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3rd Meeting 27.02.2020

zeritte edited this page Jul 19, 2020 · 11 revisions

Time & Location

  • February 27th 2020, 13pm - 14pm
  • BM Lounge


  • Berkay Alkan
  • Koray Çetin
  • Çağrı Çiftçi
  • Burak Çuhadar
  • Emre Girgin
  • Katariina Korolainen
  • Mehmet Erdinç Oğuz
  • Ali Berke Özdemir
  • Muhammed Olcayto Türker
  • Eylül Yalçınkaya


  1. Going over Assignment1’s feedback and assigning necessary tasks.
  2. Going over requirements’ feedback and assigning necessary tasks.
  3. Discussion on scenarios and mockups.
  4. Discussion on questions about the requirements.


  1. Assignment1’s feedback was discussed. Several changes were decided on:
    • There will be a checklist for meeting attendees in the meeting notes.
    • Discussion items will be written in a more detailed way.
    • Issues will always have a description, at least one assignee and a deadline.
    • Personal wiki pages should be more personalized.
    • Communicator will be specified in wiki page.
    • Team members will brainstorm on project name and logo.
    • Missing information in communication plan will be filled.
  2. Requirements’ feedback was discussed, team members are assigned to change the requirements according to the feedback.
  3. Scenarios and mock-ups were discussed.
    • 3 scenarios will be created for 3 user types: customer, vendor, guest.
    • Guest scenario will take place in mobile application while customer and vendor scenarios will be in web application.
    • Mockup pages will include figures explaining the scenario to the customer.
  4. Questions on the requirements were discussed. More questions will be written by members who have not already submitted their questions.

Action Items

Task No. Person Task Deadline Completion time
1 Mehmet Erdinç Oğuz Creating issues derived during meeting 04.03.2020 Wednesday @23.59 28.02.2020 Friday @22.15
2 Çağrı Çiftçi, Burak Çuhadar Fixing requirements according to the feedback 02.03.2020 Monday @23.59 02.03.2020 Monday @22.18
3 Eylül Yalçınkaya Creating this week’s meeting notes 28.02.2020 Friday @23.59 27.02.2020 Thursday @16.00
4 Eylül Yalçınkaya Fixing the communication plan 28.02.2020 Friday @23.59 28.02.2020 Friday @14.00
5 Ali Berke Özdemir Creating next week’s meeting agenda 04.03.2020 Wednesday @23.59 05.03.2020 Thursday @07:00
6 Berkay Alkan, Muhammed Olcayto Türker Creating a scenario with a customer and web application 01.03.2020 Sunday @23.59 01.03.2020 Sunday @23.55
7 Emre Girgin Creating a scenario with a vendor and web application 01.03.2020 Sunday @23.59 29.02.2020 Saturday @2:00 PM
8 Katariina Korolainen, Mehmet Erdinç Oğuz Creating a scenario with a guest and mobile application 01.03.2020 Sunday @23.59 01.03.2020 Sunday @23.55
9 Ali Berke Özdemir, Koray Çetin Asking questions on requirements to the customer 02.03.2020 Monday @23.59 03.03.2020 Tuesday @13:00
10 Everyone Brainstorming on project name and logo 29.02.2020 Saturday @23.59 Not completed yet
11 Everyone Writing questions on requirements 29.02.2020 Saturday @23.59 Not completed yet

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