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Fix uncheckedHSX quasiquoter
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kodeFant committed Oct 26, 2024
1 parent e05de32 commit 595f778
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Showing 2 changed files with 53 additions and 53 deletions.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion ihp-hsx/IHP/HSX/QQ.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Module: IHP.HSX.QQ
Description: Defines the @[hsx||]@ syntax
Copyright: (c) digitally induced GmbH, 2022
module IHP.HSX.QQ (hsx) where
module IHP.HSX.QQ (hsx, uncheckedHsx) where

import Prelude
import Data.Text (Text)
Expand All @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import Data.List (foldl')
import IHP.HSX.Attribute
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes as Attributes
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import IHP.HSX.UncheckedHSX (uncheckedHsx)

hsx :: QuasiQuoter
hsx = QuasiQuoter {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -459,3 +460,4 @@ textToStaticString text = StaticString (Text.unpack text ++) (Text.encodeUtf8 te

instance Show (MarkupM ()) where
show html = BlazeString.renderHtml html

102 changes: 50 additions & 52 deletions ihp-hsx/IHP/HSX/UncheckedHSX.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,7 +13,18 @@ import Text.Megaparsec
import Text.Megaparsec.Char
import Data.Void
import Data.String.Conversions (cs)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified IHP.HSX.HaskellParser as HaskellParser
import Text.Blaze.Internal (MarkupM(Parent, Leaf), attribute)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE

type Parser = Parsec Void Text

data UNode = UNode Text [(Text, AttributeValue)] [UNode] Bool
| UTextNode Text
| USplicedNode Exp
deriving (Show)

data AttributeValue = TextValue Text | ExpressionValue Exp deriving (Show)

uncheckedHsx :: QuasiQuoter
uncheckedHsx = QuasiQuoter
Expand All @@ -27,89 +38,76 @@ quoteUncheckedHsxExpression :: String -> Q Exp
quoteUncheckedHsxExpression code = do
loc <- location
let position = SourcePos (loc_filename loc) (mkPos (fst (loc_start loc))) (mkPos (snd (loc_start loc)))
case runParser uncheckedParser "" (cs code) of
extensions <- extsEnabled
case runParser (uncheckedParser extensions) "" (cs code) of
Left err -> fail $ errorBundlePretty err
Right result -> compileToHaskell result

type Parser = Parsec Void Text

data UNode = UNode Text [(Text, Text)] [UNode] Bool
| UTextNode Text
| USplicedNode Exp
deriving (Show)

uncheckedParser :: Parser UNode
uncheckedParser = space *> (manyUncheckedElement <|> uncheckedElement) <* space <* eof
uncheckedParser :: [Extension] -> Parser UNode
uncheckedParser extensions = space *> manyUncheckedElement <* eof

manyUncheckedElement :: Parser UNode
manyUncheckedElement = do
children <- many uncheckedChild
children <- many (try uncheckedElement <|> uncheckedTextNode <|> uncheckedSplicedNode)
return $ UNode "div" [] children False

uncheckedElement :: Parser UNode
uncheckedElement = do
char '<'
tagName <- some (alphaNumChar <|> char '-' <|> char '_')
tagName <- some (alphaNumChar <|> char '-' <|> char '_' <|> char ':')
attrs <- many uncheckedAttribute
(do string "/>"
return $ UNode (T.pack tagName) attrs [] True)
(do char '>'
children <- many uncheckedChild
string "</"
string (T.pack tagName)
char '>'
return $ UNode (T.pack tagName) attrs children False)
(do char '>'
if tagName `Set.member` selfClosingTags
then return $ UNode (T.pack tagName) attrs [] True
else do
children <- many uncheckedChild
string "</"
string (T.pack tagName)
char '>'
return $ UNode (T.pack tagName) attrs children False)
children <- many (try uncheckedElement <|> uncheckedTextNode <|> uncheckedSplicedNode)
closing <- optional (try $ string "</" >> string (T.pack tagName) >> char '>')
case closing of
Just _ -> return $ UNode (T.pack tagName) attrs children False
Nothing -> return $ UNode (T.pack tagName) attrs children True)

