You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 0
This has highest performance and lowest RAM usage, because there is no virtualization like Docker, Windows Subsystem for Linux, etc. Wekan is run with Windows native version of Node.js and MongoDB, directly at Windows filesystem.
If you have important data in Wekan, do backup.
Install newest Node.js v12.x.x for Windows https://nodejs.org/dist/v12.16.1/
Install MongoDB 4.x for Windows https://www.mongodb.com/download-center/community
Download and newest Wekan bundle wekan-3.xx.zip from https://releases.wekan.team
Unzip wekan-3.xx.zip, it has directory name
Like at bundle wiki page, similarly do for bundle:
cd bundle/programs/server
npm install
npm install node-gyp node-pre-gyp fibers
cd ..\..\..
Download start-wekan.bat to your bundle directory. Edit it for your ROOT_URL etc settings.
Start Wekan:
cd bundle
b) Docker
If you don't need to build Wekan, use prebuilt container with docker-compose.yml from https://github.com/wekan/wekan like this:
docker-compose up -d
If you like to build from source, clone Wekan repo:
git clone https://github.com/wekan/wekan
Then edit docker-compose.yml with these lines uncommented this way:
# ==== BUILD wekan-app DOCKER CONTAINER FROM SOURCE, if you uncomment these ====
# ==== and use commands: docker-compose up -d --build
context: .
dockerfile: Dockerfile
Then you can build Wekan with
docker-compose up -d --build
Install Windows Subsystem for Linux in PowerShell as Administrator
Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux
and reboot - Install Ubuntu 18.04 from Windows Store
If you don't need to build from source, download newest wekan-VERSION.zip from https://releases.wekan.team and unzip it. Then:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install npm mongodb-server mongodb-clients
sudo npm -g install n
sudo n 12.16.1
sudo npm -g install npm
Then edit start-wekan.sh
to start at correct port, ROOT_URL setting, and MONGO_URL to port 27017, cd to correct bundle directory where node main.js
can be run, and then:
More info at https://github.com/wekan/wekan/wiki/Raspberry-Pi
- You could try to proxy from IIS SSL website to Wekan localhost port, for example when ROOT_URL=https://example.com and PORT=3001 , and you make IIS config that supports websockets proxy to Wekan http port 3001.
If you need to build from source, do as above, and build Wekan with wekan/rebuild-wekan.sh
Install from source directly on Windows to get Wekan running natively on Windows. git clone on Windows has been fixed. Related: running standalone and nexe.
REM Install Chocolatey from
REM https://chocolatey.org/install
REM in PowerShell as Administrator
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))
REM Install with cmd.exe or PowerShell as Administrator
REM - nodejs-lts, that is 12.x
REM - ndm, that is npm package manager for Windows
choco install -y nodejs-lts ndm git
REM Close and open cmd.exe or PowerShell as normal user.
REM Update npm:
npm -g install npm
REM Install meteor using https://github.com/zodern/windows-meteor-installer/
npm i -g @zodern/windows-meteor-installer
REM Close and open cmd.exe or PowerShell as normal user.
git clone https://github.com/wekan/wekan
cd wekan
REM a) For development, available at local network, at your computer IP address. Does rebuild when code changes.
meteorz --port 4000
REM b) For development, available only at http://localhost:4000 . Does rebuild when code changes.
meteorz --port 4000
REM c) For production, after Wekan is built to "wekan/.build/bundle",
REM edit "start-wekan.bat" to "cd" to correct bundle directory to run "node main.js"
- About
- No UI major redesign
- Test Edge
- IRC FAQ - answers to questions asked at IRC
- Roadmap - board at Wekan demo
- Team
- Press
- Blog
- NOT related to Wekan
- Wekan vs Trello vs Restyaboard
- Features
- Custom Logo
- Gantt Chart
- Admin: Impersonate user
- Emoji etc syntax
- Numbered text syntax
- Time Tracking
- Subtasks <== Has fix
- Templates
- Archive and Delete
- Adding Users
- Keycloak
- Google login
- Azure
- OAuth2, Auth0, GitLab, RocketChat
- Oracle OIM on premise using OAuth2
- ADFS 4.0 using OAuth2 and OpenID
- Nextcloud
- CAS Please test
- SAML Please test
- Custom Fields
- Due Date
- Forgot Password
- Requirements
- Translations
- Roadmap
- Fix Export board menu not visible on some boards
- Integrations
- RAM usage
- Demo
- Swimlane Documentation
- Wekan Markdown
- Download Wekan for various Platforms: Supported by xet7, Operating Systems, NAS, Cloud
- Example: New card with Python3 and REST API
- Python client to REST API
- Java
- Wekan Sandstorm cards to CSV using Python
- Excel and VBA
- Global Webhook
- Limiting Webhook data
- Receiving Webhooks
- Outgoing Webhook to Discord/Slack/RocketChat/Riot
- Outgoing Webhook to NodeRed
- Outgoing Webhook to PowerShell
- Security: Webhook and CA
- Outgoing Webhooks Data
- Outgoing Webhooks and Let's Encrypt
- Outgoing Webhooks Original Pull Request, multiple Webhooks, more parameters and response order