Tools to deploy OpenShift 4 on an AWS Snowball Edge Device
This section details how to configure a RHEL machine that is external to the Snowball Edge (SBE) device. The SBE external host will be used to initialize the SBE and import the OpenShift content AMI used to deploy the OpenShift cluster.
Use the following commands to unlock the AWS Snowball Edge (SBE) and attach it to your network. These commands are run from a host external to the SBE and have been tested on a RHEL system.
- Start by running the unlock command on the SBE. This requires the manifest and unlock code from AWS
snowballEdge unlock-device --endpoint https://<ENDPOINT> --manifest-file <MANIFEST> --unlock-code <UNLOCK CODE>
- Determine the interface id of the physical network adapter
NIC_ID=$(snowballEdge describe-device --endpoint https://<ENDPOINT> --manifest-file <MANIFEST> --unlock-code <UNLOCK CODE> | jq -r -c '.PhysicalNetworkInterfaces[0].PhysicalNetworkInterfaceId')
echo ${NIC_ID}
- Create a virtual network adapter to attach to EC2 instances. This example uses DHCP. See snowballEdge command options for static IP assignment.
snowballEdge create-virtual-network-interface --endpoint https://<ENDPOINT> --manifest-file <MANIFEST> --unlock-code <UNLOCK CODE> --ip-address-assignment dhcp --physical-network-interface-id "${NIC_ID}"
- Start the ec2 and s3 services on the Snowball Device using the virtual network interface created above.
snowballEdge start-service --endpoint https://<ENDPOINT> --manifest-file <MANIFEST> --unlock-code <UNLOCK CODE> --service-id ec2 --virtual-network-interface-arns <virtual-network-interface-arn>
snowballEdge start-service --endpoint https://<ENDPOINT> --manifest-file <MANIFEST> --unlock-code <UNLOCK CODE> --service-id s3 --virtual-network-interface-arns >virtual-network-interface-arn>
- List the API keys included with the SBE
snowballEdge list-access-keys --endpoint https://<ENDPOINT> --manifest-file <MANIFEST> --unlock-code <UNLOCK CODE>
- Get secret key associated with access key above
snowballEdge get-secret-access-key --endpoint https://<ENDPOINT> --manifest-file <MANIFEST> --unlock-code <UNLOCK CODE> --access-key-id "access_key from above command"
- Configure the snowballEdge AWS CLI profile. Enter the access keys from the above command, region as snow, output as json.
aws --profile snowballEdge configure
- Create a key-pair for instances to use
snowballEdge create-key-pair --endpoint https://<ENDPOINT> --manifest-file <MANIFEST> --unlock-code <UNLOCK CODE> --key-name <my_key_name>
- Run the command to configure the client. This must be done after the EC2 and S3 services have been started to extract the ports those services are running on.
The OpenShift Content AMI is shipped with the SBE as a disk image located in S3 on the SBE. It must be imported into the SBE as an EC2 AMI
- Run the following script to load the OpenShift Content AMI from S3 on the SBE into EC2 on the SBE. The options are the S3 bucket and path where the disk image is located inside the SBE. <s3_bucket> <s3_path>
- Launch the OpenShift Content AMI as an EC2 Instance from outside the snowball device
snowballEdge run-instances --endpoint https://<ENDPOINT> --manifest-file <MANIFEST> --unlock-code <UNLOCK CODE> --image-id <Content_AMI_ID> --key-name <my_key_name> --instance-type sbe-c.2xlarge --tag-specifications 'ResourceType=instance,Tags=[{Key=Name,Value=Content}]'
snowballEdge associate-address --endpoint https://<ENDPOINT> --manifest-file <MANIFEST> --unlock-code <UNLOCK CODE> --public-ip <IP to assign> --instance-id <Content_Instance_ID>
Copy the SnowBall Edge Manifest to the Content Instance.
Login to the Content Instance running on the SBE as the ec2-user
Change directories into the openshift4-snowball directory on the content instance
cd /home/ec2-user/openshift4-snowball
- Run the following script to configure the snowballEdge client on the content instance
- List the API keys included with the SBE
snowballEdge list-access-keys --endpoint https://<ENDPOINT> --manifest-file <MANIFEST> --unlock-code <UNLOCK CODE>
- Get secret key associated with access key above
snowballEdge get-secret-access-key --endpoint https://<ENDPOINT> --manifest-file <MANIFEST> --unlock-code <UNLOCK CODE> --access-key-id "access_key from above command"
- Configure the snowballEdge AWS CLI profile. Enter the access keys from the above command, region as snow, output as json.
aws --profile snowballEdge configure
- Run the following script to configure the environment on the content instance
Red Hat Core OS (RHCOS) is the base operating system of all nodes in an OpenShift cluster. The RHCOS AMI is shipped with the SBE as a disk image located in S3 on the SBE. It must be imported into the SBE as an EC2 AMI
- Run the following script to load the RHCOS disk image into the SBE on the content instance
- Run the following script to setup the environment on the content instance. This will setup the httpd, bind, and haproxy services.
- Note that the DNS prompt refers to seting up DNS on the SBE or using an SBE external DNS Yes== setup DNS on the SBE, No == Use an SBE external DNS
- Run the following script to deploy the OpenShift cluster on the content instance
- To check that the cluster is online, use the following command
oc get co
- Once the cluster is online the bootstrap node will need to be manually terminated
- To destroy the OpenShift Cluster run the following script
- Run the following command to configure the snowball device with an NTP server. Change the NTP server to one that is accessibly from your environment
snowballEdge update-time-servers ${SBE_OPTS}
- It can take several minutes for the time server to update. An example of a working configuration is below
snowballEdge describe-time-sources ${SBE_OPTS}
"Sources" : [ {
"Address" : "<ntp server IP address>",
"State" : "CURRENT",
"Type" : "SERVER",
"Stratum" : 2
} ]