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Stefano Azzolini edited this page Aug 25, 2014 · 6 revisions

The Shell class can be used to execute OS commands.

Executing a command

The Shell class permits the invocation of shell commands via dynamic static methods.

Examples :

Run the cal command :

echo Shell::cal();

This outputs :

    Agosto 2014
Do Lu Ma Me Gi Ve Sa
                1  2
 3  4  5  6  7  8  9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Passing a string

You can send multiple arguments to the command by passing parameters to the method.

echo Shell::ls('-la ./');

// or

echo Shell::ls('-la', './');

Passing an array

If an array is passed as an argument it will be interpreted as an options map :

echo Shell::example_command([
    'username' => 'Gordon Freeman',
    'debug' => false,
    'profile' => true,
],'other commands');

Compiles to :

/usr/bin/env example_command --silent --username='Gordon Freeman' --profile other commands

Passing a Shell object

If a Shell object is passed as an argument it will be compiled ad a direct evaluation subcommand :


Compiles to :

cal | /usr/bin/env grep $(/usr/bin/env date +%d)

Lazy Execution

Shell command are not invoked immediately, but only on result evaluation (lazy invocation). You can store the prepared command in a variable for multiple use.

To invoke the command you must force the evaluation to string or call the run method;

// Not executed.
$command = Shell::cal();

// Not executed.

// Not executed.

// Executed.

// Executed.

// Executed.
$x = $command . '';

Get the compiled shell command

You can retrieve the compiled shell command via the getShellCommand method.

echo Shell::sed('-e','"s/^ *//"','-e','"s/ *$//"')->getShellCommand();


/usr/bin/env sed -e "s/^ *//" -e "s/ *$//"

Command piping

If you want to concatenate multiple commands in a pipeline you must use the pipe method.

echo Shell::pipe(
  Shell::sed('-e','"s/^ *//"','-e','"s/ *$//"')

The compiled command is :

cal | /usr/bin/env grep -E "\d{4}" | /usr/bin/env sed -e "s/^ *//" -e "s/ *$//"

The output :

August 2014

Command sequencing

Similar to command piping you can concatenate multiple shell commands via logical implication ( && ) using the sequence method.

echo Shell::sequence(
  Shell::nginx('-s reload')

The compiled command is :

/usr/bin/env nginx -t && /usr/bin/env nginx -s reload

Command aliases

You can create an alias to a complex or dynamic shell command via the alias method.

    return Shell::sed('-e','"s/^ *//"','-e','"s/ *$//"');

Now you can use the alias trim as if it was a real command, when invoked the the callback will be called and the resulting Shell object (or raw command if you return a string) will be used in place of the alias.


echo Shell::pipe(

Compiles as :

cal | /usr/bin/env grep -E "\d{4}" | /usr/bin/env sed -e "s/^ *//" -e "s/ *$//"

Another example are some git aliases for an easy deploy system:

Shell::alias('gitCommit',function($commit_message = 'Save'){
    return Shell::sequence(
        Shell::git('add -A'),
        Shell::git('commit -am',Shell::escape($commit_message))

Shell::alias('gitCommitAndPush',function($commit_message = 'Save'){
    return Shell::sequence(

Now you can "save" your work with : Shell::gitCommit() or with a commit message Shell::gitCommit("Latest fixes.");

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