This package handles the recording of RGB and depth images from the ZED 2 cameras.
To use this code ROS and Python 2.7 should be installed on your computer.
Clone the repository in the src folder of your workspace (if you do not a workspace check
git clone
move to the zed2_recording/src folder and allow execution right to the script
cd src
chmod +x
go back to the main folder of you workspace and run catkin_make
cd ../../..
catkin make
now you are ready to use the code.
It is possible to record data from multiple camera running
roslaunch zed2_recording multiple_recording.launch
two instances of the are instantiated. Each node saves the data in the path specified in the launch file. It is possible to modify the path passing the experiment_name argument.
roslaunch zed2_recording multiple_recording.launch experimenter_name:="volunteer_1_1"
This argument is meant to give an unique name to each data folder.
Note: If the recording folder already exist the two nodes will return an error message an terminate.
The code has been tested for the following combinations of ROS and Ubuntu:
- ROS Kinetic - Ubuntu 16.04