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Grunthos edited this page Nov 6, 2012 · 40 revisions

Load emulator with existing data (at least one book)

Main Menu

  1. Verify: Admin & Prefs visible and works
  2. Verify Help is visible
  3. Verify About is visible
  4. Verify Donate is visible

Admin & Prefs

  1. Link: Manage Bookshelves
  2. Add 3x Bookshelf
  3. Click Bookshelf to Edit bookshelf name
  4. Long-click to Delete Bookshelf
  1. Click ‘back’
  2. Menu: “Backup Database”
  3. Menu: “Field Visibility”
  4. Button: “Date Published”
  1. Edit a book note and include the text: ‘$5,“,”“,”’ (to try to confuse import parser)
  2. Export Books
  3. Delete any book (from long click)
  4. Menu: Admin
  5. Import Books
  6. Verify that the deleted book has been restored
  1. Manually Add book by with ISBN 9780575073333, Title ‘Demonstorm’ by ‘Fred Bloggs’. Set no other fields.
  2. Run ‘Authmatically Update Fields’ and verify that the other fields are filled in and the correct author, James Barclay, is added.
  1. Menu: Admin-
  2. Tab: Donate
  3. Button: “Amazon Wishlist”
  4. Button: “Paypal Link”
  5. Tab: “About this App”
  6. Help→Link: Webpage
  7. About→Link: Webpage
  8. About→Link: “Source Code”
  9. About→Link: “Contact1”
  10. About→Link: “Contact2”

For some reason the send-mail links (Help page and contacts) DO NOT fill in the data correctly in the AVD. They seem to work in real phones however.

Create Book

  1. Menu: Add Book→Manually
  2. Add “Isaac Asimov” as a single author
  3. Fill in all other details (Isaac Asimov, I Robot)
  4. -Assign to the two new bookshelves
  5. Button: “Add Book”
  6. Fill in all details (“Your Comments”) + Read
  7. Click on the “Edit Book” tab without saving
  8. Verify that the changes are retained
  9. Button: “Save Book”
  10. Verify Listing in Main List
  11. Verify Read tick
  12. Run ‘Authmatically Update Fields’ and verify it now has an ISBN and image
  13. Rotate Thumb Clockwise, Anti-Clockwise and 180
  14. Add Thumb by Camera, Add Thumb by Gallery
  15. Zoom Thumb
  16. Delete Thumb
  17. Change bookshelf
  18. Save Book (back to list)
  19. Menu: Admin
  20. Automatically Update Fields / Thumbnails. Leave everything selected.
  21. Key: Back
  22. Link: Edit Book
  23. Verify that the thumbnail has been added and series, ISBN (and probably others) set
  24. Add thumb by Edition
  25. Tab: Loan Book
  26. Loan Book
  27. Return book
  28. Loan Book again
  29. Key: Back

Book Listing

  1. Change Bookshelf to ‘All Books’
  2. Sort by title
  3. Change Bookshelf to some other shelf
  4. Sort by Series
  5. Change Bookshelf to ‘All Books’
  6. Sort by Genre
  7. Change Bookshelf to some other shelf
  8. Sort by Loaned
  9. Change Bookshelf to ‘All Books’
  10. Sort by Read
  11. Change Bookshelf to some other shelf
  12. Sort by Author
  13. Change Bookshelf to ‘All Books’
  14. Collapse All
  15. Expand All
  16. Search for Book
  17. Sort by title
  18. Change Bookshelf to some other shelf
  19. Sort by Series
  20. Change Bookshelf to ‘All Books’
  21. Sort by Loaned
  22. Change Bookshelf to some other shelf (NOTE: As of 4.0, ‘Loaned’ does take into account the current bo-okshelf)
  23. Sort by Read
  24. Change Bookshelf to ‘All Books’
  25. Sort by Author
  26. Change Bookshelf to some other shelf


  1. Menu: Add Book by ISBN
  2. Add 0586 057 242
  3. Set Anthology = true
  4. Button: Add Book
  5. Tab: Anthology
  6. Add Title + Author
  7. Menu: Automatically populate
  8. Verify list appears
  9. Button: Same author
  10. Move up/down
  11. Edit Title #1
  12. Delete title

