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Hand Tracking

3D human hand tracking

The repo contains Dockerfile with all the requirements installed specifically for estimating the hand pose from a rosbag or live with a camera.

It will use the dockerfile/create_avc_transformations code to get the transformation from the camera frame to the marker on the table and then it will use the hand pose estimatior to estimate the pose.

This has initially been set up to estimate the hand pose in the RALLI dataset.

Running the container

Using prebuilt image (recommended)

Prebuilt image can be found here

docker pull jamadi/handtracking:latest

Bulding from docker file

Pull the repo and open terminal in dockerfile directory, and build the image.

docker build --network host -t hand-tracker-ralli .

Run the container and add the repo and dataset files.

docker run --runtime=nvidia -it --network=host -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /usr/lib/nvidia-(version installed):/usr/lib/nvidia-(version installed) -v /usr/lib32/nvidia-(version installed):/usr/lib32/nvidia-418 -v /tmp/.X11-unix/:/tmp/.X11-unix -v /path/to/repo:/code -v /path/to/rosbags:/dataset -w /code --privileged hand-tracker-ralli bash


nvidia-docker run -it --network=host -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /usr/lib/nvidia-(version installed):/usr/lib/nvidia-(version installed) -v /usr/lib32/nvidia-(version installed):/usr/lib32/nvidia-418 -v /tmp/.X11-unix/:/tmp/.X11-unix -v /path/to/repo:/code -v /path/to/rosbags:/dataset -w /code --privileged hand-tracker-ralli bash

Simple-ros-wrapper Usage will subscribe to a given camera topic expecting image messages, and will publish XYZ for all the joints as a float32MultiArray message which must be reshaped to (21,3).

python3 "camera/topic/" "desired/output/topic/name"

Handpose Usage

QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1 python3

The code is just to test the pose estimator ability with a webcam or video file ( see the main function in the file for instruction on how to use it)

Annotator Usage

python -b /path/to/rosbag.bag --delay {time-offset}


Argument name Description Default value
bag Path to experiment bag /dataset/AnnotationExperiment1.bag
display visualization using opencv 1
save_path path to the folder to save the csv file ( csv file name will be "{bag name}-result.csv" ) results/
transform path to a transformation pickle file None
delay the Delay between the recordings 0.0

Plotter usage

The plotter/ is a simple comparison tool. it will plot the XYZ of wrist joint over time. To use it just give it the two CSV files as arguments

python plotter/ /path/to/baseline.csv /path/to/result.csv

comparator output for experiment 1. red line is the hand tracker result and the blue line is the baseline using LeapMotion capture system


Cannot find PyCeresIK

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 17, in <module>
    import PyCeresIK as IK
ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Add the lib directory to the global library path

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<path_to_code>/hand-tracking/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH


3D human hand tracking






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