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Releases: insightsengineering/cardx


27 Nov 17:30
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  • Added a data.frame method to ard_survival_survfit().
  • Added a warning for incorrect formula type to ard_survival_survfit(). (#223)
  • Implemented summary(extend=TRUE) in ard_survival_survfit() to return results for time points out of bounds. (#224)
  • Methods in the {survey} and {survival} packages do not retain inputs variables types in their outputs. We now are able retain these variable types in ARDs returned by,,,, and (and notably, not in ard_survival_survfit.survfit()).

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.2.1...v0.2.2


03 Sep 04:20
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New Features and Updates

  • Added S3 method which returns an ARD with both the survey-weighted and unweighted total sample size.
  • Added warning and error columns to ard_regression() output. (#148)
  • Implemented cards::as_card() where needed in the package to convert data frames to class 'card'. (#200)

Bug Fixes

  • Bug fix in where all unweighted statistics were returned, even in the case where they were explicitly not requested.

Lifecycle Changes

  • The bt(pattern), reformulate2(pattern_term), reformulate2(pattern_response) arguments have been deprecated and are now ignored. We now use make.names() to determine whether a column name needs to be wrapped in backticks. (#192)

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.2.0...v0.2.1


20 Jul 17:41
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Breaking Changes

  • Updated function names to follow the pattern ard_<pkgname>_<fnname>(). This change is immediate: previous functions names have not been deprecated. (#106)
ard_ttest()             -> ard_stats_t_test()
ard_paired_ttest()      -> ard_stats_paired_t_test()
ard_wilcoxtest()        -> ard_stats_wilcox_test()
ard_paired_wilcoxtest() -> ard_stats_paired_wilcox_test()
ard_chisqtest()         -> ard_stats_chisq_test()
ard_fishertest()        -> ard_stats_fisher_test()
ard_kruskaltest()       -> ard_stats_kruskal_test()
ard_mcnemartest()       -> ard_stats_mcnemar_test()
ard_moodtest()          -> ard_stats_mood_test()

New Features

  • The ard_categorical_ci(value) argument has been added. Previously, only binary variables (0/1 or TRUE/FALSE) could be summarized. When a value is not supplied, each level of the variable is summarized independently. By default, binary variables will have the 1/TRUE level summarized.
  • Added the following functions for calculating Analysis Results Datasets (ARDs).
    • ard_stats_aov() for calculating ANOVA results using stats::aov(). (#3)
    • ard_stats_anova() for calculating ANOVA results using stats::anova(). (#12)
    • ard_stats_mcnemar_test_long() for McNemar's test from long data using stats::mcnemar.test().
    • ard_stats_prop_test() for tests of proportions using stats::prop.test(). (#64)
    • ard_stats_t_test_onesample() for calculating one-sample results.
    • ard_stats_wilcox_test_onesample() for calculating one-sample results.
    • ard_stats_oneway_test() for calculating ANOVA results using stats::oneway.test(). (#3)
    • ard_aod_wald_test() for calculating Wald Tests for regression models using aod::wald.test(). (#84)
    • ard_car_anova() for calculating ANOVA results using car::Anova(). (#3)
    • ard_car_vif() for calculating the variance inflation factor using car::vif(). (#10)
    • ard_effectsize_cohens_d(), ard_effectsize_paired_cohens_d(), ard_effectsize_hedges_g(), and ard_effectsize_paired_hedges_g() for standardized differences using effectsize::cohens_d() and effectsize::hedges_g(). (#50)
    • ard_emmeans_mean_difference() for calculating the least-squares mean differences using the {emmeans} package. (#34)
    • ard_smd_smd() for calculating standardized mean differences using smd::smd(). (#4)
    • ard_survival_survfit() for survival analyses using survival::survfit(). (#43)
    • for calculating univariate summary statistics from weighted/survey data using many functions from the {survey} package. (#68)
    • for tabulating summary statistics from weighted/survey data using many functions from the {survey} package. (#140)
    • for tabulating dichotomous summary statistics from weighted/survey data using many functions from the {survey} package. (#2)
    • for tabulating missing summary statistics from weighted/survey data using many functions from the {survey} package. (#2)
    • for summarizing labels and attributes from weighted/survey data using many functions from the {survey} package.
    • ard_survey_svychisq() for weighted/survey chi-squared test using survey::svychisq(). (#72)
    • ard_survey_svyttest() for weighted/survey t-tests using survey::svyttest(). (#70)
    • ard_survey_svyranktest() for weighted/survey rank tests using survey::svyranktest(). (#71)
    • ard_survival_survdiff() for creating results from survival::survdiff(). (#113)
    • ard_regression_basic() for basic regression models. The function focuses on matching model terms to underlying variables names. (#46)
  • Updated functions ard_stats_t_test(), ard_stats_paired_t_test(), ard_stats_wilcox_test(), ard_stats_paired_wilcox_test(), ard_stats_chisq_test(), ard_stats_fisher_test(), ard_stats_kruskal_test(), ard_stats_mcnemar_test(), and ard_stats_mood_test() to accept multiple variables at once. Independent tests are calculated for each variable. The variable argument is renamed to variables. (#77)
  • Updated ard_stats_t_test() and ard_stats_wilcox_test() to no longer require the by argument, which yields central estimates with their confidence intervals. (#82)
  • Added model construction helpers, construct_model(), reformulate2(), bt(), and bt_strip().
  • Imported cli call environment functions from and implemented set_cli_abort_call in user-facing functions. (#111)

What's Changed

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cardx 0.1.0

19 Mar 23:27
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  • Initial release.