Name Book

  1. Menu: Add Book by Name (as of 4.0, “Add Book”→“Search Internet”)
  2. Add Terry Pratchett, Nation
  3. Button: Add Book
  4. Button: Save Book

Series Editing

  1. For V4.0+: go into Booklist Prefrerences and make sure ‘Books In Multiple Series’ = ‘Under Each Series’
  2. Go to catalogue view, sort by Series, set bookshelf to ‘All Books’
  3. Long-click on ‘Legend of the Raven 4’ (series name)
  4. Edit Series
  5. Change to Foo
  6. Verify change
  7. Long-click on ‘Foo’
  8. Edit Series
  9. Change name to ‘Legends of the Raven’
  10. Confirm series are merged.
  11. Long-click on ‘Isaac Asminov’s Robot Series’
  12. Select ‘Delete Series’
  13. ‘Automatically Update Fields’
  14. Verify series are recreated

Author Editing

  1. Sort by Author
  2. For V4.0+: go into Booklist Prefrerences and make sure ‘Books With Multiple Authors’ = ‘Under Each Author’
  3. Long-click on "Bloggs, Fred’
  4. Select “Edit Author”
  5. Change to ‘Nerk, Fred’
  6. Verify change
  7. Long-click on "Asimov, Isaac’
  8. Change to “Asimov, I.”
  9. Check that anthology titles and books are updated.
  10. Long-click on "Asimov, I.’
  11. Change to “Nerk, Fred”
  12. Check that anthology titles and books are updated.
  13. ‘Automatically Update Fields’
  14. Verify authors are recreated and old authors remain

Book editing

  1. Click on ‘Complete robot’
  2. Remove Nerk Fred as Author
  3. Remove ‘Isaac Asimov’s Robot Series’ as series.
  4. Save
  5. -Verify not under author or series -
  6. Click on ‘Complete robot’
  7. Edit Series
  8. Click on ‘Robot/Foundation’
  9. Change name to ‘Robot/Foundationzz’
  10. Change number to 2
  11. Click ‘Save’
  12. Select ‘All Books’
  13. Cancel editing this book
  14. Verify series HAS changed
  15. Edit book, edit series ‘Robot/Foundationzz’, change name to ‘Robot/Foundation’
  16. Save and select ‘This Book’, save all the way back to the catalogue
  17. Verify the two series exist
  18. Long-click on series ‘Robot/Foundationzz’
  19. Change name to ‘’Robot/Foundation’
  20. Verify book is now in correct series ‘Robot/Foundation’


  1. Check each of the ‘builtin’ styles work
  2. create a new style consisting of ALL groups (except ‘Loaned’) and verify it has one book per (large) group.

Fresh Start

  1. Restart and wipe
  2. Do ISBN Book

Goodreads (if necessary set up a dummy godreads account)

  1. Import all from goodreads
  2. Add a book
  3. Send all to goodreads
  4. Edit a book
  5. Sync with goodreads and verify details in goodreads web site (NOTE: incomplete dates will not be updated in goodreads)
  6. Edit a book on the goodreads web site
  7. Sync with goodreads and verify details locally


  1. Create a CSV file with an ID column, but no UUID column and two books. Use new IDs. Create images to match ID.
  2. Copy all to bookCatalogue directory on phone
  3. Import. Verify two books CREATED with covers showing.
  4. Verify images have been renamed, not copied
  5. Edit both books. Delete a cover, change a title.
  6. Import. Verify two books UPDATED still missing covers.
  7. Add a UUID column to the same data file, with a new UUID (not matching ones in database).
  8. Import. Verify two books CREATED with covers showing.
  9. Edit both books. Delete a cover, change a title.
  10. Import. Verify two books UPDATED still missing covers.
  11. Delete all books just created (4 in total)
  12. Verify images were deleted as well
  13. Copy original CSV file and images to a secondary storage device (probably has to be on a real phone, as AVD does not seem to support more than one).
  14. Import. Verify two books CREATED with covers showing.
  15. Edit both books. Delete a cover, change a title.
  16. Import. Verify two books UPDATED with covers showing.
  17. Add a UUID column to the same data file, with a new UUID (not matching ones in database).
  18. Import. Verify two books CREATED with covers showing.
  19. Edit both books. Delete a cover, change a title.
  20. Import. Verify two books UPDATED with covers showing.
  21. Verify images and files still in secondary storage