You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 0
For below scheduled backup scripts, no info from above of this wiki page is required. Backup scripts below have the required settings.
This does backup of Wekan+RocketChat snap databases and php website etc.
If you need to backup some remote server or cloud, you can use scp, or read rclone docs about how to configure saving to some other remote server or cloud.
The following .sh bash scripts are added as root user to your /root/
Backups are created to subdirectories of /root/backups/
Cron is used to schedule backups, for example once a day.
- To add bash scripts, you change to root user with this command, and your sudo or root password.
sudo su
- Use nano editor for editing cron. If you don't have it installed, type:
apt install nano
- Then we set text editor to be nano. Otherwise it probably uses vi, that is harder to use.
export EDITOR=nano
- Now we start editing cron scheduler.
crontab -e
For more info how to make cron time, see https://crontab.guru
In this example, we set backups every day at 04:00, then it runs backup.sh script, and saves output of the backup commands to the bottom of textfile backup.log.txt
# m h dom mon dow command
0 4 * * * /root/backup.sh >> /root/backup.log.txt 2>&1
- For changing to
directory, type:cd /root
- for editing backup.sh file, type:
nano backup.sh
- For saving in nano, press Ctrl-o Enter
- For exiting nano, press Ctrl-x Enter
- Set every .sh file as executeable, for example:
chmod +x backup.sh
This is content of backup.sh
script. It runs all the other backup scripts.
If you do not need to backup rocketchat or website, or do not need to use rclone,
you don't need to add those command lines at all.
cd /root
rclone move backups cloudname:backup.example.com
More about rclone:
/root/rclone-ls-all.sh , shows directory contests at cloud:
rclone lsd cloudname:
In this example, cron does run backup scripts as root.
This is if you edit cron with command crontab -e
as root user,
so it edits the cron of root user.
If mongodump command works as normal user for you, you could instead
run backups as normal user, by exiting root user with exit
then as normal user editing cron with crontab -e
You can also list current cron with command crontab -l
If you like to backup Wekan snap settings with this command, then it only works with sudo at front, or as a root user without sudo at front.
sudo snap get wekan > snap-settings.txt
This below is backup script for backing up Wekan.
# Backups will be created below this directory.
# Gets the version of the snap.
version=$(snap list | grep wekan | awk -F ' ' '{print $3}')
# Gets current time to variable "now"
now=$(date +'%Y-%m-%d_%H.%M.%S')
# Creates new backup directory like BACKUPDIR/BACKUPVERSIO-TIMENOW
mkdir -p $backupdir/$version-$now
# Targets the dump file.
# Changes to backup directory
cd $backupdir/$version-$now
# Backup Caddy settings
snap get wekan > snap-settings.txt
# Show text that database backup is in progress
printf "\nThe database backup is in progress.\n\n"
# Backup to current directory, creates subdirectory called "dump"
# with database dump files
mongodump --port 27019
# Change diretory (=cd) to parent directory
cd ..
# Show text "Makes the tar.gz archive file"
printf "\nMakes the tar.gz archive file.\n"
# Creates tar.gz archive file. This works similarly like creating .zip file.
tar -zcvf $version-$now.tar.gz $version-$now
# Delete temporary files that have already been
# compressed to above tar.gz file
rm -rf $version-$now
# Shows text "Backup done."
printf "\nBackup done.\n"
# Show where backup archive file is.
echo "Backup is archived to .tar.gz file at $backupdir/${version}-${now}.tar.gz"
# Checks is the user is sudo/root
if [ "$UID" -ne "0" ]
echo "This program must be launched with sudo/root."
exit 1
# Starts
# Gets the version of the snap.
version=$(snap list | grep wekan | awk -F ' ' '{print $3}')
# Prepares.
now=$(date +'%Y-%m-%d_%H.%M.%S')
mkdir -p $backupdir/$version-$now
# Targets the dump file.
# Makes the backup.
cd $backupdir/$version-$now
printf "\nThe database backup is in progress.\n\n"
$dump --port 27017
# Makes the tar.gz file.
cd ..
printf "\nMakes the tar.gz file.\n"
tar -zcvf $version-$now.tar.gz $version-$now
# Cleanups
rm -rf $version-$now
# End.
printf "\nBackup done.\n"
echo "Backup is archived to .tar.gz file at $backupdir/${version}-${now}.tar.gz"
# Checks is the user is sudo/root
if [ "$UID" -ne "0" ]
echo "This program must be launched with sudo/root."