uncheckedAttribute :: Parser (Text, Text)
uncheckedAttribute :: Parser (Text, AttributeValue)
uncheckedAttribute = do
name <- some (alphaNumChar <|> char '-' <|> char '_')
value <- option "" (char '=' *> (quoted <|> unquoted))
return (T.pack name, T.pack value)
name <- some (alphaNumChar <|> char '-' <|> char '_' <|> char ':')
value <- option (TextValue "") (char '=' *> (quotedValue <|> unquotedValue <|> expressionValue))
return (T.pack name, value)
quoted = char '"' *> manyTill anySingle (char '"')
unquoted = some (alphaNumChar <|> char '-' <|> char '_')

uncheckedChild :: Parser UNode
uncheckedChild = uncheckedElement <|> uncheckedTextNode <|> uncheckedSplicedNode
quotedValue = TextValue . T.pack <$> (char '"' *> manyTill anySingle (char '"'))
unquotedValue = TextValue . T.pack <$> some (alphaNumChar <|> char '-' <|> char '_')
expressionValue = ExpressionValue <$> (char '{' *> parseHaskellExpression <* char '}')

uncheckedTextNode :: Parser UNode
uncheckedTextNode = UTextNode . T.pack <$> some (anySingleBut '<')
uncheckedTextNode = UTextNode . T.pack <$> some (satisfy (\c -> c /= '<' && c /= '{' && c /= '}'))

uncheckedSplicedNode :: Parser UNode
uncheckedSplicedNode = between (string "{") (string "}") $ do
expr <- parseHaskellExpression
return $ USplicedNode expr
uncheckedSplicedNode = USplicedNode <$> (char '{' *> parseHaskellExpression <* char '}')

parseHaskellExpression :: Parser Exp
parseHaskellExpression = error "Implement Haskell expression parsing here"
parseHaskellExpression = do
pos <- getSourcePos
code <- takeWhileP Nothing (\c -> c /= '}')
case HaskellParser.parseHaskellExpression pos [] (cs code) of
Right exp -> return exp
Left err -> fail $ show err

compileToHaskell :: UNode -> Q Exp
compileToHaskell (UNode name attrs children isLeaf) =
let element = if isLeaf
then [| H.preEscapedText $(litE $ stringL $ T.unpack $ "<" <> name <> "/>") |]
else [| H.preEscapedText $(litE $ stringL $ T.unpack $ "<" <> name <> ">") |]
applyAttrs = foldr (\(k, v) e -> [| $e ! H.customAttribute (H.stringTag $(litE $ stringL $ T.unpack k)) $(litE $ stringL $ T.unpack v) |]) element attrs
let element = [| H.preEscapedText $(litE $ stringL $ "<" ++ T.unpack name) |]
applyAttrs = foldr (\(k, v) e -> [| $e <> $(compileAttribute k v) |]) element attrs
closeTag = if isLeaf
then [| H.preEscapedText $(litE $ stringL "/>") |]
else [| H.preEscapedText $(litE $ stringL ">") |]
applyChildren = if null children
then applyAttrs
else [| $applyAttrs <> mconcat $(listE (map compileToHaskell children)) <> H.preEscapedText $(litE $ stringL $ T.unpack $ "</" <> name <> ">") |]
then [| $applyAttrs <> $closeTag |]
else [| $applyAttrs <> H.preEscapedText $(litE $ stringL ">") <>
mconcat $(listE (map compileToHaskell children)) <>
H.preEscapedText $(litE $ stringL $ "</" ++ T.unpack name ++ ">") |]
in applyChildren
compileToHaskell (UTextNode text) = [| H.text $(litE $ stringL $ T.unpack text) |]
compileToHaskell (USplicedNode exp) = [| H.preEscapedToHtml $(return exp) |]

selfClosingTags :: Set.Set String
selfClosingTags = Set.fromList ["area", "base", "br", "col", "embed", "hr", "img", "input", "link", "meta", "param", "source", "track", "wbr"]

-- You can add more helper functions here as needed
compileAttribute :: Text -> AttributeValue -> Q Exp
compileAttribute name (TextValue value) = [| H.preEscapedText $(litE $ stringL $ " " ++ T.unpack name ++ "=\"" ++ T.unpack value ++ "\"") |]
compileAttribute name (ExpressionValue exp) = [| H.preEscapedText (T.pack $ " " ++ T.unpack name ++ "=\"") <> H.toHtml $(return exp) <> H.preEscapedText "\"" |]

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