function will import a layout specified by an excel file as a BiomationScripter.Labware_Layout object. The excel file should follow the standard described here

!!! warning

  • This function requires the pandas library to operate. If pandas has not successfully imported, this function will not work.

The Plate Name and Plate Type fields are required fields for the Plate Summary sheet (Sheet1). The Well and Name fields must be populated on the Well lookup sheet (Sheet2) if content in these wells needs to be added. If Name is empty, the function will assume that this well is empty and will skip over it. If Volume (uL) - Current is empty, Volume (uL) - Initial will be used instead. If both volume fields are empty, volume will be zero. If Calibration Type is empty, "AQ_BP" will be used as a default value.

An empty PlateLayout object should be created prior to calling this function and the function will populate the object with the required attributes.

Plate = BMS.Labware_Layout(name: str, type: str)
Plate.Import_Labware_Layout(Filename: str, path: str = "~", ext: str = ".xlsx")

This function can be used to automatedly generate mastermixes based on source materials in a list of destination labware layout objects, and user-defined parameters.


BMS.mastermixes_by_min_volume(Destination_Layouts: List[BMS.Labware_Layout], Mastermix_Layout = BMS.Labware_Layout, Maximum_Mastermix_Volume: float, Min_Transfer_Volume: float, Extra_Reactions: float, Excluded_Reagents: List[str] = [], Excluded_Combinations: List[List[str]] = [], Preferential_Reagents: List[str] = [], Seed: int = None) returns (Mastermixes: List[BMS.Mastermix], Seed: int, Destination_Layouts: List[BMS.Labware_Layout], Mastermix_Layouts: List[BMS.Labware_Layout])

See the walkthrough here.


  • Destination_Layouts | List[BMS.Labware_Layout]: List of BMS.Labware_Layout objects representing the final state of the destination labware to prepare mastermixes for - must be fully populated with all source material required in each well
  • Mastermix_Layout | BMS.Labware_Layout: A BMS.Labware_Layout object representing the labware for the mastermixes - should be empty (i.e. not content specified), but the labware format should be given
  • Maximum_Mastermix_Volume | float: Maximum volume (in microlitres) for each mastermix - should not be more than the maximum well capacity for the mastermix labware
  • Min_Transfer_Volume | float: The minimum transfer volume (in microlitres) for any liquids into or from the mastermixes
  • Extra_Reactions | float: The number of extra reactions each mastermix should be prepared for - can be used to account for pipetting inaccuracy or well dead volumes - can be a proportion of a reaction (e.g. prepare for 1.5 extra reactions)
  • Excluded_Reagents | List[str] = []: A list of reagents which should not be included in any mastermixes - this will remain as source materials in the destination labware layout(s)
  • Excluded_Combinations | List[List[str]] = []: A list of lists, where each sub-list contains reagents names which should not be combined within the same mastermix
  • Preferential_Reagents | List[str] = []: A list of reagents which should be considered first as components of a mastermix
  • Seed | int = None: A seed can be supplied for the random generated sections of the function, to ensure repeatability - if no seed is specified then different seeds will be tried until a solution is found (or after there has been too many attempts)


This function can be used to automatically generate mastermixes for a given list of destination labware layouts. The mastermixes are generated by finding common source reagents across destination wells, and grouping them together in the minimal amount of mastermixes. The mastermixes generated are stored in BMS.labware_layout objects and also returned as a list of BMS.Mastermix objects.

The exact composition of the mastermixes generated can be influenced by through the use of arguments listed above. In some cases, these arguments may provide too many constraints and result in an impossible situation where mastermixes cannot be generated. To help ensure many different combinations are attempted, there is some randomness within the function. This randomness can be removed by supplying a specific seed, which ensures that the same mastermixes are generated each time.

Function: Reagent_Finder

Searches a directory containing labware layout files for a specified reagent.


BMS.Reagent_Finder(Reagents: List[str], Directories: List[str]) returns None


  • Reagents | List[str]: A list of reagent names to search for
  • Directories | List[str]: A list of directories containing labware layout files


This function will search in the directories listed for files which appear to be BMS labware layout files. Any labware layout files found will then be searched for the specified reagents. The name of all reagents are then printed to OUT, along with the name of the labware layout they appear in and the well(s) they occupy.

Function: well_range

This function returns a list of wells based on a specified well range and direction. Wells are always in the format of row followed by column, where row is a letter and column is an integer (e.g. A1, D6, C12, B7, etc.).


BMS.well_range(Wells: str, Labware_Format: BiomationScripter.Labware_Layout | (int, int) = None, Direction: "Horizontal" | "Vertical" = "Horizontal", Box: bool = True) returns list[str]


  • Wells | str: A string specifying the range of wells to return - must always have the following format: "{}{}:{}{}".format(Starting Well Row, Starting Well Column, End Well Row, End Well Column), e.g. "A1:B4"
  • Labware_Format | BiomationScripter.Labware_Layout OR (int, int) = None: Plate/labware type to give context to the well range being returned, or a tuple specifying the number of rows and columns in the labware (e.g. (8, 12))
  • Direction | "Horizontal" OR "Vertical" = "Horizontal": Direction to use when calculating wells in the specified well range - must be either "Horizontal" or "Vertical"
  • Box | bool = True: Determines the well range 'shape' - can only be False if Labware_Format is specified


BiomationScripter.well_range returns a list of wells based on the well range specified by Wells. The exact wells which are returned, and the order they are placed in the list, is determined by the Direction, Labware_Format, and Box arguments.

The Direction argument determines the order in which wells are counted. If Direction = "Horizontal", wells are added to the list starting with those on the same row, before moving to the next row. For example, the well range A2:B4 would begin by adding wells in row 'A' (A2, A3, A4,...), and then move on to row 'B'. If Direction = "Vertical", wells will instead be added to the list starting with those in the same column (A1, B1, C1,...), and then move on to subsequent columns (A2, B2, C2,...).

The Box argument determines whether the well range has a box-like shape. For example, if Box = True, the well range A2:C4 would returns the wells A2, A3, A4, B2, B3, B4, C2, C3, C4. If Box = False, then the well range A2:C4 would instead include all wells between A2 and C4 up to the boundary of the plate. So for a standard 96 well plate, this would return wells A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9, B10, B11, B12, C1, C2, C3, C4. The order of these wells in both examples would be dependent on the Direction argument.

If Box = False, then Labware_Format must be specified using a BiomationScripter.Labware_Layout object, which defines the number of rows and columns in the plate, or a list specifying the number of rows and columns the labware has. If Box = False and Labware_Format = None, an error will occur.

The image below sums up this information:

Graphic showing how the Direction and Box arguments work in the well_range function. Discussed in main text.


  • NegativeVolumeError: Used when a calculation error occurs and volume less than 0 is specified
  • RobotConfigurationError: Used when automation equipment is not configured correctly, or when information about the equipment is missing
  • BMSTemplateError: Used when an error specific to a template occurs
  • LabwareError: Used for issues relating to missing, incorrect, or inappropriate labware
  • OutOfSourceMaterial: Used when not enough source material is available for the intended transfer step/protocol
  • TransferError: Used to indicate a general problem with a transfer event