exit 1
# Starts
# Gets the version of the snap.
version=$(snap list | grep wekan | awk -F ' ' '{print $3}')
# Prepares.
now=$(date +'%Y-%m-%d_%H.%M.%S')
mkdir -p $backupdir/$version-$now
# Makes the backup.
cd $backupdir/$version-$now
printf "\nThe file backup is in progress.\n\n"
# Makes the tar.gz file.
cd ..
printf "\nMakes the tar.gz file.\n"
cp -pR /var/snap/wekan/common/example.com $version-$now
tar -zcvf $version-$now.tar.gz $version-$now
# Cleanups
rm -rf $version-$now
# End.
printf "\nBackup done.\n"
echo "Backup is archived to .tar.gz file at $backupdir/${version}-${now}.tar.gz"
# Checks is the user is sudo/root
if [ "$UID" -ne "0" ]
echo "This program must be launched with sudo/root."
exit 1
# Starts
chat.example.com {
proxy / localhost:3000 {
https://boards.example.com {
proxy / localhost:3001 {
example.com {
root /var/snap/wekan/common/example.com
fastcgi / /var/run/php/php7.0-fpm.sock php
matomo.example.com {
root /var/snap/wekan/common/matomo.example.com
fastcgi / /var/run/php/php7.0-fpm.sock php
# Example CloudFlare free wildcard SSL Origin Certificate, there is example.com.pem at certificates directory with private key at to and cert at bottom.
http://example.com https://example.com {
tls {
load /var/snap/wekan/common/certificates
alpn http/1.1
root /var/snap/wekan/common/example.com
static.example.com {
root /var/snap/wekan/common/static.example.com
Related talk, search for "mongodb" this page: https://fosdem.org/2020/schedule/events/
There is this:
Percona Backup for MongoDB: Status and Plans
Open Source solution for consistent backups of multi-shard MongoDB
Creating a backup while the grain is running could cause corruption.
Note: Do mongodump/mongorestore only when Wekan is stopped: wekan.wekan (Snap) or wekan-app (Docker).
- From new Wekan export all boards to Wekan JSON.
- Backup new Wekan with mongodump.
- Backup old Wekan with mongodump.
- Restore old Wekan data to new Wekan with mongorestore.
- Restore new Wekan JSON exported boards by importing them.
Wekan web UI Import/Export JSON does not have all content currently. To upgrade from old Wekan version, use mongodump/mongorestore to newest Wekan, like described below.
To import big JSON file, on Linux you can use xclip to copy textfile to clipboard:
sudo apt-get install xclip
cat board.json | xclip -se c
Then paste to webbrowser Wekan Add Board / Import / From previous export.
You can save all MongoDB database content as JSON files. Files are base64 encoded in JSON files.
Export board to Wekan JSON, and import as Wekan JSON can make some part of board to load, but you should check is some data missing.
With Wekan Snap, you can use nosqlbooster GUI to login through SSH to Wekan server localhost port 27019 and browse data.
You could use daff to compare tables.
Add to your ~/.bashrc
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/snap/wekan/current/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
export PATH="$PATH:/snap/wekan/current/bin"
Then you can backup:
mongodump --port 27019
And restore:
mongorestore --drop --port 27019
version=$(snap list | grep wekan | awk -F ' ' '{print $3}')
$mongo --port 27019
Originally from https://github.com/wekan/wekan-snap/issues/62#issuecomment-470622601
export LC_ALL=C
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/snap/wekan/current/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
version=$(snap list | grep wekan | awk -F ' ' '{print $3}')
now=$(date +"%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
error () {
printf "%s: %s\n" "$(basename "${BASH_SOURCE}")" "${1}" >&2
exit 1
trap 'error "An unexpected error occurred."' ERR
take_backup () {
mkdir -p "${backup_dir}"
cd "${backup_dir}"
/snap/wekan/$version/bin/mongodump --quiet --port 27019
cd ..
tar -zcf "${now}.tar.gz" "${now}"
rm -rf "${now}"
printf "\n======================================================================="
printf "\nWekan Backup"
printf "\n======================================================================="
printf "\nBackup in progress..."
take_backup 2> "${log_file}"
if [[ -s "${log_file}" ]]
printf "\nBackup failure! Check ${log_file} for more information."
