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Adam Ginsburg edited this page Jun 16, 2015 · 1 revision



  1. Discussed whether ADS/DOI info should be a prerequisite for submission to the database and concluded that it should be
  2. New data tables by CaraBattersby, SimonGLover, MarkHeyer, AndreaGiannetti, BenoitCommercon, DanielWalker, TonyWong


  1. Axis label symbology fixed
  2. Default plot ranges fixed
  3. Discussed how to plot simulation tracks. Rendered contours popular, although would require extensive rewrite of plotting routines. Ways to plot tracks as lines of varying thickness also suggested, with points of different size at start and finish to indicate time’s arrow


  1. Background image made static
  2. Sim/Obs, Gal/Extragal buttons changed to radio buttons
  3. Added mandatory email address requirement to submit form
  4. Added ADS URL/DOI to submit form