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Make sure closing tags are checked
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kodeFant committed Oct 26, 2024
1 parent 595f778 commit 0644e5b
Showing 1 changed file with 71 additions and 26 deletions.
97 changes: 71 additions & 26 deletions ihp-hsx/IHP/HSX/UncheckedHSX.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,12 +16,20 @@ import Data.String.Conversions (cs)
import qualified IHP.HSX.HaskellParser as HaskellParser
import Text.Blaze.Internal (MarkupM(Parent, Leaf), attribute)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.Char (isLower)
import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer as L
import Data.Functor (void)
import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char as C

type Parser = Parsec Void Text

data UNode = UNode Text [(Text, AttributeValue)] [UNode] Bool
| UTextNode Text
| USplicedNode Exp
| UCommentNode Text
| UNoRenderCommentNode
deriving (Show)

data AttributeValue = TextValue Text | ExpressionValue Exp deriving (Show)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -49,32 +57,34 @@ uncheckedParser extensions = space *> manyUncheckedElement <* eof
manyUncheckedElement :: Parser UNode
manyUncheckedElement = do
children <- many (try uncheckedElement <|> uncheckedTextNode <|> uncheckedSplicedNode)
return $ UNode "div" [] children False
case children of
[node] -> return node
_ -> return $ UNode "div" [] children False

uncheckedElement :: Parser UNode
uncheckedElement = do
char '<'
tagName <- some (alphaNumChar <|> char '-' <|> char '_' <|> char ':')
void $ char '<'
tagName <- T.pack <$> some (alphaNumChar <|> char '-' <|> char '_' <|> char ':')
attrs <- many uncheckedAttribute
(do string "/>"
return $ UNode (T.pack tagName) attrs [] True)
(do char '>'
children <- many (try uncheckedElement <|> uncheckedTextNode <|> uncheckedSplicedNode)
closing <- optional (try $ string "</" >> string (T.pack tagName) >> char '>')
case closing of
Just _ -> return $ UNode (T.pack tagName) attrs children False
Nothing -> return $ UNode (T.pack tagName) attrs children True)
if Set.member tagName selfClosingTags
then (void (string "/>" <|> string ">")) >> return (UNode tagName attrs [] True)
else do
void $ char '>'
children <- many (try uncheckedElement <|> uncheckedTextNode <|> uncheckedSplicedNode)
closing <- optional (try $ string "</" *> chunk tagName *> char '>')
case closing of
Just _ -> return $ UNode tagName attrs children False
Nothing -> fail $ "Unclosed tag: <" ++ T.unpack tagName ++ ">"

uncheckedAttribute :: Parser (Text, AttributeValue)
uncheckedAttribute = do
name <- some (alphaNumChar <|> char '-' <|> char '_' <|> char ':')
name <- T.pack <$> some (alphaNumChar <|> char '-' <|> char '_' <|> char ':')
value <- option (TextValue "") (char '=' *> (quotedValue <|> unquotedValue <|> expressionValue))
return (T.pack name, value)
return (name, value)
quotedValue = TextValue . T.pack <$> (char '"' *> manyTill anySingle (char '"'))
quotedValue = TextValue . T.pack <$> (char '"' *> manyTill L.charLiteral (char '"'))
unquotedValue = TextValue . T.pack <$> some (alphaNumChar <|> char '-' <|> char '_')
expressionValue = ExpressionValue <$> (char '{' *> parseHaskellExpression <* char '}')

