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Stefano Azzolini edited this page May 24, 2016 · 8 revisions

The Check module allow you to validate data in a easy way.

Validate data

The valid method check passed keys with the defined methods, in cascade.

The methods are a ordered priority list separated by |. You can pass comma separated , parameters to a method with the methodname:param1,param2,"param string 3" syntax.

if (!Check::valid([
  'username' => 'required',
  'email'    => 'required | email',
  'age'      => 'required | numeric | in_range:18,90',
  'phone'    => 'numeric',
], $data_to_validate)){
   echo "Errors: " . print_r(Check::errors(),true);
} else {
   echo "OK!";

Define a validation method

You can define a validation method via the Check::method($name, $definition) method.

Check::method('limit_to', [
  'validate' => function($value,$max) {
     return strlen($value) <= $max;
  'message' => "Too many characters, max count is {{arg_1}}.",

A core.check.error.<METHOD_NAME> Filter is automatically created for the error message.

  return "Il campo può essere lungo al massimo {{arg_1}} caratteri!";

You can pass multiple methods in a single call via a name => definition associative array.

  'max' => [
    'validate' => function($value, $limit) {
       return $value <= $limit;
    'message' => "Must be less than {{arg_1}}.",
  'min' => [
    'validate' => function($value, $limit) {
       return $value >= $limit;
    'message' => "Must be greater than {{arg_1}}.",

Methods are initialized on-demand, so it's preferable to define them in the core.check.init event.

  Check::method('limit_to', [
    'validate' => function($value,$max) {
       return strlen($value) <= $max;
    'message' => "Too many characters, max count is {{arg_1}}.",

Validation methods can have parameters passed to them, you can define them after the first one which is always the full value.

Check::method('in_range', function($value,$min,$max){
  return (($value>=$min)&&($value<=$max)) ? true : "This value must be in [$min,$max] range.";

Built-in methods

Method Parameters Description
required The value is required (int(0) is accepted)
alphanumeric The value must contains only alphanumeric characters (RegEx: \w)
numeric The value must be a number
email The value must be a valid email
url The value must be a valid URL
max limit The value must be less than limit
min limit The value must be greater than limit
words limit There must be less or equal than limit words.
length limit There must be equal than limit characters.
min_length limit There must be greater or equal than limit characters.
max_length limit There must be less or equal than limit characters.
range min , max The value is must be between or equal to [ min , max ] range
true The value must be true (check PHP manual for trueness evaluation)
false The value must be false (check PHP manual for trueness evaluation)
same_as field_name The value must be the same as the field_name value
in_array [value, value, value ....] The value must be one of the defined in passed array (use JSON syntax)


  'username'    => 'required',
  'password'    => 'required',
  'password_v'  => 'required | same_as:"password"',
  'level'       => 'required | in_array:["GUEST","USER","ADMIN"]',
], Request::data()) || echo "Errors: " . print_r(Check::errors(),true);
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