This package contains:
- 1 library called
; - and 3 + 1 executables:
- For message generation as Haskell data types:
- For vehicle control:
- To follow a given target:
- To perform a given task:
- To follow a given target:
- For message generation as Haskell data types:
The library is used by the vehicle control executables and is intended to be the main contribution of this package. It is structured as:
- Control
- BehaviorTree
- Subscribe
- Utils
- Maneuvers
- FollowRef
- Base
- Messages
- Network
- Control
The library comes with a set of messages pre-included, but you can customize it as you need. To (re)generate messages, check the executable extractIMC
, by running for example:
$ cabal run extractIMC -- -?
- To build:
$ cabal build
- To load the library into GHCi:
$ cabal repl
- Check the help of the executables with, for example:
$ cabal run followSys -- -?
- Profiling: First, create a file called "cabal.project.local" and insert the following line:
profiling: True
Then, run your program with:
cabal run --enable-profiling <executable> -- <arguments and options> +RTS -p