Expand All @@ -88,25 +98,60 @@ parseHaskellExpression :: Parser Exp
parseHaskellExpression = do
pos <- getSourcePos
code <- takeWhileP Nothing (\c -> c /= '}')
case HaskellParser.parseHaskellExpression pos [] (cs code) of
case HaskellParser.parseHaskellExpression pos [] (T.unpack code) of
Right exp -> return exp
Left err -> fail $ show err

compileToHaskell :: UNode -> Q Exp
compileToHaskell (UNode name attrs children isLeaf) =
let element = [| H.preEscapedText $(litE $ stringL $ "<" ++ T.unpack name) |]
compileToHaskell (UNode name attrs children isLeaf) = do
when (T.toLower name `notElem` knownElements && T.toLower name `notElem` knownLeafs) $
case validateCustomElement name of
Left err -> fail err
Right () -> pure ()
when (not isLeaf && null children && name `notElem` voidElements) $
fail $ "Empty non-void element: <" ++ T.unpack name ++ ">"
let element = if isLeaf || name `elem` voidElements
then nodeToBlazeLeaf name
else nodeToBlazeElement name
applyAttrs = foldr (\(k, v) e -> [| $e <> $(compileAttribute k v) |]) element attrs
closeTag = if isLeaf
then [| H.preEscapedText $(litE $ stringL "/>") |]
else [| H.preEscapedText $(litE $ stringL ">") |]
then [| mempty |]
else [| H.preEscapedText $(litE $ stringL $ "</" ++ T.unpack name ++ ">") |]
applyChildren = if null children
then [| $applyAttrs <> $closeTag |]
else [| $applyAttrs <> H.preEscapedText $(litE $ stringL ">") <>
mconcat $(listE (map compileToHaskell children)) <>
H.preEscapedText $(litE $ stringL $ "</" ++ T.unpack name ++ ">") |]
in applyChildren
compileToHaskell (UTextNode text) = [| H.text $(litE $ stringL $ T.unpack text) |]
then [| $applyAttrs |]
else [| $applyAttrs <> mconcat $(listE (map compileToHaskell children)) |]
[| $applyChildren <> $closeTag |]
compileToHaskell (UTextNode value) = [| H.text $(litE $ stringL $ T.unpack value) |]
compileToHaskell (USplicedNode exp) = [| H.preEscapedToHtml $(return exp) |]
compileToHaskell (UCommentNode value) = [| H.textComment $(litE $ stringL $ T.unpack value) |]
compileToHaskell UNoRenderCommentNode = [| mempty |]

selfClosingTags :: Set.Set Text
selfClosingTags = Set.fromList
[ "area", "base", "br", "col", "embed", "hr", "img", "input"
, "link", "meta", "param", "source", "track", "wbr"

voidElements :: [Text]
voidElements = ["area", "base", "br", "col", "embed", "hr", "img", "input", "link", "meta", "param", "source", "track", "wbr"]

validateCustomElement :: Text -> Either String ()
validateCustomElement name
| T.any (== '-') name && not (isLower (T.head name)) = Left $ "Custom element '" ++ T.unpack name ++ "' must start with a lowercase letter"
| T.any (== '-') name = Right ()
| otherwise = Left $ "Custom element '" ++ T.unpack name ++ "' must contain a hyphen (-) and start with a lowercase letter"

knownElements :: [Text]
knownElements = ["div", "span", "p", "a", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "ul", "ol", "li", "table", "tr", "td", "th", "form", "input", "button", "select", "option", "textarea", "label", "header", "footer", "nav", "main", "section", "article", "aside"]

knownLeafs :: [Text]
knownLeafs = ["br", "hr", "img", "input", "meta", "link"]

nodeToBlazeLeaf :: Text -> Q Exp
nodeToBlazeLeaf name = [| H.preEscapedText $(litE $ stringL $ "<" ++ T.unpack name ++ "/>") |]

nodeToBlazeElement :: Text -> Q Exp
nodeToBlazeElement name = [| H.preEscapedText $(litE $ stringL $ "<" ++ T.unpack name ++ ">") |]

compileAttribute :: Text -> AttributeValue -> Q Exp
compileAttribute name (TextValue value) = [| H.preEscapedText $(litE $ stringL $ " " ++ T.unpack name ++ "=\"" ++ T.unpack value ++ "\"") |]
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