printf "\n=======================================================================\n\n"
rm "${log_file}"
printf "...SUCCESS!\n"
printf "Backup created at ${backup_dir}.tar.gz"
printf "\n=======================================================================\n\n"
export LC_ALL=C
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/snap/wekan/current/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
ext=$"$(basename $file)"
cd "${parentDir}"
printf "\nMakes the untar of the archive.\n"
tar -zxvf "${file}"
version=$(snap list | grep wekan | awk -F ' ' '{print $3}')
printf "\nThe database restore is in progress.\n\n"
## Only if you get errors about existing indexes, use this below instead:
## $restore --quiet --drop --noIndexRestore -d wekan --port 27019 "${file}/dump/wekan"
$restore --quiet --drop -d wekan --port 27019 "${file}/dump/wekan"
rm -rf "${file}"
printf "\nRestore done.\n"
makesRestore $1
# Gets the version of the snap.
version=$(snap list | grep wekan | awk -F ' ' '{print $3}')
# Prepares.
now=$(date +'%Y-%m-%d_%H.%M.%S')
mkdir -p /var/backups/wekan/$version-$now
# Targets the dump file.
# Makes the backup.
cd /var/backups/wekan/$version-$now
printf "\nThe database backup is in progress.\n\n"
$dump --port 27019
# Makes the tar.gz file.
cd ..
printf "\nMakes the tar.gz file.\n"
tar -zcvf $version-$now.tar.gz $version-$now
# Cleanups
rm -rf $version-$now
# End.
printf "\nBackup done.\n"
echo "Backup is archived to .tar.gz file at /var/backups/wekan/${version}-${now}.tar.gz"
# Checks is the user is sudo/root
if [ "$UID" -ne "0" ]
echo "This program must be launched with sudo/root."
exit 1
# Starts
# Prepares the folder used for the backup.
if [[ "$file" != *tar.gz* ]]
echo "The backup archive must be a tar.gz."
exit -1
# Goes into the parent directory.
ext=$"$(basename $file)"
cd $parentDir
# Untar the archive.
printf "\nMakes the untar of the archive.\n"
tar -zxvf $file
# Gets the version of the snap.
version=$(snap list | grep wekan | awk -F ' ' '{print $3}')
# Targets the dump file.
# Restores.
printf "\nThe database restore is in progress.\n\n"
## Only if you get errors about existing indexes, use this below instead:
## $restore --drop --noIndexRestore wekan --port 27019 $file/dump/wekan
$restore --drop wekan --port 27019 $file/dump/wekan
printf "\nRestore done.\n"
# Cleanups
rm -rf $file
# Checks is the user is sudo/root.
if [ "$UID" -ne "0" ]
echo "This program must be launched with sudo/root."
exit 1
# Start.
makesRestore $1
Download Wekan grain with arrow down download button to .zip file. You can restore it later.
- About
- No UI major redesign
- Test Edge
- IRC FAQ - answers to questions asked at IRC
- Roadmap - board at Wekan demo
- Team
- Press
- Blog
- NOT related to Wekan
- Wekan vs Trello vs Restyaboard
- Features
- Custom Logo
- Gantt Chart
- Admin: Impersonate user
- Emoji etc syntax
- Numbered text syntax
- Time Tracking
- Subtasks <== Has fix
- Templates
- Archive and Delete
- Adding Users
- Keycloak
- Google login
- Azure
- OAuth2, Auth0, GitLab, RocketChat
- Oracle OIM on premise using OAuth2
- ADFS 4.0 using OAuth2 and OpenID
- Nextcloud
- CAS Please test
- SAML Please test
- Custom Fields
- Due Date
- Forgot Password
- Requirements
- Translations
- Roadmap
- Fix Export board menu not visible on some boards
- Integrations
- RAM usage
- Demo
- Swimlane Documentation
- Wekan Markdown
- Download Wekan for various Platforms: Supported by xet7, Operating Systems, NAS, Cloud
- Example: New card with Python3 and REST API
- Python client to REST API
- Java
- Wekan Sandstorm cards to CSV using Python
- Excel and VBA
- Global Webhook
- Limiting Webhook data
- Receiving Webhooks
- Outgoing Webhook to Discord/Slack/RocketChat/Riot
- Outgoing Webhook to NodeRed
- Outgoing Webhook to PowerShell
- Security: Webhook and CA
- Outgoing Webhooks Data
- Outgoing Webhooks and Let's Encrypt
- Outgoing Webhooks Original Pull Request, multiple Webhooks, more parameters and response order