Python 3.7+
pip install git+
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
import time
import dream3d
from dream3d.configuration import Configuration
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
configuration = dream3d.Configuration(
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
async with dream3d.ApiClient(configuration=configuration) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = dream3d.ArtifactsApi(api_client)
project_id = 'project_id_example' # str |
skip = 0 # int | (optional) (default to 0)
limit = 100 # int | (optional) (default to 100)
type = dream3d.ArtifactType() # ArtifactType | (optional)
# Get All
api_response = await api_instance.get_all_api_v1_artifacts_project_project_id_get(project_id, skip=skip, limit=limit, type=type)
print("The response of ArtifactsApi->get_all_api_v1_artifacts_project_project_id_get:\n")
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling ArtifactsApi->get_all_api_v1_artifacts_project_project_id_get: %s\n" % e)
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
ArtifactsApi | get_all_api_v1_artifacts_project_project_id_get | GET /api/v1/artifacts/project/{project_id} | Get All |
ArtifactsApi | get_api_v1_artifacts_artifact_id_get | GET /api/v1/artifacts/{artifact_id} | Get |
ArtifactsApi | get_children_artifacts_api_v1_artifacts_project_project_id_parent_id_get | GET /api/v1/artifacts/project/{project_id}/{parent_id} | Get Children Artifacts |
ArtifactsApi | get_feed_api_v1_artifacts_feed_get | GET /api/v1/artifacts/feed | Get Feed |
ArtifactsApi | get_opengraph_url_api_v1_artifacts_artifact_id_og_get | GET /api/v1/artifacts/{artifact_id}/og | Get Opengraph Url |
ArtifactsApi | get_public_url_api_v1_artifacts_artifact_id_public_get | GET /api/v1/artifacts/{artifact_id}/public | Get Public Url |
ArtifactsApi | get_templates_api_v1_artifacts_templates_get | GET /api/v1/artifacts/templates | Get Templates |
ArtifactsApi | get_url_api_v1_artifacts_artifact_id_url_get | GET /api/v1/artifacts/{artifact_id}/url | Get Url |
ArtifactsApi | like_api_v1_artifacts_artifact_id_like_put | PUT /api/v1/artifacts/{artifact_id}/like | Like |
ArtifactsApi | record_view_api_v1_artifacts_artifact_id_view_post | POST /api/v1/artifacts/{artifact_id}/view | Record View |
ArtifactsApi | remix_api_v1_artifacts_artifact_id_remix_post | POST /api/v1/artifacts/{artifact_id}/remix | Remix |
ArtifactsApi | toggle_like_api_v1_artifacts_artifact_id_toggle_like_put | PUT /api/v1/artifacts/{artifact_id}/toggle-like | Toggle Like |
ArtifactsApi | unlike_api_v1_artifacts_artifact_id_unlike_put | PUT /api/v1/artifacts/{artifact_id}/unlike | Unlike |
ArtifactsApi | update_api_v1_artifacts_artifact_id_put | PUT /api/v1/artifacts/{artifact_id} | Update |
ArtifactsApi | upscale_api_v1_artifacts_artifact_id_upscale_post | POST /api/v1/artifacts/{artifact_id}/upscale | Upscale |
MaterialsApi | create_api_v1_materials_post | POST /api/v1/materials/ | Create |
MaterialsApi | get_api_v1_materials_material_id_get | GET /api/v1/materials/{material_id} | Get |
MaterialsApi | update_api_v1_materials_material_id_put | PUT /api/v1/materials/{material_id} | Update |
MeshesApi | create_avatar_api_v1_meshes_avatar_post | POST /api/v1/meshes/avatar | Create Avatar |
MeshesApi | create_prompt_api_v1_meshes_prompt_post | POST /api/v1/meshes/prompt | Create Prompt |
MeshesApi | create_upload_api_v1_meshes_upload_post | POST /api/v1/meshes/upload | Create Upload |
MeshesApi | delete_api_v1_meshes_mesh_id_delete | DELETE /api/v1/meshes/{mesh_id} | Delete |
MeshesApi | get_all_api_v1_meshes_get | GET /api/v1/meshes/ | Get All |
MeshesApi | get_api_v1_meshes_mesh_id_get | GET /api/v1/meshes/{mesh_id} | Get |
MeshesApi | regenerate_prompt_api_v1_meshes_regenerate_mesh_id_put | PUT /api/v1/meshes/regenerate/{mesh_id} | Regenerate Prompt |
MeshesApi | search_api_v1_meshes_search_get | GET /api/v1/meshes/search | Search |
MeshesApi | update_api_v1_meshes_mesh_id_put | PUT /api/v1/meshes/{mesh_id} | Update |
ProjectsApi | add_mesh_api_v1_projects_project_id_meshes_mesh_id_put | PUT /api/v1/projects/{project_id}/meshes/{mesh_id} | Add Mesh |
ProjectsApi | create_api_v1_projects_post | POST /api/v1/projects/ | Create |
ProjectsApi | delete_api_v1_projects_project_id_delete | DELETE /api/v1/projects/{project_id} | Delete |
ProjectsApi | get_all_api_v1_projects_get | GET /api/v1/projects/ | Get All |
ProjectsApi | get_api_v1_projects_project_id_get | GET /api/v1/projects/{project_id} | Get |
ProjectsApi | get_meshes_api_v1_projects_project_id_meshes_get | GET /api/v1/projects/{project_id}/meshes | Get Meshes |
ProjectsApi | remove_mesh_api_v1_projects_project_id_meshes_mesh_id_delete | DELETE /api/v1/projects/{project_id}/meshes/{mesh_id} | Remove Mesh |
ProjectsApi | update_api_v1_projects_project_id_put | PUT /api/v1/projects/{project_id} | Update |
RenderApi | create_api_v1_render_project_id_post | POST /api/v1/render/{project_id} | Create |
RenderApi | extract_prompt_api_v1_render_extract_prompt_post | POST /api/v1/render/extract-prompt | Extract Prompt |
StatusApi | get_status_get | GET / | Get Status |
TasksApi | get_api_v1_tasks_task_id_get | GET /api/v1/tasks/{task_id} | Get |
- Artifact
- ArtifactStatus
- ArtifactType
- ArtifactUpdate
- Camera
- ColorTex
- D3DObject
- Flags
- GeometryType
- HTTPValidationError
- Image
- ImageIn
- Light
- Material
- MaterialCreateUpload
- MaterialFlag
- MaterialPreset
- MaterialProperties
- MaterialShader
- MaterialType
- MaterialUpdate
- Mesh
- MeshCategory
- MeshCreateGenerate
- MeshFormat
- MeshStatus
- MeshType
- MeshUpdate
- MetalnessTex
- MeterUsage
- Msg
- NormalTex
- Payload
- Project
- ProjectCreate
- ProjectUpdate
- RelatedUser
- RenderAspectRatio
- RenderPayload
- RoughnessTex
- Scene
- TaskStatus
- UserAdminCreate
- UserAdminInvite
- UserUpdate
- ValidationError
- WysiwygVersion